Lux's Farewell

Chapter 304 [0300] The growth of Lacus

Chapter 304 [0300] The growth of Lacus
Naturally, Lacus and Kalya are completely unaware of the situation on the island negotiations.

But from their point of view, even if the two sides are not in the same group, they should have some friendship-because after the two leading people entered the lake by boat, the remaining camel riders seemed to be very relaxed.

Although they did not disarm or disband, members of the same team gathered together in twos and threes, chatting casually, and many of them took off the hose belts around their waists and occasionally took a sip of water.

Only a few scouts are still on alert, but judging from their patrol speed, the formal significance of this alert may be greater than the actual significance.

Unless these camel riders don't care about the safety of their leaders at all, the only possibility is that the two parties have at least dealt with each other before and have the most basic trust.

Realizing this, Lux was slightly relieved.

If it was really sand robbers looting, she couldn't sit idly by no matter what—and against hundreds of camel cavalry with her own strength when the enemy's situation was unknown, Lux actually had no idea in her heart.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Lux asked curiously, relieved. "Didn't you say that these people are sand robbers? Could it be that this oasis is still their den?"

"Judging from the size of this team, they really look like Sand Bandits." Kalya thought for a while, and then said, "But judging by their outfits... Considering that there is another Bakai, I'm afraid everything can't be deduced with common sense—I'm not an omniscient god, so I won't be able to guess their identity and purpose after seeing a group of people."

"Tsk tsk tsk... But I always feel that you seem to know something." Lux smacked her lips lightly, "Do you really not know these people?"

"Of course I don't know each other!" Karada categorically denied on the spot, "You can't make people innocent out of thin air! When have I ever lied to you?"

"You really haven't lied to me." Lacus nodded, "However, my dear teacher, in my impression, although you tell me the truth, you usually don't tell the whole truth."


"I'm not that stupid little girl who was stupefied by you for a long time!" Feeling Kalya's surprise, Lacus continued quite complacently, "You probably don't know these camel riders, but Don’t you know the oasis survivors who live here?”

"Of course I don't know him!" Carya said confidently, "If I knew him, would I not tell you?"

"The survivors of the oasis don't know it, and you don't know that Bakay either?"

"I don't know."

"Very good." Lacus nodded, "Then, Bakai is blindly pursuing power, the Bakai in this oasis, do you know the power he is pursuing?"


This time, Karya was silent.

Lux didn't urge him, but stared at the cavalry while whistling silently—in the past, she was always the one who was given orders by Kalya and made them turn around. Uh, it seems that Kalya seemed to choose Well the road.

Even though Lux can clearly realize that Kalya is not only harmless, but is leading herself on a noble path, sometimes she still feels dissatisfied.

Lacus is willing to accept Kalya's teaching, to agree with Kalya's philosophy, and to implement Kalya's plan, but as an adolescent girl, she still feels a subtle discomfort.

This feeling is similar to the difference between "I'm hungry and want to eat" and "I'm hungry, but you remind me to eat, and I suddenly don't want to eat", it is a typical rebellious psychology.

Lacus is not a willful little princess, and when Kalya's plan is more perfect, she will always carry out the plan honestly.

But that doesn't mean she won't look for opportunities to fight back - just as Kalya is happy to see Lux embarrassed, Lux also likes to make her teacher embarrassing.

It's just that Kalya has always been cunning and cunning, and it's hard for Lacus to really grasp the flaws he reveals.

And this time, Lacus seized the opportunity.

Ever since she was woken up while she was sleeping, Lacus had already faintly felt a subtle and awkward feeling.

It seems that Carya's nerves are extraordinarily nervous today, and she is somewhat taken aback.

At that time, Ino was awakened by the sense of spying, and Kalya's performance was a bit like an enemy - and this vigilance was not caused by dealing with the unknown, Kalya confirmed from the beginning The feeling of voyeurism comes from underground.

In Lax's impression, Kalya has always been a calm and unhurried person who always leaves room for herself, so it must be scary for him to exist so nervously, right?
Therefore, when she woke up completely, Lacus even thought of the void that Kalya had mentioned to herself. In Lax's impression, it seemed that only the void was worthy of Kalya's vigilance.

After all, even in the face of demons, Karya still treats them like nothing and doesn't care.

As a result, after the feeling of being spied on disappeared, Kalya suddenly relaxed—although the appearance of the oasis temporarily diverted Lux's attention, but after thinking about it carefully, Kalya must have discovered something!

Karya is playing dumb!

He might be planning some weird plan again, and use it as his own test. After living together day and night for more than eight years, Lacus is not too familiar with Kalya!

Therefore, after confirming that the two sides would not really fight, Lak exposed Kalya's "true face" without hesitation, intending to embarrass him.

I have to say, Lux did a great job.

The unsuspecting Kalya was speechless for a while, and then laughed out loud after a while.

"Oh, our little Laxana has grown up too!" Kalya's voice was a little emotional, "I'm no longer that foolish little golden retriever..."

"Cal! Al! Ya!"

"Okay, okay, I'm not kidding anymore." Kalya was willing to bet and gave up teasing, "I have to say, your observation skills have indeed grown a lot, and I haven't returned to Shurima for a long time, so I don't like the situation here. I understand, I occasionally perceive a little old thing from the past, and I accidentally exposed a flaw under the feeling..."

"Stop making excuses!" Lux snorted, "Just be straightforward, what is Bakai's source of power in this oasis?"

"If my perception is correct, there is a fragment of a monolith in the dark ditch under this oasis." Kalya finally revealed the answer, "I am very familiar with this method of listening."

 Karya's Little Classroom Karya's Habits:

  Karya is a person who doesn't like to lie.

  However, deception does not have to be achieved through lies, and partial truths are often more deceptive.

(End of this chapter)

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