Lux's Farewell

Chapter 284 Ending·Departure

Chapter 284 Ending·Departure
North Shurima, Nashramme, Fair of Light.

A graceful figure is like a dexterous fish, shuttling between the large and small stalls in this market. Although his face is covered with the latest silk mask, he still attracts people firmly like a magnet. caught the eyes of the surrounding male creatures.

And just as they were stunned, this slender figure had quietly disappeared at the end of the market. Some lost people began to whisper and inquire about her identity and origin, but in the end they only knew her name , seems to be called Cassiopeia.


Cassiopeia returned to the private house she bought in Nashilami.

After Zaun suffered a disastrous defeat, she was always worried about the punishment from within Black Rose. After she followed her mother to join this mysterious organization, she had seen many terrible executions, but before that, Cassiopeia never thought that this kind of execution might happen to her.

The fearful Cassiopeia chose to escape, and she persuaded Tyrone with her family affection, asking him to take her to flee Zaun, fled to Belguen, and headed west all the way to Nasramme.

Of course, escaping is not the way to avoid punishment. Cassiopeia knows very well that the punishment of Black Rose cannot be easily avoided by running away—the reason why she came to Nashilami is because she wants to start from here again. Find a way to get yourself out of punishment.

In the library of Noxus, she has read many books and documents about the history of Shurima, but most of the descriptions are exaggerated, as if the Shurima Empire was full of people walking in the mortal world. gods.

Cassiopeia scoffed at this statement. If Shurima is really full of gods, why did the empire fall?

Therefore, from Cassiopeia's point of view, those exaggerated words should be the product of people mixing history and mythology together.

However, the encounter in Zaun gave Cassiopeia a slap in the face.

In Belgun, Cassiopeia finally breathed a sigh of relief. When she recalled the whole incident, she unexpectedly found that the description of the Cyclops was exactly the same as the record of the construct in Shurima!
Under such circumstances, Cassiopeia had to come up with a subtle idea—could all those exaggerated records about the Shurima Empire in history be true?
Cassiopeia, who realized this, was quite surprised, and in addition to being surprised, she couldn't help but tremble with excitement. She remembered that when she was a spy in the Piltover Adventurers Association, she heard from many explorers that to the story.

Although Cassiopeia was listening to it for entertainment at that time, but now that I think about it, maybe those stories... also contain some amazing secrets!
And as long as I can see through one of the secrets, its value is enough to make up for my mistakes and save myself from being cruelly punished by the black rose!
So, while Cassiopeia recorded the information she got in a form similar to a memoir, she temporarily took root in Nashlami and began to adapt to the desert life in Shurima.

This adaptation is three years.

In three years, she sorted out a lot of notes, and then destroyed most of them—it turns out that bragging can almost be regarded as a human instinct in front of a beautiful opposite sex, and the information that Cassiopeia sorted out with great difficulty , more than [-]% can confirm that it is pure nonsense with a simple inquiry.

And of the remaining [-]%, [-]% simply changed the names of the myths and legends from various places, and replaced the protagonist with their own cowhide. This kind of story itself has certain references, but the references are quite limited.

There are only a handful of stories that may actually harbor legends about certain treasures and powers.

Unfortunately, because of the retelling, Cassiopeia couldn't find any clues for any legends with certain language or puns. Only those relatively direct stories with a clear follow-up could give Cassio Peja had a little hope.

During this period, Cassiopeia is also paying attention to the situation in Zaun, to see if she can go back and find out, but because she is no longer qualified to mobilize war masons, the main way she pays attention to Zaun is to Relying on the Piltover Daily—she was able to read the Piltover Daily ten days ago through the merchant ships plying between Nasheramme and Piltover.

Later, the Zaun Daily from ten days ago was added to her subscription list.

It's a pity that Cassiopeia, who wanted to see Zaun's misfortune, failed to realize her wish. In the past three years, Zaun has flourished. Ann's achievements in some aspects.

