Lux's Farewell

Chapter 288 [0284]

Chapter 288 [0284]
Leaving Belguen and heading south all the way, Lux and Ino rode the Scarash and proceeded steadily. In the evening of that day, they finally left the original green world and entered a vast sea of ​​sand.

This is the edge of the Dasai Desert.

In the Shurima language, the habit of using "Sai" to refer to the desert may have been formed when the Shurima civilization was just born-according to Kalya, at least 3000 years ago, the Shurima people used the name "Sai" desert.

The Dasai Desert means the Great Desert.

This vast desert stretches from the Kumungu Mountains to the east, the Targon Mountains to the west, the Valoran Strait to the north, and the Shurima River to the south...

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire northern part of Shurima is the Great Sai Desert.

"I have studied the climate of Shurima for a long time." Kalya said when talking about the history of the Great Sai Desert, "but it is a pity that unless a mountain range stretching thousands of miles can be built in the northern part of the Shurima continent, the Great Sai The emergence of deserts was almost inevitable."

"Why is this so?" Lux asked curiously, "Is there any necessary connection between the mountains and the desert?"

"Shurima has plenty of sunshine, and the temperature—especially in summer is relatively high, but the northern part of Shurima to the Valoran Strait is completely flat." Kalya explained, "The high pressure in the sky moves quickly toward the north and south. Takes away a lot of water vapor, which in turn leads to drought."

"So there will be less rain?"

"The lack of rainfall is another reason." Carya continued, "The Kumangu Mountains are in the east, and the Giant God Mountains are from west to south, completely enveloping Shurima. Unless it is in the north, there will be almost no wet and cold air entering ...But the problem is, even in the north, after passing through the Valoran Strait, a barrier composed of the Grand Barrier, the Walju Mountains, and the Shimmering Silver Mountains cuts off the humid air in the north."

"So, only a small amount of damp and cold air mass in the Valoran Strait can bring a small amount of rainfall to Northern Shurima?" Hearing what Kalya said, Lux understood a little bit, "But the Valoran Strait is a very calm and narrow strait. There is almost no wind on weekdays, so the impact is limited!"

"That's right." Kalya sighed helplessly, "Shurima is actually not very short of water, but the geographical conditions lead to the lack of rainfall here, so it is difficult to maintain the runoff of surface water - in the whole of Shurima, there is only one The Shurima River runs from east to west."

Sensing the melancholy in Karya's tone, Lacus blinked and decided to talk about something light-hearted.

"You said there are many oases in Shurima?"

"There used to be a lot." Kalya admitted, "There should be a lot now. Shurima does not lack groundwater, but mainly has little surface runoff. Therefore, there will always be oases in places with relatively low terrain."

"Then shall we resupply through the oasis along the way?"

"No, don't even think about it." Kalya snorted, "Finding oases is a specialized knowledge. After time has passed and the world has changed, the oases in my memory may no longer exist. The desert is very good at exercising the will, but doing so is more likely to directly kill your life."

"Then us?"

"Our trip this time is divided into three sections." Carya chuckled, "The section from Belgün to Naslami, the two of you are mainly adapting to the desert and initially honing your will, so this section will take the Scala Even quick passes, resupplying in large urban settlements along the way."

"Large urban settlements?" Lux quickly unfolded the map, unfolding it facing the afterglow of the setting sun, "Let me see... from Belgun to the south, take Kenesher, Wayne Bo, Bumang, Zu Rita, finally arrived in Nashlame?"

"That's right, it's this route—well, put away the map, it looks like there's a place to camp ahead, let's go here first today!"


The setting sun in the west cast a long shadow on the east side of the sand dunes. Lux and Ino came to the ground, holding Scarash's rein in their hands, and walked downhill with one foot deep and one foot shallow. on the dunes.

"If you are traveling normally, you must walk on the back of the dune." Carya took the opportunity to continue imparting experience, "The structure of the apex of the dune is relatively stable, and it is easy to walk. Moreover, the climate in the desert has always been changeable, and storms may move at any time." From the ground, on top of the dunes, you can quickly spot danger coming."

"Understood." Lux nodded, "Then where are we going to rest tonight? Are you talking about the gravel beach over there?"

"That's right." Karya seemed to be in a good mood, "In the Dasai Desert, the rocky beaches are called Gobi—my name—they are the most suitable places for you to rest in the desert."

"Why?" Lux was a little curious. She recalled the travel notes about the desert that she read when she was a child, but found that few people mentioned this point. "This flat terrain does not shelter from the wind, and there is no shelter... "

"Because often only the relics of the oasis can form this kind of Gobi Desert."

"The remains of the oasis?"

"Yes, before the oasis dries up, the water will wash the ground and expose the underground rocks. After the oasis dries up, it is difficult to attach and accumulate gravel on these rocks, and then the Gobi Desert will be formed." Carya explained with a little emotion Dao, "Although it looks like there are gravels all over the ground, in fact, those gravels are all big rocks, but most of them are buried in the ground, only a few parts are exposed to the ground. That's all."

While talking, the two of them led Scarash to this Gobi Desert——under the afterglow of the setting sun, Lax leaned down and carefully looked at the stones on the ground, and was surprised to find that these stones that looked like small stones Blocks, virtually without exception, are parts of boulders!

"The edge of the small Gobi desert in the desert is the best place to rest!" Carya said, "Just confirm the wind direction, dig a shallow pit at the junction of the boulder and the desert, let Skarash lie down in the direction of the wind, you You can have a great night in peace.”

Lacus nodded, found the shovel in the package, and was about to dig today's sleeping pit.

"Wait, before digging the hole, Ino went to feed Scarash - it can chew ice cubes and eat it. It must be taken to a farther place to feed, and find a place where it is winded." Karya Continue to command skillfully, "Lax, find that folded bucket, take the shovel in your hand and get ready to shovel shit, that will be the fuel for your bonfire tonight!"

Hearing Kalya's order, Lux, who was holding a multi-purpose shovel and was excitedly planning to dig a big pit for herself and Ino, finally froze in place.

 Carya's Small Classroom Gobi Camping:

  As Carya said, compared to the desert where the ground is full of gravel and the dunes may run ten meters to bury you overnight, the Gobi Desert with stones is often a better camping location—whether it is in the Gobi Desert The crevices of boulders, or the junction between the edge of the Gobi Desert and the gravel, are more suitable for camping than deserts.

  The battle for the sofa is about to start, are you ready, book lovers?

(End of this chapter)

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