Lux's Farewell

Chapter 307 [0303]

Chapter 307 [0303]
Everyone looked at Kraft with unfriendly eyes.

Although they had just brought Kraft and Kuchu to this water well workshop that dates back to the Shurima Empire because the fire was too big and they were in a hurry to retreat, but that didn't mean they were willing to trust Kraft.

Yousi Oasis is doomed to be unable to stay longer—after the fire, without the protection of the wide leaves of Yousizi, the ashes and soil will soon be blown away in the desert by the wind, and the existence of Yousi Oasis has officially entered the countdown stage .

At most, it could be several months, or at least a few days, in this oasis, the lakes exposed to the scorching sun and sandstorms would be evaporated, and the oasis survivors living here had to leave before that happened.

Considering that Kraft has been trying to pull the oasis survivors onto his chariot... Obviously, this guy is the out-and-out first suspect!
Aware of everyone's dangerous eyes, Kraft could only show bitterness.

"This... this is really not what I ordered." He leaned against his camel dejectedly, "What I need is a fixed base, which is rare between Belgun and Kenesh Oasis, the strategic significance is important, even if you are unwilling to join, I can't take the initiative to destroy this place!"


No one spoke, and no one believed his defense.

These desert remnants have lived here for generations, and they know very little about the outside world. They occasionally hear about Belgun and Kenneth from passing caravans, but that's all—except Occasionally, there are young people like Kuqiu who are eager to go to the wider world, and they will leave with the passing caravan. They don't really care much about the outside world.

If they had some insight, they would find that Kraft was right.

Population is indeed very important, but without this oasis, these desert survivors who were forced to move away are not the population that Kraft needs!

The oasis survivors who stayed in the oasis can be self-sufficient and operate the oasis as Kraft's private stronghold and an outpost for counterattacking Noxus.

But the oasis survivors who lost the oasis can only go to Kennessy to become citizens-even start as slaves!

Does Kenneth have a few oasis survivor slaves? Does this have anything to do with Kraft?
Moreover, I am not really helpless!

Although it is quite awkward for Kraft to pretend to be a descendant of the Eagle King, but judging from the effect, the elder has obviously made a move!

As long as I work hard and really marry a girl who is a survivor of the oasis and become my own, this oily oasis will become my base sooner or later!
The results of it?
It's all right now, after a fire, I lost all my hair.

In Kraft's view, these reasons are obvious, unless he is a badass, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to order those oil silks to be burned anyway.

That is breaking the roots of the survivors of the oasis, and also cutting off their own path.

However, in the face of these angry oasis survivors, these words are not clear.

If it wasn't for Kuqiu's sake, everyone would have rushed up and started punching and kicking Kafu!
Especially Sefika—judging from the occasional trembling of the ground, he seemed to be holding back his anger.

"Didn't someone else come here?" Kraft said dejectedly, "Kuqiu understands that it is impossible for me to issue an order that burns down the oasis, which is harmful to others and not beneficial to myself..."

Kraft's words finally reminded them.

In addition to these camel cavalry, there is really a wave of people—or, a Scarash.

Sefika and the elder looked at each other, and at the same time called out the name of the child who had met Lux before.


"Yes, at that time Bonu said that someone was coming, and there were not many people, so I went to see it by boat." The little boy who was called suddenly faced everyone's gaze and puffed up his chest, "Then I saw There's a beautiful big sister with nice long blond hair—"

"Is she alone?" The elder obviously didn't come to listen to him talk about big sister, so he immediately reminded, "What is she here for?"

"She should have two people." The child blinked, "Two people, one with Scarash, passed by here."

"Passing by?" The elder narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this sentence, "It's not often that people pass by here..."

"Then I don't know." The child shook his head, "After she saw me, she said hello and left—she said that the scalash was going to gnaw the oil silk on a spot, Hurry up and go back and take it to another place..."

There is no doubt that there is nothing wrong with Lux's attitude.

But when this oasis is under fire, for these angry desert remnants, as long as Lux appears, it is melon field plum.

"Could it be the flame that was ignited by that person?" Sefika frowned, a little hesitant, " be honest, it's not like, I felt the existence of that Scarash very early on, but that Skalash doesn't seem to be here for that."

"Isn't it here?" Kraft looked at Sefika in surprise, "How do you know?"

"Because that scarash is heading towards the southwest, and it didn't go straight to this side until it was closer to the oasis." Sefika squinted at Kafu, "Many wild scarash are That's how I went, that's why I told him to go and see if there was a wild Scalashi out there, and try and catch him."

"This doesn't fully explain the problem." Kraft curled his lips when he heard the words, "Maybe they know the Yousi Oasis, but they just don't know the exact address!"

"It's also possible." Sefika nodded, "But to be honest, even if you haven't met them, compared with you, those strangers are more credible."


Kraft clenched his fists—he really wanted to sarcastically say a few words such as "seeing sex", but now is obviously not the time to say this.

Now that I am surrounded by a group of oasis survivors, speaking like this will only lead to a severe beating.

"When the flames are extinguished, I'll go out with you guys to have a look." In the end, Kraft could only take a few deep breaths, and then gritted his teeth, "I will definitely find traces of the person who started the fire!"

"Hmph, I'm afraid you'll run away if you go out!" Sefika thought for a while, and looked at the rope in the corner, "So, you'd better be tied up... eh!"

The next moment, Sefika, who was bending over to pick up the rope, suddenly lost his balance, and his whole body froze with incomparable stiffness, and then fell to the ground in a daze.

Seeing this scene, Kraft was at a loss, while all the other oasis survivors showed terrified expressions.

"Sefika!" The white-bearded elder Nan's lips trembled slightly, and the expression on his face gradually turned from pain to numbness, "You are only 26 years old, Sefika..."

 Carya's Little Classroom · Slavery:
  During the Shurima Empire period, slavery was absolutely prohibited. Even though the Shurima people in the conquered areas were de facto second-class citizens with the expansion of the empire, the empire still had no slaves.

  However, after the Battle of Icathia, with the departure of the Ascended Queen, as a large number of Ascendants fell to Darkin, and as Shurima stopped conquest and began to involve, slavery reappeared.

  At first, rebels were enslaved during the Icathian War, and then the scope of slavery began to expand rapidly, and finally returned hundreds of years later.

(End of this chapter)

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