Cassiopeia, who is very clear about the relationship between the two parties, naturally knows that when the people of Piltover have to be eccentric and affirmative at the same time, instead of wanton criticism or false praise, the situation in Zaun may really be very different from before. Same again.

For this, Cassiopeia was quite disappointed, but there was nothing she could do.

Good luck to the people of Zaun!

Taking out the key and opening the door of the room, Cassiopeia returned to her residence in Nashilami.

After putting away the keys, she took off her veil, stretched out on the recliner, and unfolded the newspaper she brought back from the port today.

In yesterday's newspaper, she saw a rare piece of news about Noxus—although it was not good news, it was "Zuan and Piltover smashed the conspiracy of Noxus". The news of Sass' failure, but Cassiopeia still read it with gusto.

And after today's two newspapers were unfolded, Cassiopeia finally straightened up, jumping up from the couch.

In the newspaper she received today, she saw two identical headlines.

"Several Visions for Rebuilding Vazuan"

Zaun and Piltover were once Oshra Varzuan, and Cassiopeia knew that.

However, even if she knew this, when she saw the two identical titles, she was still too surprised to speak.

Even though she knew that some time ago, Piltover and Zaun cooperated to a limited extent to jointly resist a premeditated invasion of Noxus "Ionia's rout", but she still couldn't imagine that the two How could this city think of reuniting as Vazuan.

After lurking in Piltover for so long, Cassiopeia is well aware of the huge divergence of interests between the two cities—even if the situation in Zaun has changed, and she has the qualifications to be on an equal footing with Piltover, that is What brought about their union?
Cassiopeia was confused.

She couldn't wait to unfold the newspaper, trying to find some clues from it, but after reading it, the contents were mostly legal declarations and future initiatives, and the words were full of "recast the glory of Shurima, We are obliged to", Cassiopeia couldn't help frowning.

This taste is too strong!

She can be said to be used to it in Nasherami. In this commercial city of Shurima, which is second only to Piltover, Nasheramis can be said to have brought "retro is trendy" to the extreme. , any wealthy family will try their best to use the patterns and styles of the Shurima Empire era on themselves, as if wearing the clothes of that style can return to that era full of glory...

From Cassiopeia's point of view, everyone in the entire Nasslam America seems to be immersed in a kind of fanaticism that is almost paranoid. After they made money, they did not expand the city or form an army. Instead, they were insane. According to the book According to the records on the website, a one-to-one gold-plated sun disc was reconstructed!
Proper spectacle player!
And what makes Cassiopeia even more unbelievable is that with the establishment of the sun disc, Nashilami really ushered in a period of incomprehensible prosperity, and a large number of refugees came to Nashilami to pay their respects. The Xibei goods, under the guidance of the local priests, finally chose to settle nearby.

Through this side of the sun disk, Nashilami really gained a large population!
Is Piltover lacking in population?

However, in Cassiopeia's impression, Piltover's urban welfare is still very good. They will not easily introduce those illiterate Shurima poor who only know how to herd and plant!

For a moment, Cassiopeia was a little puzzled.

After reading the front page article several times, Cassiopeia finally turned over the newspaper and scanned the other pages. Then, she found two almost identical articles again.

The news content of these two articles is also very simple.

The evil Noxus Empire defeated Besilico's heroic rebels with cruel means and despicable plots. However, because of the wolf ambition of the Noxus, Darius, who commanded this army, did not give up after the war. Instead of returning to the dynasty, he stayed in Besilico and established himself as the great commander.

Because this Noxus army takes Besilico as the main core area, it will be called Noxus (Bei) for short; and the original Noxus has the immortal fortress as its core, so it is called Noxus (not ).

According to Mr. Durran who escaped from Besilico, Noxus (Bei) is currently planning to eliminate local nobles and powerful businessmen, and form a completely different administrative system from before, but because of Noxus Texas (Bei) is still in a state of external blockade, and the specific actions are still unknown.

