Lux's Farewell

Chapter 291 [0287]

Chapter 291 [0287]
During Kalya's enthusiastic Star Dome Lecture, Lacus and Ino couldn't help but want to throw away this chattering magic stick several times, and simply hugged each other to sleep.

However, as Kalya expected, the style of the second half of the night was very big. Even with Skalas as a windshield, the two people lying in the sleeping bags in the sleeping pit still could not fall asleep at ease.

As a result, they really stayed up until the next morning as Karya said.

Facts have proved that sometimes staying up late is called cultivating immortals, which actually makes a little sense.

Under the mental sleepiness, both Lux and Ino became more or less irritable—Scarash, who noticed this, was obviously much more honest. Prime, it's all a lot more discreet.

The artificially domesticated Scala can recognize the direction, and as long as it does not receive new orders, it will keep walking in a fixed direction. Shi dozed off on his back.

The Skalash has a broad back, almost flat above its shoulder blades and hip bones, and is almost rock-solid to sit on as it makes steady progress.

However, both Lux and Ino are obviously not very used to this posture of sitting and sleeping. Even if they lean on each other back to back, they still wake up from the dream from time to time.

After a day of tossing like this, when the two of them finally returned to the ground in the evening, their bodies were stiff.

"Are you sure this is really training your will?" Lux asked suspiciously while beating her sore waist, "Why do I always feel that you are torturing us?"

"Of course it's tempering, when have I lied to you!" Kalya said confidently, "This is just the beginning, you are not used to it, so you feel physically tortured - when you are all used to it, you will understand why I sharpen your will in this way!"

Lux grinned when she heard the words, and finally stopped talking, and took the initiative to pick up the shovel and folding bucket.

Soon, like yesterday, the two set up the fire pit, settled the scalas, and started preparing for today's dinner.

The dinner dish is stewed bacon. Although there are no green vegetables as garnishes and no eggs on the rice, Lax and Ino, who are tired all day, still eat with satisfaction.

After packing up the tableware, Lux didn't want to dig a sleeping hole this time.

"Let's go and rest on the Scarash," she suggested. "It's warm and sheltered from the wind."

"No, you need to lie down." Carya decisively rejected her suggestion, "Sitting for a long time is not good for your lumbar spine, and lying down at night can relax your body."

"But lying in a sleeping bag is really sleepy."

"What you want is that you are sleepy but can't sleep." Karya said with satisfaction. "During the day, your body stays awake but your consciousness sleeps; great help."

"Have you ever climbed Mount Targon?" Lux asked curiously, "Why do you seem to know everything about climbing Mount Targon..."

"I haven't climbed before, but my friend has tried." Karya said calmly, "This is all valuable experience!"

"Okay, okay..." Since Kalya said so, Lacus could only dig two sleeping pits with Ino, and lay down obediently, "Are you still talking about constellations today?"

"Constellations? No, no, the moon is out today. We won't talk about the constellations today. Let's review the constellations we talked about yesterday. By the way, I will talk to you about the teachings advocated by the worshipers of those constellations—— Lacus, answer me, Pantheon What are the characteristics of a constellation?"

"Seven stars are human, holding a sword and shield?"

"Ino, which star in the Pantheon constellation is the brightest?"

"Pantheon One at the tip of the spear."

"Very well, then I will first tell you about those war lunatics..."


Lacus and Ino began to learn knowledge other than magic.

At the same time, Cassiopeia and Elise finally reached an agreement after some probing and wrestling.

Although they still don't trust each other, for them, even if there is no trust, cooperation must continue.

The two people who were unlucky because of the Zaun incident urgently need to regain a certain status within the organization, and the best way to do this is to pay a tribute to Ms. Pale that is enough to prove themselves.

As for where the tribute comes from...

Of course it came from Shurima!

After the collapse of the Shurima Empire, countless well-built and well-connected oases dried up, and eventually turned into a Gobi Desert over thousands of years. Those who stayed on the site of the oasis stubbornly until they went with the oasis.

Therefore, countless treasures were buried under the yellow sand.

In this desert, there are countless treasures from the Shurima Empire hidden in the tombs and ruins covered by yellow sand, and both Cassiopeia and Elise believe that among these treasures, there must be a Satisfy the Pale Lady.

However, it is not easy to obtain that treasure, and the two of them have no tacit understanding at all, so before officially starting to act, both of them think that they should try it out first.

Find a less difficult one first, practice your hands!
Of course, considering that their two favorite goals can be described as audacious, even if it's just for practice, Cassiopeia and Elise both think that they must do something challenging.

After thinking about it for a long time, they decided to find the tomb of the Ascended God who was buried near Nashilami according to legend.

Although according to the legend, there are various curses in this god's tomb, and the horror legends related to it can be compiled into a collection of novels, but both Cassiopeia and Elise have sufficient confidence in themselves.

Of course, being confident doesn't mean not making any preparations and rushing directly to die. In order to find the tomb of the god smoothly and reduce unnecessary boring work, they plan to hire a professional guide team.

The two found the mercenary hall in Nashilami and began to look for professional guides and mercenaries, but after hearing about the purpose of the two of them, all the guides had the same reaction.

"can not go!"

"excuse me!"


Almost without exception.

And the reason why it is said to be close is because some brokers who collect commissions to help pull the job think that Cassiopeia and Elise are small roles, and after hearing their employment requests, they agree wholeheartedly—he doesn’t What god's tomb would he be looking for? He just wanted to eat up these two beauties.

This broker tried to impress Cassiopeia or Elise with what he thought was a very clever method, and used all kinds of fancy moves to attract their attention.

But it's a pity that the two of them were not eaten up, but the broker was eaten up by a group of little spiders.

Finally, after another senior guide rejected the assignment, it was rare that he didn't get up and leave, but introduced a person who "may agree" to them,

"who is it?"

"Her name is long as you give her money, she will do anything."

 Carya's Little Classroom: The source of magic supplies in the desert:

  There are many good things in the Shurima desert, and their sources are also different-some are the last memorials of the settlement's complete destruction, and some come from the grave of an ascended or other noble person buried in gravel. The former is everywhere, and the latter It is very dangerous to want that.

  PS. I managed to snatch the sofa today, hahaha, you guys can't do it!
  But tomorrow will be updated, and tomorrow night I will go out to eat, I have no chance to post a new chapter, and I will grab the sofa by myself...

(End of this chapter)

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