Lux's Farewell

285 [0281] Vazuan's Trojan Horse Plan

285 [0281] Vazuan's Trojan Horse Plan

While the Twin Cities haven't fully agreed on a few issues, at least to outsiders, they are united.

Witnessed by hundreds of guests from all over Shurima, Vazuan's rebuilding ceremony has just been successfully held - the leaders of the Picheng Council and various departments in Zaun made an oath in front of Jin Yu, the regent of the Shurima Empire. In the name of Vazuan, inherit and carry forward the glory of Shurima.

In Shurima, there are many cities that claim to inherit the glory of Shurima, but this city is the only one that dares to carry forward.

The guests who watched the ceremony couldn't wait to know how Vazuan, a small city that was not in the mainstream circle at all during the Shurima Empire, carried forward the glory of the Shurima Empire.

They were then invited to an "archaeological fair," where they saw a collection of various objects belonging to the "Shurima Empire."

When the person in charge of displaying these objects manipulated these exquisite objects in the same way as many novels and fairy tales, many people's breathing became short of breath, and some people's eyes even turned red on the spot.

Because when the Shurima Empire collapsed, the great library sank under the yellow sand, and later many official libraries were also destroyed in the Darkin War, so although the people of Shurima are looking forward to the once glorious era, but they don't actually know what that era was like.

Even those who have studied history only know some sporadic fragments, such as emphasizing education, digging underground ditches, expanding the area of ​​oases, and so on.

However, due to the way of dissemination, although a large amount of official materials were destroyed, the novels developed in the middle of the Shurima Empire retained the former style of the Shurima Empire from another angle.

To this day, many novels and works from the Shurima Empire period are still the source of culture of the city-states of Shurima today, and the various descriptions and records about the Shurima Empire period in the novels may have been written by the author at the beginning. There are many words, but now it has become the lucky light of that glorious era.

Now in Shurima, no one has yet been able to rebuild the empire again.

Therefore, every city-state that claims to be orthodox in Shurima will imitate that era as much as possible, in order to attract more desert wanderers to join and gain valuable human resources.

Objectively speaking, this kind of behavior of blindly adoring the ancients has locked the development prospects of these Shurima city-states to a large extent, because there is a powerful Shurima Empire in front of them, and the current Shurima city-states want to For development, the first priority is to "do it not look like the original Shurima Empire".

Most Shurimans know how prosperous the empire was once, so when the ruler of a city-state wants to reform, the obstacles it faces are unimaginable.

Military reform, can you reform an army that surpasses the Ascension Legion?

Building reform, can you rebuild the countless oases that run through the continent?

Economic reform, can you afford the basic security of the empire?

Political reform, can you build a greater empire?
The brilliance of "ancient" is still dazzling even after a thousand years of time, and worshiping ancient times has naturally become a popular necessity.

Even today, Shurima is not without heart, it's just that no one can be recognized as that heart now, that's all.

Therefore, any city-state with a little ambition will claim to be the orthodoxy of Shurima, because if there is a regime that is truly recognized by most Shurima people, then it really has a chance to unify Shurima.

It's just that although everyone is imitating, but because of the fault of civilization, this kind of imitation seems closer to a kind of "spectacle cosplay", and because of the lack of technical support, this kind of cosply is quite clumsy, and it can only deceive people who don't know much .

But now, things are different.

Vazuan took out many appliances recorded in novels that can fully realize their functions!
To use a not particularly appropriate analogy, this is simply like a belt that can really transform into a Kamen Rider or a VR suit that can really enter an oasis. It still made it difficult for these guests to hold the ceremony.

Then, just as their hearts were pounding, Vazuan announced that all of these would be opened to all Shurima cities along with the follow-up Vazuan trade, "Let everyone join hands and find the lost glory together."

If cities like Nasirami and Zurita produced these things, I am afraid that other cities would tacitly resist or even discredit them, but Vazuan is different. This place was a remote place during the empire period!

Those who really care about this culture look down on Vazuan, so in this matter, Vazuan is just a producer and will not participate in subsequent competition.

In everyone's opinion, Vazuan has deviated from the way of the former Shurima Empire, so even if it is rich, it is not a competitor!
After realizing this, the attitudes of the envoys who watched the ceremony quickly became enthusiastic.

Vazuan also provided everyone with a quotation.

After receiving the quotation, many of Xiao Chen Bang's emissaries began to feel guilty as long as they glanced at it.

For example, this set of night lights, although the pattern on it cannot be done by other city-states by hand, the material is also a reliable copper alloy, and it can also build supporting power generation facilities, which can be done like the Shurima Empire once. The street lamps reflect the clouds, and the old people come outside the window, but the price of each lamp plus a lamppost is three crazy gold hexes, and the power plant will be calculated separately!
It’s not that Piltover has tried to sell street lights, but other city-states have too limited demand for them. Except for a few really rich cities such as Naszlam, Belguen, etc., other nights are full of It's pitch black, and there are at most a few oil lamps with locks on the main road!

For them, street lights are not critical at all.

But for a big city like Naslam, things are completely different-compared to the sun disc, which is useless except for looking good, at least the things provided by Vazuan, it is true. The very useful!