As of the time of publishing the news, Noxus (Bei) has occupied a large area of ​​Noxus (not) territory in the southeastern subcontinent of Valoran. Just one day before the news was sent, Noxus (not) ) Blood Cliff City, an important town in the southeast, surrendered without a fight.

It is reported that on the Noxus (no) side, the empire is gathering troops to crusade, and there is news that the famous general of Noxus (no) and the chief of staff of Noxus (bei) Jericho S. General Du Kekao, who co-chaired the conquest of Shurima under Vain, will lead the army to counter the rebellion when he succeeds the Hand of Noxus.

According to the analysis of military experts, Noxus (bei) and Noxus (cloth) may enter a confrontation on the red river line west of Blood Cliff City in the future...

If Cassiopeia was a little confused by the fact that Piltover and Zaun were going to join forces to become Vazuan before, then the split of Noxus made her completely confused now!

The most outrageous thing is that she was actually in Naslam, through the outdated Zaun newspaper, and saw the news that her father was in the Immortal Fortress.

After reading the newspapers for so many years, Cassiopeia knows very well that the Pilt City newspaper likes nonsense, and the Zaun newspaper likes understatement-and now, the two newspapers have carried out the same report, and the factual part is very likely It is a biased fact.

As for the speculation of "military experts" that Du Kecao will lead the army...

To be honest, Cassiopeia thought so too.

Noxus is huge, and Noxus has many warbands and many warlords.

But there are indeed not many people to choose from who are qualified to be a marshal and lead multiple battle groups to a large-scale campaign.

Unless Darkwill personally stood up to "conquer himself", based on Cassiopeia's understanding of Noxus, her father, Du Kecao, would be the only choice.

This is undoubtedly bad news for Cassiopeia.

It wasn't that she was worried about her father's safety, but that once Du Kecao really led the army to go out, Tai Long, who had been protecting her before, might never stay in Nashilami quietly again.

Realizing this, Cassiopeia's first thought was...or just burn these newspapers.

For Cassiopeia, Tyrone is really important. If it wasn't for Tyrone's protection, she would have died in the hands of the killer bought by Black Rose—and, there is no powerful guy who wants to be in Nara. If Shi Lamei collects information and earns money, I am afraid that Cassiopeia will have to sell herself.

Oh, it seems that selling one’s body is not enough, because of worshiping the Ascension to Martial Empress and because the last emperor of Shurima performed too badly, Nashlame and the nearby Zurita, Bukasha, and Nubrakan are all female cities.

Once Tyrone leaves, Cassiopeia will not only stop her search for the ruins and treasures of Shurima, but even her own safety will not be guaranteed.

However, when she lit the candle and picked up the newspaper, Cassiopeia hesitated rarely.


In the evening, Tyrone returned to the residence with a few books.

"Second Miss, there are no mythological books on the market that we haven't bought or read yet." He took off his mask and said in a low voice, "We've almost bought all of them."

"Forget it, anyway, I already have goals, and those are just supplements." Cassiopeia waved her hand carelessly, "Come and read the newspaper, I rarely saw news from the old man today."

There is only one guy who can be called an old man by Cassiopeia, and that is her father Du Kecao!
Tai Long, who was pouring water for himself and was about to drink some water, widened his eyes when he heard this. He put down the water glass in his hand, stepped forward, grabbed the newspaper, and almost put his eyes on the quilt. On the message circled by Theopeia.

"Dreyus and Swain form a new Noxus? Lord Kekao is going to lead the army?!"

Like Cassiopeia, Tai Long also fell into a short period of sluggishness.

After a while, Tyrone put down the newspaper. With his hands behind his back, he walked around the table again and again, and finally gritted his teeth.

"I'm going to find Lord Kekao." Tai Long finally made up his mind, "Second Miss, let's go back together, now is the time when the empire relies on the marshal—"

"I don't need it." Cassiopeia smiled and shook her head, "The things in Shurima are not over yet!"

"But if you continue here, I'm afraid you will be in danger!"

