Lux's Farewell

Chapter 292 [0288]

Chapter 292 [0288]

If you want to find relics or tombs in the desert, a good guide is naturally essential.

A good guide is not only a guide who determines the direction and guides the way, but more importantly, the guide has a better understanding of the local natural and cultural environment and can deal with problems that outsiders cannot cope with.

For Lacus and Ino, Kalya is their guide. With Kalya's guidance and coping, they can survive in deserts with extremely harsh natural conditions.

The same is true for Cassiopeia and Elise.

Although Cassiopeia knows where the goal is, how to get there and how to deal with problems encountered on the road all need a reliable guide to solve.

Deserts can be regarded as roads everywhere.

But it can also be regarded as no way at all.

From Nashilami to the legendary tomb of the god "Flying Empress Wu", thousands of miles of desert journey, if you embark on the journey without a guide who is familiar with the desert, you will die!

It's a pity that this journey is so dangerous that those veterans are unwilling to try it easily-in the end, Cassiopeia and Elise had to follow the guidance of a guide who was unwilling to take the job, and went to find Broker, contacted the person who claimed that "as long as you give money, you can do anything".

This person's name is Sivir, and his most widely known identity is a mercenary.


According to the broker’s agreement, Cassiopeia and Elise found Sivir in a gorgeously decorated tavern—when the two arrived, the drinkers in the tavern were in a circle, shouting Xiao Ming made a bet, and the object of the bet was a few people in the crowd who were fighting for a drink.

This is an asymmetric wine fight, with only one person on one side and four on one side.

The lone person was wearing a light leather armor and had long straight black hair that was rarely seen in Shurima. There were not many scattered decorations on her body, but on her forehead and wrist guard , shoulder armor, breastplate, belt and other places, but they are all inlaid with dazzling gems.

Cassiopeia made a rough estimate, and the price of the extremely pure emerald inlaid in the middle of her forehead alone exceeded three thousand gold double-headed eagles.

Still without considering the historical and cultural value it may have.

In addition to the various gemstones on her body, her leather armor is also finely outlined with many patterns with gold threads. Although they are all common images of Shurima such as eagles and long snakes, judging by the workmanship and pattern design, it is estimated that it took a lot of money. Great price.

Cassiopeia and Elise looked at each other, and at the same time understood why the broker said that Sivir was "the one who can be seen at a glance, the richest one, and it is absolutely impossible to admit it wrong" - maybe some of the drinkers present Richer than her, but definitely not as ostentatious as her.

As for the four people on the other side who were drinking with Sivir...

Judging from their red noses and pot bellies, these should be four old alcoholics.

Amidst the shouts of the drinkers around, Sivir was fighting with a drunkard for a drink.

Seeing that Sivir seemed to be very busy, Cassiopeia and Elise simply stayed aside.While silently observing her words and deeds, while judging the character and reliability of this ace mercenary in his heart.

It's a pity that after watching for a long time, they didn't realize Sivir's personality traits at all, but the two of them looked at each other and reached a consensus decisively after being able to drink.

In just one hour, Cassiopeia and Iris watched as Sivir poured three strong men under the table, and the fourth also drank seven glasses of wine, excused himself to go to the bathroom, and then Never appeared again.

Although Sivir was also blushing and went to the toilet several times in the middle, this astonishing amount of alcohol still made both of them smack their tongues inwardly.

As noblemen of Noxus, both Cassiopeia and Elise used to be frequent guests at noble banquets, where they were accustomed to seeing talented and professional table helpers who were able to hold back drinkers, but even with Compared with those people, the one in front of him can only be described as outrageous.

Just when the two were surprised and amidst the cheers of all the drinkers, Sivir stood up generously, and with the awkward but polite smile of the tavern owner, he put away the bag he had put on the bar before. gold.

"It's a pity, I gave you a chance." The corners of her mouth drooped slightly, revealing an obvious mocking smile, "It's a pity that the guys you found are too rotten, I would like to admit defeat, the relationship between us The drink bill will be written off!"

Hearing this sentence, the tavern owner's face was quite ugly, and he wanted to speak several times - but in the end he could only nod dejectedly, then took out his account book, and smeared it like venting.

And Sivir, who watched his name crossed out, didn't care about the malice of the tavern owner's use of red strokes, and finally let out a laugh like a silver bell.

She raised her head, like a winning rooster, turned and left the bar, and then went straight into the crowd who had just bet.

"Have you made a lot of money?" Sivir found the guy who opened the market, and put his strong arm directly on the other's shoulder, "I have a good drink today and I am in a good mood. I don't care how much you personally pressed, but the pumping That part, meet in half!"

As she said that, she opened the money bag she had just retrieved, spread it out in front of her, and looked at the guy in front of her who opened with her own name with a half-smile.

Facing Sivir opening the money bag in front of him, the other party's expression was also a bit uncomfortable-although the odds are calculated dynamically, no matter Sivir wins or loses, he can earn rake money, but the gold coins he just got will be met as soon as they come up. Split in half?
He wanted to refuse, but he didn't dare to speak in the face of Sivir—in the end, he could only obediently take out his proceeds, and poured half of the gold coins into Sivir's purse.

Sivir picked up the purse, weighed it in his own hands, then nodded in satisfaction, and ignored this guy.

Afterwards, she hung the purse around her waist, looked around the crowd, and walked straight to the table where Cassiopeia and Elise were.

"Are you the ones who have a lot of work in their hands?" Sivir sat down on a chair next to him carelessly, with his straight and slender legs raised up on the table, "He should have told you about my rules. Right? [-]/[-], no conditions."

"I said it." Cassiopeia smiled, "However, [-]% is not a small price, and I don't know if you are worth it."

"Oh? Is it worth it?" Sivir raised his eyebrows upon hearing this, and a sexy blush appeared on his light brown skin. "It's really interesting. In Naslam, there are still people who want to try my cross blade?"

"Just to be on the safe side." Cassiopeia continued to smile, "Believe me, this is a big deal—and if it goes well, there may be more than one."

 Carya's small classroom meeting is divided into half:
  Sivir is the ace mercenary with a success rate of nearly [-]% in the missions of Nasir America, but if there are other possibilities, few people are willing to hire Sivir to work—because Sivir’s charging principle is too simple and rude, whether it is Any task will be divided in half.

  PS. Dragon Boat Festival Ankang.

  I was outside today, Chapter 1 was automatically uploaded, Chapter 2 is still a little bit short, and will be updated later-according to the previous agreement, add more!
  Second, Chapter 3 will be updated together, if someone can grab the Chapter 3 sofa, I will update Chapter 4, come on!
(End of this chapter)

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