Although the guests at the ceremony in Nasrammi did not understand how Vazuan forcibly restored so many objects from the era of the Shurima Empire with an empty shell, but he really confirmed it repeatedly. Indeed, exactly as recorded.

Other cities have no money, but as a transit port and rich in silk and precious stones, Nashilami is very rich. After a rough estimate, the price of that sun disc is enough to build half of Nashilami. The street lights are up!
And if we adopt the method of investing in batches and developing a little bit, maybe one day, Nashilami can really transform a part of the urban area into the utopia in the hearts of the Shurima people.

Nasirami may not be rich, but Nasherami's Harbor Governor is not short of money at all. If she spends money, she can have a chance to become the second Ascension Empress. But if she frowns, she will feel sorry for her body. Setaka bloodline (proclaimed).

As for those small city-states who can't afford complete sets of objects to build Utopia, Vazuan also has countermeasures.

A complete set is unaffordable, but the next best thing is okay—ordinary people can't afford it or use it, but decent people like the Governor of the Harbor or the Governor of the City are more than enough to buy a set for themselves, right?
Although it is not easy to book an order that is too small, don’t worry, our caravan will pass by with all kinds of products. As long as we give normal tax treatment, we have sufficient stock here. If the stock is not enough, the next discount will be offered. This can be written into the contract!
All of a sudden, all the envoys watching the ceremony were excited, wishing to buy a large number of various products on the spot and go back.

However, these envoys immersed in the joy of buying, buying, and buying did not realize that these objects that can make people live in the glory of Shurima are actually just poison smeared with honey, a terrible Trojan horse trick.

Vazuan didn't make much money on these things. Although they are expensive, they are absolutely conscience prices and cost prices.

From the very beginning, Vazuan never thought of making money from this stuff. For Vazuan, these things are just a stepping stone to open the door to trade and a giant Trojan horse to deceive the city of Troy.

Inside this Trojan horse, it is full of cheap goods made by industrial production.

Once the gates of trade are opened and the exclusive city walls are occupied, the subsequent products of Vazuan will completely overwhelm their home market.


On the third day after the fair, the port terminal in Piltover was full of people.

Today is the day when envoys from various countries leave.

After the expo, even the smallest city-states reached a specific plan with Vazuan on caravan cooperation. Local tyrant cities such as Nashilami and Kumanggra even introduced quite a few caravans with a wave of their hands. "Products of the Shurima Empire".

So in the past two days, the president of the Zaun Trade Association, Big Nose Sandra, and the chairman of the Piltover Chamber of Commerce and Trade, Nondo, have been busy almost without touching the ground.

Seeing that the last ship bound for Kalamanda had finally left the port, the two looked at each other and decided to have a glass of wine together to relax.

In the end, at the invitation of Sandro, Nondo came with him to Fulgan's Tavern, and had a good drink at a table in a corner.

Drinking to the fullest, even these two guys were warned for crying and howling without alcohol-Fulgan's Tavern was sold out when Vandel took office, but it is still a symbol of Zaun Sexual architecture, howling ghosts and wolves in this kind of place is really not something to boast about.

The waiter who came to warn them must not have imagined that just a few days ago, these two people were like enemies, arguing about the economic order of Vazuan, and even almost staged a full-scale martial arts at the negotiation venue.

Facts have proved that in the face of huge profit margins, businessmen are often the first to let go of their grudges. Compared with businessmen, Caitlin and Wei, who had a good relationship before, met again after Vazuan was established. , There is only the embarrassment of looking at each other silently.

In the past, the two belonged to two cities, but they could often communicate without any worries, but now that we are colleagues, the topic has no reason.

After the security work for the guests was over, the two came to the re-opened Poro Cafe. After a long silence, Caitlin found the topic.

"Can you tell me about Miss Lacus? Now her story should no longer be a secret, right?"

"Of course." Vi nodded and downed a cup of coffee directly, "Lax's words...she is a very amazing person, even when I first met her, we had a fight— —”



Zaun and Picheng merged into one, raising the banner of Shurima heritage.

In name, it spreads the glory of the past, but in fact it contains commercial Trojan horse tricks.

Sandro and Nondo cherish each other, and Caitlin and Vi grow closer.

Victor's treatment went well, and Jess and Mel got married.

Explosively sorting out the documents left behind, Ike planned to surprise her.

Shirko quietly hid behind the scenes, and Fandel was rejected by the children.

Renata learns Hex theory, and Zeli's class is changed to self-study.

Camille still walks in the dust, and Heimerdinger returns to education.

From confrontation to war to peace, from division to confrontation to unity.

And Lacus, who directed the whole A Tale of Two Cities, quietly left the city with Ino on the eve of the farewell dinner, and quietly boarded a cargo ship bound for Belguen. Set sail in the dark, and go all the way west from then on.

Going to Jushen Peak here, it should be [-] miles of yellow sand!
 Karya's Small Classroom Shurima City-State's Trade Barriers:

  Piltover started ocean trade a long time ago, but in fact, few city-states are willing to start large-scale transactions with Piltover—heavy import and export duties, various currencies that are difficult to exchange, and inconvenient to outsiders. The combination of reassuring local protectionism and improper competition from well-connected local merchants constituted Shurima's original trade barriers.

  Plus more 29/30!

  Oh, this chapter was passed on to the wrong page...but it's about the same.

(End of this chapter)

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