Lux's Farewell

Chapter 306 [0302]

Chapter 306 [0302]
The monstrous fire came without warning, and the subsequent successive waves of earthquakes exceeded everyone's expectations.

Not to mention the camel riders running wild, even Lux, who joined Ino, lost his balance for a moment and almost fell to the ground.

When Lux and Ino finally pulled the frightened Scarash out of the oasis and came to the desert, looking back, there was already a raging fire behind him, and thick smoke billowed everywhere.

The trembling of the ground caused several panicked camels to lose their footing, and they fell to the ground—then, before they got up, they were licked and ignited by the flames together with the rider behind them, and finally died in howling. silence.

And those camels and riders who managed to escape were also completely terrified by the terrifying flames. They didn't even care about their companions, and ran in the direction they came from, and quickly disappeared in the billowing smoke .

The red flames, the billowing black smoke, what was just an oasis of tranquility and peace, has now turned into a sea of ​​purgatory flames.

Feeling the hot air blowing towards her face, and breathing in some burning hot smoke, Lacus felt a little dazed for a moment.

"What the hell is going on?" Lux murmured, "Someone is setting fire? Who is setting fire? What about those oasis survivors living on the island in the lake?"

"There is no need to worry about the safety of those oasis remnants for the time being." Carya sighed, "If the main structure of the Shuijingfang built during the empire period on the island in the oasis is not damaged, as long as they hide in, the flames of this level will still It won’t let them die in the flames.”

"Is this kind of flame all right?" Lux widened her eyes in astonishment, "Yousizi is rich in oil, and I feel that the temperature of this flame is far higher than that of ordinary fire!"

"It doesn't matter, because Shuijingfang is a semi-underground permanent fortification." Kalya said, "Shuijingfang relies on the underground canal as the main body, and there are very few parts exposed to the ground. The whole is like a bunker, and the flames cannot be burned-in fact, Compared to the flames, I am actually more worried about the small earthquake just now."

"The earthquake just now must have been caused by the fragments of the monolith, right?" Lacus quickly realized, "Could it be that the fragments of the monolith will destroy the underground drain?"

"It's very possible." Kalya confirmed Lacus's guess, "When the Monolith Fortress was built, Azhi made great efforts, and almost the main body of the entire fortress was shaped by her... Azhi, you see It's the one that summons rocks."

Lacus froze for a moment, and soon realized that Kalya was talking about a group of bigwigs who had dealt a huge blow to her self-confidence.

"Is that the shy-looking little girl?"

"That's right, it's her, Azhi." Carya continued, "She is also the main builder of these culverts. If the power of the monolith is used inside the culvert, it may cause the resonance of the culvert, which in turn will cause the wall of the culvert to crack. , to the point of collapse.”

"So, isn't the oasis survivor on the island very dangerous at this time?"

"Then we can only see if Bakai, who has the power of a monolith, can realize this."


Sefika has realized the problem.

In fact, when they received a notice from the elder asking him to identify whether Kafu was a "descendant of the Eagle King", the Sefika people were dumbfounded.

He is just a young man who inherited a strange stone left by his grandparents, the descendants of the Eagle King... how would Sefika know?

Then, just as Sefika was scrambling for a way to express her ignorance of the Eagle King in a less awkward way, the fire was lit.

Seeing the flames rising in the distance, Sefika's first reaction was "these outsiders are actually setting fire"!
Agitated, Sefika's magical power almost lost control, and the energy of the monolith fragments also surged, so, with him as the center, the tremors of the earth spread rapidly.

Fortunately, the elder of Yousi Oasis grabbed him and dragged him to Shuijingfang without any explanation: "Who set the fire will be discussed later. The most urgent thing now is to go in and take refuge as soon as possible. Yousizi will be extinguished as soon as it burns." Don’t drop it, tell everyone to evacuate now—”

Hearing what the elder said, Kafu also picked up the boat, turned his head and rushed towards the lake. Then, before he could take a step, the robe was grabbed by Sefika and Kuqiu at the same time. .

"You can't go!" Sefika stared at Kafu, "Your subordinates set the fire!"

"It's not my subordinate...Damn it, the fire is getting bigger and bigger, and Bai Yushuang is still waiting for me!"

"At this time, even if your son is waiting for you, you can't go!" Kuqiu also grabbed Kraft's robe firmly, "When the oil silk is burning, the flame can even melt steel. If you go now, you will die— hurry up and follow I'm coming, take refuge in the shelter!"

Kraft still wanted to struggle, but at this moment, a white figure came leisurely between the emerald green silk on the lake, and Kraft stared at him in disbelief when he saw this scene.

"Bai Yushuang!" He stepped forward and put his arms around the neck of his white camel, "Good girl, when did you learn to swim?"

Facing the emotional owner, the white camel just tilted its head, then bent its forelimbs and knelt down on the ground, as if to let Kraft ride.

Seeing this scene, Sefika's eyes became sharper, and the ground began to tremble faintly again.

But Kraft laughed loudly, took out a radish from his waist pocket, and brought it to the white camel's mouth.

"Good girl, let's not run away, let's go to the refuge—our people didn't set the fire, so if we run away, we're taking the blame for others!"

Although he was talking to the camel on the surface, it was obvious that what Kraft said was not meant for the camel—and although Bai Yushuang was indeed a very obedient and sensible white camel, such words meant nothing to her. Speaking is completely incomprehensible.

Instead, it was the radish in Kraft's hand that aroused her interest. After opening her nostrils and sniffing him, she followed Kraft's hand holding the radish, stood up quickly, and gnawed it down. One-third sliced ​​radish.

In this way, Kraft took his precious white camel, which was a radish pit, and under the supervision of Sefika, he honestly entered the refuge of the oasis survivors.

That is, in the semi-underground water wells built during the Shurima Empire.

And after he arrived here, all the families on the oasis center island also fled into this refuge with a few clothes of their own treasures.

After the elder confirmed that everyone had entered, several young and strong men lifted up the door of the shelter, covered it tightly, and surrounded Kraft and his side all the way. The white camels who were eating radish surrounded the middle.

"Tell me, Mr. Kraft." The elder came to Kraft, staring at him with a pair of cloudy eyes, "What's going on here?"

 Carya's Little Classroom · Nabol:
  This plant from Loklund has a root tuber that is structurally similar to a turnip, but in a twin-strand form.

  Unlike radish, this is a kind of root with relatively high sugar content, which is very durable.

  Although radish stored for too long will shrink and become soggy, its sugar content will also increase accordingly, changing from tender and juicy to sweet and delicious.

  In addition, although camels can eat thorny bushes that many animals do not eat, they still prefer sweets if they can, so in Shurima, many camel riders like to carry radish to lure or Reward camels with "snacks".

  PS. The chapter said that it has recovered, everyone speaks enthusiastically... I always feel cold when no one speaks.

  PSS. I grabbed the sofa and can go to bed with peace of mind, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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