"Danger? There won't be any danger." Cassiopeia's tone was firm, "I've already contacted the can go to the old man without worry, before you completely defeat that fool and become the sole heir of the Kekao family." , I will not fall!"

Talon seemed about to say something more, but Cassiopeia put her finger to his lips.

"Compared to me, you should pay more attention to your own situation. The situation my silly brother—the old man is facing now is not simple at all!"

In the end, under the persuasion of Cassiopeia, Tai Long packed his bags in a hurry and left Nashilami that night.

And when Cassiopeia, who personally sent him to the pier and returned to the residence, took out the key to open the door, a few slender spider threads on the doorknob caught her attention.

Looking at these spider threads, Cassiopeia narrowed her eyes slightly, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she chose to push the door and enter without hesitation.

On the recliner in the living room, a similarly slim figure is lying on it. A book is "suspended" in front of her. If you look carefully, you will find that the spine of the book is connected by a bunch of slender spider threads. , hanging from the ceiling.

Elise controlled the spider silk to turn the pages, and finally spoke slowly with a lazy voice.

"Our Miss Cassiopeia, finally willing to show up?"

"I have never concealed my tracks." Cassiopeia smiled and sat down at the table, "I am just looking for an opportunity to make a contribution."

"If I didn't know that the guy named Tyrone has been protecting you, maybe I would have believed it!" Elise temporarily moved her eyes away from the book "The Anecdote of Azir", and glanced at Ka Theopeia, "I really didn't expect that you would be willing to give up such a useful tool."

"It's related to the organization, and it's natural to avoid it." Cassiopeia smiled even more, "Besides, it's enough to have Miss Elise's help."

"That's really nice to say, Cassiopeia."

As she spoke, Elise moved her fingers slightly.

In the book in front of her, the pages were snapped shut, and then they were pulled out by the transparent spider silk with a snap, and hit the corner of the wall heavily—and because the spine of the book was stuck by the spider silk, it hit the wall Not only did it make a bang when it was put on, but it also fell apart completely.

At this moment, pieces of paper flew in the room.

"I know Miss Cassiopeia's mission, it has never been easy." Elise, who was dragged by the spider's thread, came to Cassiopeia in a nearly horizontal manner, "A little carelessness, That is beyond redemption!"

"That's why you have to be careful." Cassiopeia didn't even blink her eyes, and there was still a confident smile on her mouth, "It's all for crimes and meritorious service, and it's all for the organization, Ms. Elise, we still need to work hard Concentric...that's it!"

 Concluding remarks·The end of the second volume:

  In the first volume, Lux is still growing and developing, but in the second volume, Piltover's and Zaun become the stage for Lux, allowing her to test her skills.

  I don’t know if any readers have discovered that the second volume is actually a two-line story. Under the story line of Piltover and Zaun, there is a story line of Noxus hidden.

  The transformation of Zaun began with the intervention of Noxus, and the transformation of Piltover began with the defeat of Noxus in Ionia.

  In Runeterra, individual city-states such as Piltover and Zaun may be capable of breeding sources of progress, but with war and peace, foreign invasion and internal strife among the various great powers, this breeding and development is very difficult. stable.

  What A Tale of Two Cities records is not two cities, but a period of internal chaos after the first appearance of hex technology, the reappearance of rune technology, and the defeat of Noxus.

  In order to achieve this little-known effect, the author has been trying to record and describe in various other ways, including third-party narration in newspapers and books, including the intersection and separation of multiple characters and story lines .

  I don't know if readers prefer this, or they prefer to put the camera on Lacus's face and tell Lacus' every frown and smile.

  But...whether you like it or not, the scene in the next volume will finally be given to Lux again. Originally, this volume can write another ten chapters and twenty chapters, but the follow-up stories are somewhat lackluster, and readers There should be something to look forward to, so let's just end here!

  The next volume of "Twenty Thousand Miles of Yellow Sand" will be updated in the middle of the night, so stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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