Lux's Farewell

Chapter 298 [0294] Bakai and Bonou

Chapter 298 [0294] Bakai and Bonou

Although Kalya was not a riddler, Lacus was still puzzled when she heard a new word: "Bakai? What is that?"

"He is a person who blindly pursues power." Kalya thought for a while, and explained in the most easy-to-understand way, "If I remember correctly, this place is indeed located near a north-south through-channel, the kind you feel The feeling of being spied on is likely to be some people who hide in the ruins of the dark canal and can't see the light."

"I remember you said that culverts are often built deep underground?" Hearing what Kalya said, Lux asked in surprise, "Doesn't that mean that the perception of these Bakai exceeds hundreds of yards?"

"Very likely." Kalya affirmed Lux's guess, "There will always be a price to be paid for the blind pursuit of power, but this does not mean that the power they get is weak."

Lux nodded, and stood vigilantly with Ino.

But the feeling of spying did not reappear afterwards, as if Bakay in the underground was just passing by.

As Skalash began to ruminate again, Lux and Ino, who had been holding their breath for almost a quarter of an hour, finally sat back on Skalash's back, urging the giant beast forward again.

Maybe it was because she slept too soundly before, or maybe it was because she was too nervous just now, but this time, Lacus couldn't fall asleep.

Seeing that Ino had put on the face scarf and fell asleep soundly, Lax simply hugged her upper body in her arms, and then held the sword hilt in her hand, chatting with Kalya one after another.

"In the ancient Shurima language, the original meaning of Bakay is [the unfinished person], that is, the unfortunate loser." Since Lux can't sleep for a while, Kalya is also happy to chat with her about some irrelevant things, "and then With the establishment of the Shurima Empire and the birth of the Ascendant, Bakay later became a proper term, referring to those who have gone through the ascension ceremony, but failed to withstand the force of the ascension, and finally failed to ascension."

"Failed Ascension?" Lux asked quite unexpectedly after hearing the words, "Is it possible for the Ascension Ceremony to fail?"

"Of course!" Karya said with emotion, "Ascendents, especially the first few batches of Ascendants, not everyone has enough strength and will, or strong external force as protection. will fail."

"Then what happens if the ascension fails?"

"The ascension ceremony is a process of recasting the body. The body of the ascendant will dissipate in the radiance of the sun, and then re-condense the body of the ascension." Carya explained, "Bakay has completed the first step, and the body dissipates , and then got stuck in the second step, failing to reshape the body of ascension."

"Sounds a bit scary." Hearing this, Lux couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth. "Without a carrier, wouldn't it be like an undead?"

"No, it's completely different." When Karya talked about this topic, his tone was inexplicably more emotional, "Even if the ascender fails, he will not be reduced to the state of a lonely ghost. The abundant energy of the ascension ceremony will Let's fashion a twisted body for these losers—until that body grows old, they won't be free."


This story is somewhat scary, even in the desert, Lux still couldn't help shivering.

"Fortunately, with the gradual maturity of ascension technology and the stricter selection of ascension candidates, the failure of ascension is almost never seen again." Carya continued, "The Ascension Order has a more reliable method of ascension. Kai has also become a historical term, gradually becoming the meaning of a person who blindly pursues power in Shurima today."

Hearing this, Lux finally blinked suddenly.

According to Karya's narration, from "a pity loser", to "ascension loser", to "a person who blindly pursues power", the word Bakay has completely different meanings in different eras.

Behind this simple word, there is actually a dusty history, which outlines a trajectory of civilization development.

"Bakai, this is unbelievable." Lux, who had mixed emotions, finally couldn't help shaking her head, "People who blindly pursue power, I really don't know what they are pursuing..."

Just when the two were chatting and Lacus felt a little emotional, Scarash, who had been walking steadily, suddenly made a humming sound. Lux hugged her, afraid that the sleeping Ino would be knocked over directly!
"What's the situation?" Lux asked Kalya while holding Ino, "Is Scarash under attack?"

"Attack? No, no attack." Kalya said happily, "It smells like an oasis, and it can't wait!"

oasis? !
Hearing what Kalya said, Lux couldn't help but shine.

After so many days of trekking in the desert, is it finally time to see the oasis?

"Don't get too excited. If I'm not mistaken, the Bakai who just spied on you is probably related to this oasis."


"Bakay in Shurima comes in various forms. Some of them hold a certain magic item, some worship a certain god or some evil god, some get fragments of world runes by chance, and some Most of them are spellcasters who can't master their own power, but no matter what kind of Bakay, they have their own territory, and the oasis is the most common Bakay territory."

"Didn't you say that there is no lord in the oasis of Shurima?"

"In Shurima, no one can claim an oasis—but for each oasis, there is a local rule maker."

"Then I can only hope that this Mr. or Ms. Baquet is a generous man?"

"If you really think so, then I suggest you don't use the word Bakay," Kalya corrected. "Strictly speaking, it's a derogatory term."

"Then what should I call them?"

"Just call them Bonu."

"Bonu... If I remember correctly, this should mean the strong?"

"That's right, they are the strong ones." Kalya affirmed Lux's guess, "For these Bakai, calling them Bonu is the easiest way to build a good relationship."

"Does this direct address seem a bit deliberate?" Lacus hesitated, "Is it just calling them strong?"

"It's good to call it directly." Carya heard the words, and laughed, "Believe me, those Bakay eat the most, this is it!"

 Kalya's Lesson Shurima and Old Shurima:

  The ancient Shurima language is the language spoken by the Shurima people, and the textualization of this language was realized by Kalya-however, with the collapse of the Shurima Empire, the Shurima language also experienced Several waves of major reshuffles, from the previous ancient Shurima language to the current Shurima language.

(End of this chapter)

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