Lux's Farewell

Chapter 301 [0297]

Chapter 301 [0297]
According to the "operation instructions" given by Karya, Lacus and Ino led Scarash away from the place where it was eating just now, one stroked its chin, the other combed the hair on its back, and soon let it lie down obediently on the ground.

While Scarash closed his eyes and enjoyed the spa comfortably, Lacus cut off a large piece of oil silk cotyledon with a saber, and roughly covered it up——Although Scarash was tall, his shoulders It is wide but not too wide. After lying down, it is covered with a wide leathery leaf of oil silk. From a distance, it is impossible to see that there is a huge Scarash hidden here.

"You rest here obediently!" After covering the leaf, Lux stretched out her hand to smooth the hair on Liskalash's back again, "Be obedient and don't move, I'll go and have a look and I'll be back!"

"Let me go too." Ino looked up at the smoke and dust that was getting closer to the east, "If there is a conflict with a team of this size, I'm afraid it will not be easy to deal with."

"Teacher Kalya is here to help me!" Lux patted the hilt of her saber, "I just went over to have a look - don't worry, there may not be conflicts!"

Ino was a little worried, but considering that Scarash really needed to be taken care of, she could only nod in the end.

"Then you must pay attention..."

Lux nodded, showed her thumb, and under the cover of Yousizi, the cat bent her waist and rushed towards the direction of the smoke.

At the same time, Sefika also took action.

Along the long-abandoned culvert, he arrived at the small island hidden in the center of the inner lake of the oasis, inhabited by desert remnants.

When he arrived, the child who had just returned from the boat was dancing with his friends, happily describing the beautiful big sister he had just met.

"Her tone of voice is a little strange, but it's nice. I've never seen such beautiful blond hair—oh, Brother Bonu! How did you come out?"

"Go and call the elder, hurry up!" Sefika said anxiously, "Tell him, those sand bandits, they are coming again!"

"Oh, alright!"

Hearing this, the child nodded quickly, then turned and left.

The children who had surrounded him and listened to his bragging just now dispersed and went back to their respective homes.

Sand pirates are a huge threat to any desert survivors. Even if the Yousi Oasis is full of Yousizi and the dark lake hidden under the Yousizi, it is almost impossible for sand robbers without boats to cross the lake. Arrived at the village in the lake where they lived, but to be on the safe side, it would be safer for everyone to hide.


Amid the billowing smoke and dust, the camel team successfully arrived at the edge of the oasis.

Lux, who was hiding among the oil silk, was hiding her body while observing the sand robbers from a distance.

"Is this the Sand Bandit?" Lux, who had excellent eyesight, held the hilt of the sword and asked with some doubts, "How do I feel that these people's movements and styles are more like regular soldiers than Sand Bandits? "

"I'm also a little confused about this." Through Lacus's vision, Kalya also clearly saw the appearance of these sand robbers, "Under their robes, these people are clearly wearing a layer of leather armor that protects key positions , Sand Pirates shouldn’t have this kind of equipment, right?”

You know, armor - even leather armor - is quite expensive to make.

If Sand Pirates can spend a lot of money to build a camel cavalry team that is always motorized for the mobility of looting, but it is really unexpected to have armor.

Taking a step back, even if the sand bandits did create a suit of armor for stronger combat effectiveness and to be able to rob large caravans, it should be a hodgepodge of armor based on their own abilities!
Although the armor under the camel captain's robe cannot be seen clearly, it can still be seen that its standard is completely uniform!
What the hell, Sand Pirates can have this outfit?

Can someone with this outfit be considered a Sand Pirate?

For a moment, both Lacus and Kalya were a little confused about the situation.

Soon, with a whistle, these sand robbers turned over the camels one after another, and then led the camels one by one, forming several columns. Under the leadership of a few people who did not wear leather armor and looked like guides, Start moving towards the center of the oasis.

Those guides were obviously familiar with this oasis, and the density of oil silk on the path they walked was obviously relatively low—and after hesitating for a moment, Lux finally chose to follow their footsteps and fell far away on the oasis. behind.

"I always feel that those who take the lead may be the locals of this oasis." While avoiding the scattered scouts in this team, Lacus secretly said to Kalya, "If If that’s the case, I’m afraid those desert survivors living in the center of the lake will be in trouble this time.”

"If that's the case, I'm afraid you have to meddle in your own business this time."



Following the guide he found with great difficulty, and leading his precious white-haired camel, Kraft walked in this oasis of Yousizi with big strides.

"What a wonderful place." Looking at a verdant oasis, he muttered to himself, "The legacy of the Shurima Empire is so rich..."

Kraft, who was in a good mood, subconsciously touched his waist, but when he took out the pipe, he didn't take out the flint and steel, but put the pipe next to his nose, and took a deep breath.

"These oil silk seeds are really good for everything, but unfortunately they are afraid of fire."

"Once the leaves of Yousizi are ignited, it is difficult to extinguish them - but as long as you don't use an open flame to light the withered stems and leaves, these green and thick leaves are difficult to ignite." In front of him, the guide in charge of leading the way Hearing this, he nodded, "Master Kraft, you must take good care of the camels. You can eat the leaves of oil silk seed, scarash, or many giant beasts, but camels won't digest them after eating them."

"Don't worry." Kraft chuckled when he heard this, and put away his pipe, "My Bai Yushuang is a smart girl, she won't eat indiscriminately... bastard, raise your head, eat carefully Diarrhea afterwards! Damn it, next time you do this again, I'll prepare chews for you!"

Apparently, the female white camel named Bai Yushuang didn't seem to give her owner much face—when Kraft took out his pipe and smelled the smell of tobacco to satisfy his hunger, she poked her head out curiously. Bite towards the green, juicy leaves of Yousizi.

Being pulled by the bridle, the aggrieved White Camel let out a bit of dissatisfaction through his nostrils. Under such circumstances, Kraft could only helplessly scratch his chin for her.

"There is water to drink in front of us. Although the water in this oasis is not the best drinking water, it can at least quench your thirst, isn't it?"

 Karya's small class · the flammability of oil silk:
  The leaves of Yousizizi contain extremely high oil, but its vegetable oil is stable, and fresh leaves can hardly be ignited directly-but if they are ignited by igniting dead branches and rotten leaves, then This flame is also extremely difficult to extinguish.

(End of this chapter)

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