Lux's Farewell

Chapter 299 [0295]

Chapter 299 [0295]
As Scarash's footsteps became faster and faster, almost to the point of having fun, Ino, who had been sleeping soundly, woke up in a daze.

"What's going on?" She rubbed her eyes, looking at the rapidly retreating scene around her, she seemed startled, "Why is Scarash running so fast? Is there something chasing us?"

"No, no, it's Scarash who smelled the oasis." Lacus said excitedly, "When you were sleeping, I talked to Kalya about Bakay..."

Just when Lux briefly told Ino about the conversation with Kalya just now, Scarash finally began to climb up a sand dune, and quickly crossed the sand dune.

The next moment, an unbelievable jade-like oasis appeared in front of Lacus and Ino.

"Shouldn't this be a mirage?" Yinuo murmured, "I really saw an oasis, among the boundless yellow sand!"

"The light is normal, it's not an illusion, it's an oasis!" Lux affirmed, "We've reached the oasis!"

An hour later, under Scarash's wild run, Lux and Ino finally arrived at the oasis.

Leaping down from Scarash's broad back, Lux and Ino stepped on the leathery leaves of an unknown plant, looking at the surrounding green scene, it felt a little bit like a world away for a while. feeling.

Obviously one step away is the long yellow sand, but within one step there are plants growing vigorously. This is simply a miracle of life!
Crouching down, Lux carefully pushed aside the layers of leathery leaves covering the ground, and finally saw the black soil well protected by these leaves.

The soil here is not fertile, and it doesn't feel wet when you hold it in your hands, but Lux, holding the soil in her hands, has an urge to cry—after ten days of continuous driving, she finally I saw colors other than yellow, and saw the familiar land!
Beside her, Ino was also feeling agitated and unable to hold herself back. Although she didn't bend over to grab a handful of dirt like Lacus, she was also taking deep breaths, as if she wanted to expel the dry air in her lungs. All replaced with a little humid air in this oasis!
As for Scarash, who drove them all the way here, his legs spread out to both sides, he lowered his head on the spot, and directly started to gnaw layers of wide and thick leathery leaves on the ground.

These sturdy, leathery blades with waxy brilliance reflected on the surface are quite strong, and if they are cut with a sword, they are probably not much different from cutting animal cortex.

However, in front of the quickly replaceable incisors and grinding disc-like molars in Scarash's mouth, these sturdy leathery leaves are no different from young leaves!
I saw this Scarash opened its mouth wide, gnawed half of the leaf in one gulp, cut it off with its incisors, chewed and sipped it, and quickly ground it into small pieces, then swallowed it with a raised neck Down—and then, with the help of swallowing, its bowel movements sped up quickly.

Feeling moved, Lux and Ino immediately chose to avoid it when they saw this—then they saw Scarash flicking his short tail, fertilizing the plants behind him.


When the oasis is found, it means that the water source has been found.

After confirming to Kalya that Skalash would not spoil his stomach, the two of them split into two ways—Ino stayed and looked at Skalash, while Lux took her own sword and began to search for the area. The water source of the oasis.

"Generally speaking, the water source of an oasis is the groundwater that naturally seeps out of the ground, so it is often at the lowest point of the oasis, where the surrounding plants are the most lush." ​​Kalya introduced to Lacus, "But this oasis seems to be It is located in a basin, and there are many oil silk seeds growing, so you must be careful and be careful not to step into the air."

"Takong?" Lux was stunned when she heard the words, "Is there a cavity in the ground here?"

"No, beware of stepping into the air is to prevent you from stepping into the water." Carya explained with a smile, "Yousizi is a plant with wide leaves on the ground. They can not only grow on land, but also adapt Lower concentrations of salty water, even on the surface of a saltwater lake, can be spread out in layers."


"Maybe what you see are leaves, but in fact, they are just a camouflage floating on the water, so you must be careful-although the water in the oasis is the source of life, it is often not as clean and clear. It would be quite embarrassing to plunge into the water!"

Hearing what Kalya said, Lacus pulled out the broken blade very cautiously, held the scabbard in her hand like a short stick, and started beating on the ground.

Not to mention, knocking and knocking, Lux really heard the sound of water.

Leaning down, she carefully lifted the leathery leaves of a few oil silk seeds in front of her—then, accompanied by a not-so-pleasant smell, a source of life appeared in front of Lux.

Ignoring the strange taste of the stagnant water in the oasis covered by the oil silk leaves, Lacus laughed out loud on the spot.

Although the water here is obviously undrinkable and cannot be directly used for bathing, but next to the water source, it is easy for Eno to make ice cubes. As long as the ice melts, he can take a comfortable bath!

And just when Lux laughed out loud, not far in front of her, the leaves of the oil silk seed were pushed aside row by row, and on the calm lake water, a small boat appeared in front of Lax.

"Are you the outsider that Bono said?" Inside the boat, a child poked his head out, "Welcome to Yousi Oasis!"

The child's Shurima language was not standard, with an indescribable accent in it—however, with Kalya around, he had no problem communicating with Lux.

Facing this polite little guy, Lux waved to him happily.

"Is this called Yousi Oasis?" Lux blinked, showing a very friendly smile, "My name is Lux, and I am a passenger who happened to pass by here. Replenish your supplies."

"Bonu said the oasis doesn't belong to anyone." The child tried to look like a grown-up, trying to look more grown-up, "You can use it as much as you want—as long as you don't waste it. "

"Don't worry!" Lux nodded with satisfaction when she heard this, "My friends and I are still experienced people, and we will definitely not damage the environment here—let's not talk about it, I'll go back right now Take Kalash aside, don’t let it nibble on a certain area, it’s not good if the oil silk is gnawed out of alopecia areata!”

 Karya's Small Classroom Yousizi:
  A drought-tolerant herb that can effectively modify the environment, Yousizi gets its name from its broad, oiled leaves and disproportionately slender vines.

  PS. The sofa was robbed, and there is another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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