Lux's Farewell

287 [0283] Pick a reliable animal

287 [0283] Pick a reliable animal
Because of the lack of official economic exchanges between countries, the exchange rates between currencies of various countries have always been in a floating state.

However, no matter how it fluctuates, the exchange rate between the Golden Hex and the Golden Double-headed Eagle is at most between 0.8 and 1.2 due to different exchange occasions. With a rough calculation, the two can be regarded as equivalent currencies!
So, the offer for this Scarash is... a thousand gold hexes!
You know, in Zaun, the price of one thousand gold hexes is enough to change two apartments in the city center—or the one that has been uniformly renovated.

At this moment, Lacus even had the urge to question the cattle dealer in front of her, "Is your Scalas made of gold or silver?"

Fortunately, Kalya's loud laugh made her realize something was wrong, she curled her lips calmly, and then said, "I can't be sure until I see your Scarash."

The cattle dealer looked at Lacus and Ino again, and after roughly estimating the price of the goods they bought in his mind, he finally nodded with some hesitation.

"Come with me."


Following in the footsteps of the cattle dealer, Lacus and Ino soon arrived at the southeast corner of this giant market.

Here, Lux meets Scarash for the first time.

Looking at these giant beasts leaning against the wall, chewing non-stop, Lux finally understood why it was worth a thousand gold coins.

Without exception, these skalashes are more than five meters tall at the shoulders. They have slender limbs, high bulging backs, long hairs on their round bellies, and slightly curved thick necks. On their huge heads, there is no Exceptionally, it has a pair of short and thick horns.

After seeing Lux, they seemed to be a little curious about this little person. While continuing to chew the food fiber in their mouths, they leaned over and twitched their noses, as if they wanted to smell her.

Pairs of fist-sized eyes blinked and stared at Lux, and this scene even seemed a bit cute in contrast.

"Look, these are fine lads!" said the cattle dealer enthusiastically and proudly. "Look, they've never been gelded—very fresh!"

As he said that, he raised his hand and pointed to the vital points of these skalashes, as if he wanted to prove to Lux that the scarash he sold were indeed young males who had never been gelded.

Lux's face remained expressionless, but the toes in the boots had curled up awkwardly.

Only then did she realize why Kalya had made such a malicious laugh before—what the hell, she thought Scarash was the big camel she had seen in Kalamanda, who would have thought that this thing would actually so big? !

Look at their wide soles and big stomachs that can fit a small group of people. In the desert, Scalas are definitely a top-notch means of transportation. It is not a lie that they are more expensive than Dragons!

Not knowing how to identify the good or bad of the Skalash, Lux could only endure the embarrassment, and looked at them pretendingly up and down, while asking Karya for off-court support.

"This guy treats you as a fool!" Carya, who had laughed enough, finally got down to business, "It is true that the males of Skalash have better stamina and are more suitable for mounts, but that thing has nothing to do with their age, Skalash's Age identification depends on the buttocks, the longer the tail, the older."

Finally got the useful news, Lacus breathed a sigh of relief, ignored the cattle dealer who continued to play with Skalash's vital points, and turned around to come behind the group of Skalash.

However, following Lux's movements, the Scarash seemed to be a little nervous, and they all tightened their tails in unison and pinched it.

"I can't see it!" Lux continued to ask Kalya helplessly, "Their tails are all clamped!"

"See that sink in the distance? Connect it with water and bring it here." Kalya continued to instruct, "Feed them water, then whistle, and they will relax—but wait until they start drinking, Go farther and whistle again, or they will infest you."

Lux nodded when she heard the words, and after filling the sink with water, she quickly brought it to Scalash, pulled Ino behind them, hid ten steps away, and then blew the whistle.

As if it was a conditioned reflex, these Scalas, who were still chewing their cud just now, lowered their heads in unison, buried their entire heads in the sink, gulped like a whale, and drank heavily.

Moreover, as Kalya reminded, water went in from the top and water came out from the bottom. After the tails behind the buttocks were raised high, a stream of high-pressure water guns slammed into the corner of the wall. After washing away a layer of wall covering, splashes A tawny rainbow.

A subtle smell came over, and both Lux and Ino couldn't help but change their expressions, and finally covered their mouths.

"Skalash's stomach and kidneys are very strong." Kalya laughed again, "So, their feces and urine are highly concentrated, and the taste is somewhat strong... But don't worry, their thick There is a layer of fine, scale-like structures under the skin, which usually don’t sweat, and they don’t have any smell.”

Seeing Lux's smooth operation, the cattle dealer who was still earnest before finally couldn't help curling his lips.

Well, I met the expert!


In the end, Lux and Ino spent most of their savings and bought a young Scarash from a cattle dealer.

According to Karya, the cattle dealer was a solid one, at least not cheating on Skalash by clipping his tail to make him look younger.

And Lux, who was smoked enough, didn't want to stay here for a moment after taking over the reins of Scarash. Kalash, left the market through the southeast gate.

After all the materials purchased in this market were packed, Lux hung them on the wool felt pad behind the Scarash.

After being loaded, the young Skalash somewhat disliked it—the load was the only weakness of the slender-limped Skalash. Compared with its amazing size, his carrying capacity seemed to be Not strong.

However, after all, it is an animal that has been domesticated by the Shurima people for nearly ten thousand years. Although it shakes its head and blows its nostrils from time to time, it dare not go too far, and finally can only bear everything honestly.

Then, Lux and Ino climbed up and sat on the wool felt pad behind the Skalash—after shaking the reins, Skalash accepted the order and slowly left the hump with the two of them. Erguin.

 Karya's Small Classroom Scalash Cut Tail:

  Because the younger the Scarash is, the better it is, so some unscrupulous traders will cut the tail of the juvenile Scarash, so that when it becomes an adult, its tail will be shorter than that of the same age Scarash.

  However, even if the tail-cutting technology is quite mature, it can still be seen by professionals.

(End of this chapter)

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