Lux's Farewell

293 Qualifications [0289]

293 Qualifications [0289]
Cassiopeia and Elise are undoubtedly unwilling to accept Sivir's bidding method of splitting half of the meeting.

Although for them, this time is just a joint operation and a lack of tacit understanding, but in any case, the goal of the mission is also a tomb of the gods, a tomb of the gods where the Ascended who guarded the Ascension Empress buried their bones!
According to what Cassiopeia has learned in the Explorers' Association for many years, the number of magic items and treasures in the tomb of this kind of ascendant is extremely amazing-if the meeting is divided in half, such a reward is really great for a mere guide. It is too much.

However, since no one here really dared to go to the tomb of the god, Sivir might be the only person in the entire Naslam who was willing to take over the job, and Cassiopeia couldn't directly refuse such an outrageous request to share the bill.

Therefore, she simply proposed to try Sivir's level to see if she is qualified, and then according to the result of the battle, she can take advantage of the trend to lower the price.

Cassiopeia doesn't care about money, but she cares about the magic items in the tomb.

And when Cassiopeia said that she wanted to try her hand, Sivir, who had seen this kind of situation a lot, naturally understood what she meant.

"I won, and I will continue to split the bill fifty-fifty, but you have to pay me according to the hourly wage." Sivir has experienced this situation many times when the employer thinks that the fifty-fifty split is too expensive, so he opened his mouth and had a plan in advance, "I If you lose...a [-]% discount, this is already the limit."

25% of the total income is still quite a lot for a guide, but considering that rare things are more expensive, there should be gold and other things that I don't like in the tomb of the gods to make up for it. When there is no one else to choose...

The price is not unacceptable.

Thus, the two sides reached an agreement.

Naturally, sparring cannot take place in a tavern.

Cassiopeia and Elise followed Sivir, and soon came to a private manor not far away.

"Come on, which one of you will come?" In a well-manicured garden, Sivir calmly stood up, "Or together?"

"Let me do it." Elise looked at Sivir, and the corners of her mouth revealed an arc of interest, "Let me see how capable the mercenary king of Nasramie is..."

Because it's just a test, it's impossible for Elise to turn into a spider or summon a spider—however, if she lives long enough, although her magic theory is weak, she still has a good control over magic.

Even without spider means, just shadow spells, Elise is confident enough to test Sivir's level and force her to honestly lower the sharing requirement.

However, what Elise didn't expect was that Sivir's combat effectiveness far exceeded her expectations.

After the battle started, Elise immediately used shadow spells to construct a simple large net, and attacked Sivir silently. However, Sivir just raised the gorgeous-looking cross blade in her hand , easily shattered this web of shadows.

The corners of Elise's eyes twitched as she cut through the mess with a sharp knife. She obviously didn't expect that Sivir, who didn't seem to be a spellcaster, could use such a simple, direct and brutal method to counter her own spells.

Damn it, I thought the crossblade in this guy's hand was just an ornament, but now it is clearly an extremely powerful magic weapon!

Elise, who was a little startled, retreated while throwing a lot of messy spells again.

However, in this situation of relying on shadow magic to fight, Elise not only failed to gain the upper hand, but was faintly suppressed by Sivir - in Sivir's hands, the cross blade could directly destroy the structure of the spell, Let the magic disappear invisibly.

Whatever you do, I will defeat all tricks by myself!

The appearance of this kind of accident undoubtedly put Elise in an embarrassing situation. The God of Despicable Throat, but she couldn't do anything with a country girl from Nasramme—even if she used a special weapon, but This is really embarrassing.

In order to recover the situation and make it clear who is the boss, Elise finally summoned the spider swarm.

Eight spider legs spread out from behind Elise, and countless huge spider webs were spread on the ground. Even though Sivir threw out the cross blade at the first time and cut through the sticky spider web, there were still some spider webs under it. Countless little spiders rushed out.

These densely packed little spiders grow when they see the wind, and soon reached the size of a watermelon. They quickly moved their slender spider legs, and rushed towards Sivir from the ground, from the wall, and from the spider silk.

"That's it, you need to pay an additional garden cleaning fee." The cross blade in Sivir's hand turned rapidly, "It's not easy to deal with the sticky corpses of these spiders!"

The next moment, she threw the cross blade in her hand.

Under Elise's astonished gaze, the thrown cross blade was divided into two, two into four, and four into eight. In an exponential growth manner, it was ejected into hundreds of blades with dangerous arc lights. the sharp edge.

Like a hot knife cutting butter, the flying cross blade easily cut through the spider group summoned by Elise, and the spiders screamed in pain one after another.

Then, when Sivir showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, after a few spiders that seemed inconspicuous among the spiders were cut open, an explosion occurred on the spot, and the splashed liquid easily caused damage to the sand, stones and plants on the ground. amazing corrosion.

Seeing the dangerous white smoke rising, Sivir finally couldn't laugh anymore.

Looking at each other, Elise and Sivir tacitly gave up the fight - probing to this point... is enough.

It's not a battle of life and death, and there's no need for everyone to show their cards.

Elise doesn't want to expose her spider form. The last behavior of "shame on Despicable Maw" has already incurred the punishment of Despicable Maw. If she can keep her transformation, it's better not to.

Sivir has considered the cost issue. After all, the price of the leather armor on his body alone has exceeded five figures, and if it is corroded by the spider's toxin and self-destruction, it is really not worth crying. place to cry.

In the end, the two finally shook hands and made peace.

After briefly cleaning the garden, Cassiopeia, Elise, and Sivir sat together with smiles, like sisters who had been separated for many years, and started a small tea party, completely confirming Sivir's participation .

In the end, the [-]-[-] split price remained the same, but during this trip, Sivir's task was not only to be a guide, but also to be responsible for security tasks.

As far as this action alone is concerned, Sivir can probably be regarded as... from a wage earner to a partner?
 Karya's Little Classroom, Chalikar:
  The Chalikar, the crossblade, was once Setaka's weapon, and when used properly, it can be used in many ways.

  But for Sivir, what she can currently master is breaking spells and ejecting.

(End of this chapter)

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