Lux's Farewell

Chapter 303 [0299] Disagreements and lies

Chapter 303 [0299] Disagreements and lies
The negotiation between Kraft and the elder of Yousi Oasis did not go smoothly at all.

If Karya heard their conversation, he would definitely use this incident as a case to remind Lacus, telling her that "the basis of cooperation is common interests, not similar positions."

In fact, no matter whether it was Kraft who led the team to leave because of Belgun's defection to Noxus and defected to Kennesser, or the elder who insisted on living in the oil silk oasis for many years, on the issue of Shurima, they have similar positions.

They all grew up listening to the stories of Shurima since they were young, and they all hope from the bottom of their hearts that Shurima can regain its former glory.

But the difference is that the behavior of the two people is completely different.

After leading the team away from Belguen, Kraft did not have a good time at Kenneth.

The soldiers under his command were well-trained, prohibited, and obedient, which caused him to be seriously feared by the governor of Kenneth - after he came to Kenneth, he did not receive more support. The number of soldiers under his command There was no increase either, and in order to be able to keep Kraft under control, Kenneth's governor stuck his supplies dead.

Kraft and his soldiers can eat enough.

But for soldiers, it is not enough to just have enough to eat. In this case, let alone recruiting troops to counterattack Belguen, even the maintenance of weapons and equipment for these 500 people has become a big problem.

Under such circumstances, Kraft could only choose to "rescue the enemy for food". Anyway, he is more familiar with the situation around Belguen, and those under his command who left with him are all good cavalry. Just trade sand bandits and plunder Noxus caravans!
It turned out that Kraft and his camel riders, with their backs to Kennesser, quickly became a force that Belguin's orderly bored.

Since Kraft was originally from Belgun's city defense army, he was very familiar with the terrain from Belgun to Kennesser, even if the Belgun regiment of Noxus was dispatched, the result could only be in Kraft. The back of the camel team eats ashes.

Over time, Belgun's land trade gradually withered. Under the influence of Kraft, the city almost completely cut off its land trade with other cities in Shurima. Ocean trade is becoming more and more dependent!

Such a situation is obviously not what Kraft expected. He originally wanted to use looting to make the Belguns realize that it was a mistake to join Noxus, but with a limited level of strategy, he did not realize that Noxus Sass is such a huge country.

Belguen, who took refuge in Noxus, even lost all land trade routes, relying only on ocean trade with Noxus, business has also ushered in amazing prosperity.

If it weren't for Uzeris, a commercial city that also took refuge in Noxus, to compete with it, I'm afraid Belgun would be even more prosperous!
In this way, Kraft wandered around the desert with his camel team for more than ten years, from a good boy to a middle-aged man, but in the end he failed to realize his vision and failed to make Belguen hang up again. Rima's banner.

The army of thousands who followed him out of Belguen, now there are only 500 people left. The others either retired from the army due to injuries, or changed jobs to become bodyguards and mercenaries, and a few waves of people simply fell into the grass As a bandit, he became a sand bandit without a bottom line.

Kraft was hit hard by the departure of old buddies one by one. He spent a lot of time thinking and reflecting when he was middle-aged but alone, and finally realized that the battlefield may not be the only place to solve problems, and war may not be the only place to solve problems. The only solution, if you want to take back Belguen, maybe you should develop a base of your own.

Kenneth's governor cannot be relied on!
Realizing this, Kraft began to consciously search for the oases near Belguen. In his opinion, although these oases are relatively small, as long as they are united, they are an army that cannot be ignored, and is even qualified to support an army. The strength of an army!

The Yousi Oasis was the first target he chose.

On the one hand, I chose this place as the target because there are relatively few people who know it here, and the distance between Belguen and Kennesser is just right, so it is a good transit point; on the other hand, it is because of an accidental opportunity, He got to know Kuqiu, a man who had left from the oil silk oasis to make a living in Kenneth.

After learning about the situation of Yousi Oasis from Kuqiu, Kraft finally chose this place as his destination after some comparisons.

But it is a pity that the elders of the desert survivors in the Yousi Oasis obviously do not agree with Kraft.

The ancestors have lived in the oil silk oasis for generations, and the production of the whole village is highly dependent on the underground canals and water wells left by the Shurima Empire. The elders naturally look forward to and miss Shurima.

But nostalgia is nostalgia, let him leave the oasis with the remnants of the desert, and go to fight with Kraft, this is still avoided!
Why was the Shurima Empire so prosperous back then?
Because there are ascenders!

Although there will always be deviations in the history of word of mouth, at least the story about "the weaver mother digging the culvert" has been passed down with a nose and a sense.

In the eyes of the elders of the desert remnants, the real revival of Shurima must be done by the emperor and the Ascended!

