Lux's Farewell

Chapter 286 [0282]

Chapter 286 [0282]
Traveling southwest from Zaun, after a five-day voyage, the cargo ship arrived in Belgun.

Lux and Ino slipped off the ship quietly before the ship entered the port, and entered the city of Belgun on a floe made by Ino.

Looking at the familiar Knox Stola, Lacus and Ino both heaved a sigh of relief.

In the past few days on the boat, the life of the two of them is not very easy. Although Ino can make fresh water, but because of sneaking away, the two of them can only eat dry food, and the cabin of the cargo ship is small. A little bit seasick...

Combining various factors, the journey of the two of them can be said to be unpleasant at all.

Fortunately, we have finally arrived in Belguen smoothly, and the days of suffering are finally over!

Guessing what they were thinking, Karya couldn't help but let out a sneer.

"Treasure your life now." There was a hint of gloating in his tone, "When you enter the desert, you will understand what a life of suffering is!"

"Got it, got it." Lux rolled her eyes impatiently, "You've been talking about the desert since I was a kid, and I've been listening to it for more than eight years!"

"Yes, it's a pity that you were always yearning for the desert at that time." Kalya skillfully used his trump card, "At that time you still wanted to row a boat in the desert—"

"Shut up!!!"

Kalya's behavior of turning over old scores without incident almost caused Lax to throw her sword out on the spot - and after seeing Ino's smile, she became even more upset.

In this case, Karya decided enough was enough.

"Okay, no kidding." He cleared his throat and continued, "Next, you need to purchase some supplies before entering the desert. Even if it's the two of you, if you act rashly, you may be completely in danger. Getting lost and even dying in the desert - no matter what, desert travel preparation is essential."

"Mr. Kalya, why do we have to go to the desert?" Ino rarely asked a question, "Actually, we can go directly to Kalamanda by boat, and then turn to Mount Targon?"

"It's possible, but if you do that, Lux probably won't even think about climbing Mount Targon."

"What does this have to do with climbing Mount Targon?" Ino was very puzzled. "Isn't it smoother and more time-saving to take the sea route? Even if Lux gets seasick, you can spend more time in Naslam to recuperate?"

"Because the most critical factor in climbing Mount Targon is not physical strength, but perseverance." Carya explained, "It is almost impossible to reach the peak without the training of will."

"So we need to be able to cross the desert?"

"That's right." Kalya agreed, "There is nothing like the vast sea-like Dasai Desert that can temper people's willpower. Although I believe that you have gone through everything in Zaun, your ideals and beliefs are firm enough, but you have not experienced it. The will to exercise is still difficult to resist the erosion of Targon, and if you want to really climb Targon, crossing the desert can barely be regarded as a simulation exercise."

"There are also deserts in the simulated training, can't we use that training?" When it comes to practice, Lux suddenly thought of a way, "Should the effect be better like this?"

"No!" Kalya immediately objected, "Absolutely not—simulated training cannot be used as will training, and even too much simulated training experience will reduce willpower!"

"Why did this happen?" Lux asked incredulously, "Obviously most of my combat experience comes from simulated training..."

"Simulation training can keep you vigilant in critical moments, and it can also allow you to accumulate combat experience at an extraordinary speed." Carya sighed, "But in essence, simulation training is actually an illusion. Do you believe Only when the simulated training is real can the training effect be obtained."

"And when climbing Mount Targon, do I want to avoid this kind of belief?" Lux had a little understanding, "The test of will to climb Mount Targon is also related to the illusion?"

"Partially related." Kalya hesitated for a moment, and then affirmed, "Climbing Mount Targon is tempered in many ways, and willpower training is your weakest link. I'm not worried that you will believe in the old brainwashing of Targon, But I am very worried that you will not be able to persist and will be forcibly tampered with in the end, so you must go through an ascetic-like temper in this process."

"That is to say, you're going to suffer next time?" Lak wasn't afraid at all, and there was even a bit of excitement in his words, "Come here, I'm not afraid of this!"

"That would be great." Kalya said lightly in a delicate tone as if waiting for a good show, "Okay, now we go to the market in Belgun and get ready to cross the Great Sai Get the supplies you need in the desert!"


The city of Belguen obviously can't compare to Piltover in terms of bustling—not to mention Piltover, even Zaun is busier than it on weekends.

Although more than ten years ago, under the temptation of Swain, the city finally chose to give up the glory of Shurima and join Noxus, but because of the non-military annexation, Noxus did not Erguin completely wiped out the original ruler.

Therefore, in the eyes of Lux and Ino, although Belguen erected Nox Stola in the city representing the rule of Noxus, it looks more like an out-and-out Shuri. Ma City.

Shurima-style streets, Shurima-style buildings, Shurima language in the form of square characters...

However, it can also be seen from some details that this city actually has many "Noxus-like" places-for example, the comprehensive market in the west of the city is completely Noxus-style with heavy taxes and no admission fees style management.

Here, Karya provided Lux ​​with a long list and asked her to make a big purchase according to the list.

According to Kalya's request, Lacus exchanged pure gold for Noxus gold coins (5% handling fee) at the market management office, and then took Ino together to enjoy the rare fun of buying, buying, and buying.

No way, when they were in Zaan, both Lacus and Ino were household names. If they bought something, even if they wanted to spend money, the seller would not accept it—after a few times, Lacus and Ino simply gave up personalization We used rationed daily necessities honestly.

Anyway, it's not that it can't be used, at most it's not that easy to use.

Now there is finally a choice, and after hearing that Kalya said that he will soon enter the desert to start a hard training, the two little girls joined hands and soon entered the state of shopping.

The previous shopping went smoothly, and Lacus and Ino bought items one by one according to the list.

Soon, the two bought the last item on the list, the vehicle.

According to Karya's list, Lux asked the cattle dealer about the price of Scarash.

When the cattle dealer heard that someone wanted to buy Scarash, he was taken aback for a moment, and then stretched out a hand.

"One hundred gold coins?"

"A thousand golden double-headed eagles." The cattle dealer sized Lacus up and down, and then his eyes revealed the joy of looking at the local tyrant, "This lady, our family's Scarash, are all young and strong boys— —”

"A thousand-gold double-headed eagle?!" At this moment, Lux finally couldn't help taking a breath of Belgun's scorching air, "Are you selling a dragon?"

"That's not true." Hearing this sentence, the animal dealer finally grinned, "Yarong? That thing is not worth the price!"

 Carya's Little Classroom Belgian:

  This northern Shurima port city is the second city to change its flag and defect to Noxus, the first being Telishne—and according to the gossip, Belgun’s defection seems to be the same as the previous one. It is related to the Nepalese, and it was Telishnila Bergun who was launched into the water.

  Add more 30/30, add more completed!
  Ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month!
(End of this chapter)

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