Lux's Farewell

294 0290 Competitor

294 0290 Competitor

On the surface, the three "plastic sisters" who talked and laughed at Yan Yan finally reached an agreement on dividing the spoils on this expedition to the tomb of the gods after a tea party.

However, what they didn't know was that when they were intriguing with each other, someone in a tavern in Naslame was eyeing the same tomb of the god with them.

"I really didn't expect that the Tomb of the Barren Hill God has become a popular attraction?" In front of the bar, a broker who was clearly drowsy held a cup in one hand and put the other on the shoulder of his companion. , muttering indistinctly, "What's so good about it..."

"There's nothing good there. The tomb of the God of Barren Hill is a thin burial tomb, and there is no gold or silver treasure in it." The person beside him, whose shoulders were held by him, shook his head lightly, "Why, there are people like me who inquire about that News about a god's tomb?"

"Can't say, can't say."

The obviously drunk broker shook his head, trying to put on a mysterious look, but under the influence of alcohol, there seemed to be a little problem with his facial management, and he looked not only not mysterious, but rather silly.

And his drinking buddy didn't continue to delve into this issue, but changed his mind and asked about the changes in Nashi Lamei during this period.

"Changes? How can there be any changes..." The broker drank the wine in his glass, and then put the glass on the bar counter, making a loud bang, "Does it matter if the harbor maid finds a Noxian boy? "

"It's just a political deal." The drinking buddy saw it clearly, "But Noxus is about to die, I'm afraid our ruthless female governor will have another husband."

"But it has nothing to do with us." The broker's voice dropped again, "However, if she really needs a broker husband, I'm not incompetent..."

Hearing this sentence, the drinking buddy showed an embarrassed smile without losing his top hat. He brought the wine glass to his mouth, sipped the special tequila in Nasherame, and waited until the daytime of the broker. After the dream was over, he spoke again.

"If the governor's husband is also engaged in elections like Piltover, I will definitely vote for you, okay." The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a not-so-bright smile, as if he hadn't smiled for a long time However, he seems to have forgotten how to smile, so this smile looks particularly awkward, "Okay, my old friend, tell me, tell me about those colleagues who went to the tomb of the barren hill god."

"The broker won't sell the client's information." Although he was about to become drunk, the broker still maintained his bottom line, "I got a lot of—hip—commission from them! "

"Make this order, it's worth the usual hundred orders!"

"It's not in vain that I spent so much time arranging..."

"Don't ask, I won't tell!"

"Good wine... good wine!"



Seeing that the broker seemed to be really drunk, and his speech had become confused, the drinking buddy took out a gold coin from his waist pocket and called the bartender.

"Arrange a room for him and let him have a good rest." He whispered, "By the way, who is the most expensive guide here?"

"The most expensive?" The bartender took the gold coin and blinked. "The most expensive's hard to say, but if it's part-time, it must be Sivir."


"Mercenary Queen!" The young bartender showed a fiery expression, "A real stunner, strong and able to fight, hehehe..."

Mr. Drinker nodded, and stuffed the gold coin into the bartender's hand.

Then, just as he turned around to get his package and was about to leave the tavern, the broker lying on the bar suddenly retched.

Worried that his old friend would drown in the wine, the drinking buddy had to stop and help him upright.

And in the process, the broker seemed to be muttering indistinctly.

The words "let go", "no one knows", and "live a good life" are repeated over and over again.

The drinking buddy couldn't help sighing when he heard the words - after straightening the broker, he said in an almost imperceptible voice: "I will not stop, my hatred has not disappeared, my pain I'm still suffering...but don't worry about me, the old man, the desert recognizes me."


If the Goddess of Destiny really existed, then she must be a guy with a bad personality—in the past, no one cared about the Tomb of the Barren Hill God in Naslame, but this time, it wasn't just these two groups of people who were eyeing it.

At the end of the tea party and reception, a passenger ship from Piltover—oh, it should be called Piltover Port in Vazuan now—officially arrived in Nashlamme.

The Nashramite envoy who went to Piltover to observe the ceremony has returned.

In the port of Nashilami, a certain little yellow-haired person who just passed the exam of the "Vazuan Municipal Shurima Archaeological Protection and Civilization Revival Association" and officially obtained the permit for archaeological operations was like a nimble fish. squeezed out.

This guy who had just finished his university studies finally let out a long breath after he squeezed out of the port and looked at the imitated sun disc in the city of Nasirami.

Pinning a medal representing the official membership of the "Wazuan City Shurima Archaeological Protection and Civilization Revival Association" on his chest, Ezreal decided to inquire about the news and see what is worthwhile around Nashiramme. place to explore.

Don't be too far away, your own funds are limited; don't be too close, this time the exploration must have enough results-preferably the kind of ruins that everyone knows, but there is nothing to do about it!

After all, I have a unique door-opening technique, and perhaps I can easily go back and forth to the ruins that others can't do anything about!
With this in mind, Xiao Huangmao decided to find a hotel to stay in first, and then asked the waiter if there was any place that met his requirements near Nashi Lamei.

In this way, Ezreal, with his head held high, found a hotel that looked good. After checking in, he chatted enthusiastically with the waiter who took him to the room.

The narcissistic Mr. Ezreal obviously didn't notice the waiter's hint of rubbing his fingers a few times, but he just showed the medal on his chest—or he actually noticed it, but considering the limited funds, he didn't Not willing to spend extra money in this kind of place.

In the end, the impatient waiter who was entangled by him changed his face. She looked at Ezreal with rather offensive eyes, snorted impolitely through her nostrils, and then dropped a sentence forcefully.

"The Tomb of the Barren Hill God, if you are not afraid of death, you can try it."

 Karya's Small Classroom Vazuan City Shurima Archaeological Protection and Civilization Revival Association:
  This association with a lengthy name is an organization that replaced the former Piltover Explorers Association—unlike the Explorers Association, this organization has strict requirements for members and prohibits any destructive excavation and cultural relics trafficking.

  Of course, protective excavation and non-destructive development are still allowed.

  PS. Sorry, I came back very late tonight, and the last two chapters were delayed until midnight...

  In order to express my apologies, a new chapter will be added tomorrow!
  Also, are the chapter comments for the starting point missing?

(End of this chapter)

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