What can us civilians... do?
Although this generation of Bonu is very powerful, Sefikana kid directly caused the earth to tremble after inheriting his father's strength, but it only caused the ground to tremble slightly.

In the final analysis, it is only a small application of the Saifei stone, which is far from the legendary Weaver Mother who excavated underground rocks and formed six dark rivers across the continent!

Yes, life in Yousi Oasis is indeed a bit boring, and food and clothing have not changed for thousands of years, but at least everyone is still living in peace and stability!

After all, this oasis is relatively remote, and outsiders who pass by here occasionally do not understand and will not take advantage of these oil silks. If there are sand robbers, then Bonu can provide early warning, and everyone can retreat to the safe village in the lake. It's not as colorful as the outside, at least it's no problem to live in peace and stability.

So, why do we leave this oasis and join the unfamiliar Kraft in the war?

Even though Kraft visited the thatched cottage three times, the attitude of the elders of the oasis survivors remained the same.

Don't think about it, it's impossible - the Oil Silk Oasis will not be your army's garrison, and the oasis survivors will not join your army.

After feeling the child's sincerity, the elder even persuaded Kraft in turn, hoping that he would not waste his life doing things that should not be done by mortals.

Under such circumstances, Kraft could only sigh silently, then tore off his cloak, revealing his arms in the elder's astonished eyes.

At the position of his elbow, several carefully groomed feathers were tightly attached to the skin of his upper arm.

"I am a descendant of the Eagle King." Kraft pursed his lips, showing his feathers to the elder, "It is my mission to revive Shurima."

The stunned oasis elder came over and almost put his eyes on Kraft's arm, as if he wanted to find evidence of his fraud.

However, these feathers did grow on Kraft's body, and there was a layer of fine hair growing at the root of the feathers, and the surrounding skin was obviously closer to the state of chicken skin.

Could it be... this Mr. Kraft is really a descendant of the Eagle King? !

At this moment, the elders of the oasis survivors finally hesitated.


The Eagle King is Azir. This guy likes to wear a gorgeous eagle feather cloak, and later he took the initiative to break the rules left by Setaka and ascended as the emperor, so he was called the Eagle King.

As the number one male protagonist in Shurima's colorful books, Azir has had an astonishing number of scandals in his life, which can be described in the official history records as not taboo about meat and vegetables.

In the unofficial history, his descendants can be described as "countless".

So in Shurima, the title of descendant of the Eagle King is quite easy to accept.

Coupled with the feathers on Kafu's arms that looked more and more like eagle feathers, the elders of the oasis survivors who had been steadfast before looked at Kafu with suspicion at last.

So, is Kraft really a descendant of the Eagle King and a descendant of Azir?

of course not.

Perhaps in the eyes of some ordinary people, the feathers on Kraft's arms can really be related to the descendants of the Eagle King, but anyone who really understands the history of Shurima will know that this thing has nothing to do with Azir relation.

Kraft himself is also very clear that he and Azir actually have no blood connection at all. There are so few feathers, it is entirely because he has the blood of the vastaya.

Only the mixed descendants of vastayas and humans can have such feathers!

The descendants of the Eagle King were all made up by Kraft to fool the old guy in front of him—after several negotiations, he could see that the elders of the oasis survivors were really pure old antiques. People need to carry a big enough name.

It is based on this that Kraft, who is not good at lying, chooses to fabricate his identity.

Didn't you say that this is only related to the emperor and the ascended?

I am the descendant of the emperor - so, come join me and build up the power of the dragon!

However, although the elder's knowledge is not rich, and he doesn't know that there are vastaya mixed blood, he is not stupid after all.

Although a few feathers are amazing, they are not the King Regent's golden feathers displayed by the Vazuan people. It is far from enough to convince him.

How can one figure out a way to try Kraft?
Slightly narrowing his eyes, the elder quickly thought of a way.

"Go and call Bonu." He whispered to a desert remnant beside him, "Tell him to bring that stone!"

 Carya's Small Classroom Silk Oasis Silk:

  Shurima has a long history of silkworm breeding and silk reeling. Today, Nashlame, Ezraokun, and Zhivania are still the production areas of the highest-end silk in Runeterra.

  However, in the Oil Silk Oasis, the insects they feed are not silk-spinning silkworms, but a kind of oil silk beetle that lives here. When this beetle pupates, it will also create a fiber shell for itself. The oily and fibrous husk is ready to be used to make silk after an initial brine wash.

  Of course, this kind of silk is neither delicate nor dense, and has nothing to do with high-end at all, but it subtly meets the needs of the oasis adherents, has very good air permeability, and is their main source of clothing.

  PS. I grabbed the sofa, hahaha, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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