Lux's Farewell

295 0291 Collaborator

295 0291 Collaborator

The smug little Huangmao didn't realize at all that his stinginess had unintentionally offended the waiter just now. After hearing the news about the "Tomb of the Gods in the Barren Hills", he only felt that this place was very majestic and never thought about it. its dangerous.

In other words, this little yellow-haired man who is so confident that he is somewhat narcissistic has no concept of "danger" in his mind at all, and any dangerous situation is just the simplest and basic challenge to him.

In this way, Ezreal, who found his target, became the third wave of people who inquired about the tomb of the barren hill god in a short period of time.

Nashilami's underground intelligence market is huge, but there is very little information about the tomb of the God of the Barren Hill.

Due to the continuous inquiring about the tomb of the God of the Barren Hill recently, many intelligence dealers have even taken the initiative to collect and exchange information about the barren hill.

Even within the intelligence dealers, there is still an intelligence market for mutual exchange.

Although they didn't know what happened at all, the three waves of people in a short period of time were looking for news about the tomb of the God of the Barren Hill with great fanfare. It's getting hot!
This is not because the information dealers are being sentimental. Although there is no trace of this kind of exploration craze, at the very beginning, it is often a certain unpopular place that suddenly enters the public's field of vision-Uzeris' potion, Kalamanda The crystals of the ancients, the ornaments of Kumanggra, these trends that once swept the "archaeological" world of Shurima, without exception, were like this at the beginning.

Therefore, at this time, seizing the next outlet will be a godsend opportunity to take off!

However, because this place is so unpopular, even though a group of intelligence dealers conducted some internal exchanges at a very sincere price, the news that spread was still a few old stories.

After all, the Tomb of the Barren Hill God is not far from Nashilami. If there is any valuable information, it will not be such an unpopular place. All the people who have been there in the past have either encountered misfortune or left empty-handed. Come on, over time, no one cares about the tomb of the God of the Barren Hill.

Unfortunately, intelligence dealers don't think so.

After confirming that the three waves of people are indeed from Noxus, one wave is from Shurima natives, and the other wave is a member of Vazuan City Shurima Archaeological Protection and Civilization Rejuvenation Association, the three groups are Under the unfaithful circumstances, the intelligence dealers were all saying on the surface, "What, it turned out that a few people were taken advantage of occasionally", but they almost all agreed behind the scenes that "The Tomb of the Barren Hill God is not that simple".

Under such circumstances, the price of information about the tomb of the barren hill god in the underground intelligence market even climbed step by step, and soon reached a point where people can't speak...

And the direct motivator of all this, little Huangmao Ezreal, gritted his teeth and skipped the stage of intelligence preparation after some investigations to no avail.

For other explorers, no intelligence means great danger, and there is a high possibility of fatal danger.

But for Xiaohuangmao, there is no information... That means this is the blue ocean of archaeology!

Holy grave!

No one understands, no one has explored the tomb of the gods, how much is there worth studying?
Don't forget, he has a very special spell that can open many hidden doors!

So, the confident little Huangmao directly started to look for a guide-don't worry about him, let's go first and then talk!

The little yellow hair is a bit tiger.

But Nashi Latin American local professional guides are not stupid.

Just two or three gold coins as a guide, what are you desperate for?
Enthusiastic little Huangmao spent three days in the talent market for hiring guides in Nassim Latin America, but found nothing. After hearing the name of the Tomb of the Barren Hill God, all the guides avoided it.

Because Ezreal's offer was really poor, no one even recommended Sivir to him, and it looked like he couldn't afford to hire Sivir.

And when Xiao Huang Mao was extremely embarrassed, a broker found him.

"I heard that you are going to the tomb of the barren hill god?" The middle-aged man looked Ezreal up and down, "I know a guide, he might be interested in you."

"Really? That's great!" Ezreal clenched his fists excitedly, "Can I meet him?"

"Of course, come with me." The corner of the broker's mouth forced a smile, "I heard that you are a member of the Vazuan City Shurima Archaeological Protection and Civilization Revival Association?"

"Of course." Ezreal proudly puffed out his chest, showing off his shining medal, "Professional, trustworthy."

"It's best." The broker nodded. "That Mr. Guide is a very strict person. If he is an ignorant young master who can only drag you down, then it's best not to bother him."

"Again, I'm a professional!" Ezreal raised his thumb, showing his perfect eight teeth, "Great explorer, great archaeologist, Ezreal!"

It's a pity that this Mr. Broker is not interested in listening to the little yellow hair boasting here, he just nodded, then turned around and started to lead the way.

Under such circumstances, Ezreal could only give up self-promotion for the time being, and strode after him.

Soon, the two came to a remote hotel—the broker seemed to be familiar with this place, so he just greeted the front desk and took Ezreal to the second floor.

The two of them came one after the other, and soon came to the door of the innermost room in the corridor on the second floor. After the broker knocked on the door, the door of the room was quickly opened. guy opened the door.

"Mr. Guide, someone is going to the Tomb of the Barren Hill God and needs to hire a guide." The broker stepped forward, embraced Mr. Guide enthusiastically, and said loudly, "I know your ability, so I recommended you to him— —After the matter is completed, the extra dividends must not be less!"

After saying this, he lowered his voice next to the guide's ear, and added in a voice that only the other party could hear: "The Tomb of the God of the Barren Hill is too dangerous, you need a good friend to back up the knife. "

Mr. Guide blinked his eyes calmly, let go of the broker, promised him the brokerage money, and finally set his sights on Ezreal.

To be precise, it was on the badge on Ezreal's chest.

Sensing the guide's gaze, Xiao Huangmao puffed out his chest confidently.

"A member of the Vazuan Municipal Shurima Archaeological Protection and Civilization Revival Association, right?" The guide narrowed his eyes slightly, "So, do you have a graduation transcript?"

 Carya's Small Classroom and Communication between Information Brokers:
  As the upstream industry of exploration, the intelligence market in Nassim Latin America is huge, and there are often internal exchanges.

(End of this chapter)

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