Lux's Farewell

Chapter 302 [0298] Negotiation

Chapter 302 [0298] Negotiation
Soon, the camel team arrived at the water's edge of the lake in the oasis.

Reminded by the guide, the soldiers leading the camels spread out along the shore of the lake, pulling their own camels by their bridles to prevent them from stealing oil silk.

Then, when Lux slowly walked around from the side and approached the front of the team, she was surprised to see someone in the team take out a ship.

Judging by its appearance, it can be said to be exactly the same as that of the oasis adherent child before!
"Are they going to cross the lake?" Seeing this scene, Lux widened her eyes in surprise, "But this boat is a little too small, right?"

"It shouldn't be all crossing the lake." Karya watched the man dressed as a guide put the boat in the water, and said, "I think this is a bit like sending an envoy."

"Negotiation? Courtesy first, soldiers later?"

"I don't know about that. Too much time has passed. Although I still know most of the plants and animals in Shurima, the customs and habits may have changed with time, right?"

"Look, the leader seems to have entered the lake with the guide, one person and one boat!"


Being in a literal boat, Kraft was somewhat uncomfortable.

Even though he grew up in Belgun and could swim since he was a child, he was still a little bit unsure about riding this boat made of pure leaves among the dense oil silk.

It can only be said that it is reasonable for desert survivors to be driven by children in boats. Although the boat made of oil silk blades can carry adults, this kind of carrying is more or less reluctant.

"Tell me, can these stubborn elders agree?" As if to dispel the uneasiness in his heart, Kraft, who has always been unsmiling, took the initiative to talk to his guide again, "They will be willing to leave here and go to the outside world to see ?"

"Maybe the elders will not be willing to leave, but there will always be someone willing to leave." The guide thought for a while, and could only answer this way, "Compared to the elders, I think Sefika is more worth fighting for."

"Sefika? Is that... the strong man you mentioned?"

"Yes, Bonu." The guide nodded, "Even though I have left the Oil Silk Oasis and lived outside for almost five years, I have never seen a spellcaster as powerful as Sefika."

"Is it stronger than the mages of Noxus?" Hearing what the guide said, Kraft narrowed his eyes slightly, "I have seen those mages from the north, they always wear robes, they are mysterious—— His spells terrified the harbor governor of Belgun, and that coward turned his back on the glory of Shurima for the Noxians!"

"I have never seen a Noxus mage." The guide shook his head upon hearing this, "However, I have seen many mages working for the mercenary regiment, and none of them can compare to Sefika... In the oil silk oasis, Bonu in the past could only listen to the voice of the earth, but Sefika can mobilize part of the power of the earth. I am not familiar with him, but I have seen with my own eyes the grief of the previous Bonu when he passed away. caused earthquakes."

"Unbelievable." Kraft glanced at the guide in the boat beside him, a little unbelievable, "If it weren't for the fact that I know you and understand you, I'm afraid I would think you are a guy who likes to brag——Grief triggers earthquakes, and I can only I have seen this description in fairy tales."

"A fairy tale?"

"That's right, "The Weaver Mother's Bedtime Story", a very popular bedtime reading by Belgun."

"...Going ashore."

The topic was brought up to such a place, and the guide was somewhat at a loss. At this time, the two boats finally approached the shore. He took the first step to the shore, and then grabbed the cable of Kraft's boat.

"My head is a little dizzy." Kraft scratched his head, then dragged his own boat out of the water and carried it on his back. "To be honest, I would rather carry this boat than take a boat."

"Hahaha." Kraft's words made the guide laugh out loud, "Believe me, most people will think so after taking the oil silk boat!"

Talking and laughing, the two finally came to the island, and here, the elder who had been notified by Sefika had been waiting for a long time.

Here in the Oil Silk Oasis, the Elder of the Desert Remnant is a relatively fair guy. He wears a silk robe and holds a cane in his hand. When he saw Kraft and the guide, he stood up on the spot. own eyebrows.

"Kuqiu, you bastard!" The white-haired elder spoke the unsounding Shurima language, "You brought an outsider to the Oil Silk Oasis, and even brought him to our island! "

"Mr. Kraft came here with sincerity." Facing the old man, the guide Kuqiu could only helplessly spread his hands, with a wry smile on his face, "Elder, the times have changed now, we can't Hiding forever in the desert—"

"Has the war outside stopped?" The elder sneered, and interrupted Kuqiu without hesitation, "No matter how sincere this guy is, isn't he just dragging us into the vortex of war? Our ancestors ate Isn't the war bitter enough?"

"But, staying in the Yousi Oasis all the time, isn't it the same hardship?" Kuqiu said helplessly, "In Kennessy, I can eat a different diet, and I don't have to eat mushrooms every day; I have a lover who loves me." My wife and three lovely children don’t need to worry about them dying because they don’t have enough to eat; in Kenesher, I see a wider world, and all of this is impossible in Yousi Oasis…”

"Leaving the oasis, can everyone be like you?" The elder obviously won't be easily persuaded, "Why, the Shurima Empire has been rebuilt? The emperor is back?"

"But leaving this oasis, we can create a better life with our own hands, instead of living in a small underground space, relying on mushrooms and bugs to provide food and clothing that has not changed for thousands of years..."

"Collect dead branches and rotten leaves to grow mushrooms, and spin silk in the silkworm room. Isn't it just relying on your own hands?" The elder interrupted Kuqiu again, "Stop trying to confuse me with sweet words. I am 73 years old this year. I have eaten more salt than sand you have ever seen, and I dare say that this person behind you, he asked you to bring him here, not to let us live the kind of life you said!"

Facing the elder, Kuqiu showed a helpless expression.

"He wants the boys from Oasis to join the army, go to war, and satisfy their ambitions!"

"But even if I went to war, I didn't do it for personal ambition!" Seeing the old man's aggressiveness, Kraft finally couldn't help it, "If I want to rebuild the glory of Shurima, can it be achieved without fighting? "

 Carya's Small Classroom Mushrooms in Yousi Oasis:
  The spoiled stems and leaves of Yousizi will be collected by the desert survivors living in Yousi Oasis, and then sent to the fermentation room in the underground culvert for fermentation, and then used as a medium to raise mushrooms—this is their main source of rations.

  PS. I didn't grab the sofa, there is another chapter tonight.

  Readers are still cowhide, and they are good at grabbing sofas.

(End of this chapter)

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