Lux's Farewell

308 Call of fate [0304]

308 Call of fate [0304]

Sefika's sudden fall made the oasis survivors, who were already depressed, fall into a downturn. They didn't even have the intention of continuing to interrogate Kafu.

Except for a few children who didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, the expressions of "tired, destroy, hurry up" appeared on the faces of the others.

"What's going on here?" Kafu looked at these discouraged desert remnants in a daze, and asked Kuqiu quietly, "What's wrong with Sefika... Wait, why are you also in this picture?" expression?"

"Maybe this is fate?" Kuqiu blinked, barely revealing a bitter smile, "Sefika is only 26, and he can no longer bear the power of fate. This fire may be the horn of fate, urging all people leave..."

"What are you talking about?" Kraft showed a puzzled expression, "What the hell is going on?!"

"I told you, Sefika is our Bonu, and his family has been our Bonu for generations." Kuqiu looked at Sefika who was being carried away by people, and looked down. He said, "Bonu uses the Stone of Destiny and is the only spellcaster here."

"Yes, you also said that Sefika is the strongest spellcaster you have ever seen!" Kraft nodded, "But what does this have to do with fate?"

"I didn't tell you that every Bonu here will gradually stiffen in the last stage of life and eventually become a statue." Kuqiu sighed, "This is the fate of every Bonu, and they will not because of Aging and dying, but going to the end of fate..."


Kraft didn't speak, but at this moment he thought of the records about Zhimu in the myths he had read - in the myths, after exhausting all the power, Zhimu turned into a stone sculpture and waited forever Shurima.

"...Although Bonu's life expectancy is not as good as that of ordinary people, he will never become stiff at the age of 26." Kuqiu's tone was full of regret, "Sefika just this year 26 years old, I watched him grow up, he is Bonu of Yousi Oasis, and now Yousi Oasis has been destroyed by a fire, and Bonu of Yousi Oasis has also heard the call of fate in advance."


"Although I don't believe in fate, to be honest, I'm still a little sad at this moment. Kraft, maybe all of this is really guided by fate. The oil silk oasis has come to an end."

"Damn, how is this possible!" Kraft shook his head, completely refusing to accept this kind of rhetoric, "If the caster's magic power is not properly controlled, all kinds of accidents will easily occur—although I don't know those mysterious guys , but petrification is not a rare phenomenon, is it?"

"But Sefika is only 26 this year, do you understand?" Kuqiu finally turned his gaze back, his black eyes stared at Kraft who was full of unwillingness, "He is the most powerful spellcaster I have ever seen , you saw it too! He is impossible to control his magic power properly!"


Being stared at by Kuqiu like this, Kraft could only sigh helplessly in the end.

He finally discovered that his friend's mood at this time was somewhat wrong.

In this case, no matter how you explain or say anything, it doesn't make any sense.

Instead of talking to a duck and continuing to explain, it is better to let him be alone for a while, and when he thinks it through, everything will be fine.

Thinking of this, Kraft finally shook his head, took the reins of his white camel, and led her against the corner.

As if depression could be contagious, his mood turned bad.


Outside the oasis, Lux watched the flames grow stronger and stronger, and finally swept the entire oasis—then, when the strong wind blew, the black ashes rolled into a long dragon, flew higher and higher, and finally rolled into the sky .

Under Karya's reminder, Lacus and Ino who moved to the upwind area were not stained black by the ashes, but seeing the former lush oasis now reduced to the dilapidated and dilapidated appearance, they are still quite happy. comfortable.

Then, just as they were holding Scarash and waiting behind a sand dune for the residual heat to dissipate, the direction in which the black dragon dissipated raised another burst of smoke and dust.

Is someone here again?
Lacus stood on the sand dune, building a pergola with her hands, and looked in the direction of the smoke.

The distance is too far, the shadows can't be seen clearly.

Fortunately, Lux brought a pair of adjustable binoculars with her when she left Zaun. She quickly found the binoculars in Skalash's rack, and then looked in the direction of the smoke and dust again.

This time, Lux saw a lot more clearly.

It was still a group of camel cavalry—but compared with before, the size of this camel cavalry was much smaller, with only sporadic and less than a hundred people.

They came all the way towards the Yousi Oasis, and after entering the oasis, they didn't intend to get off the camel, and forced the camel to run towards the lake in the middle of the oasis.

These camel cavalry quickly came to the lake, then dispersed, and began to circle around the lake.

"What are they doing?" Seeing the camel riders taking out their lances and poking towards the lake from time to time, Lux asked with some doubts, "Are they spearing fish?"

"...This has nothing to do with spearfishing." Lux's rich imagination made Kalya speechless for a moment, "This is looking for a shallow water area where you can cross the water!"

"They're going to cross the water to the island?" Lux finally widened her eyes when she heard this, "Wait, I see their equipment looks familiar... Are they the camel cavalry from before?"

"It should be." Carya sighed, "It seems that they are part of the previous batch of camel cavalry."

"Why are they going to the island?" Through the telescope, Lux stared at the camel riders, "Damn, they are so skilled! Could it be that they did all of this?!"

"You guessed it?"

"This can't be true..." Lux's tone was full of disbelief, "They destroyed the oasis with a fire, just to plunder the oasis survivors on the central island of the oasis?"

"At present, it looks like this."

"But, didn't their boss go to the island to negotiate with the oasis survivors before?" Lux put down the binoculars, "Didn't they kill their leader?"

"That's why the camel cavalry you saw came back only around a hundred people." Carya's tone was extremely calm, "During the fire, at least 400 people escaped!"

"What if they just come back to save people..." Lux gritted her teeth, and raised the binoculars again, "Seeing that the fire is extinguished, and then come back to save people—"

The next moment, the actions of these camel cavalry dispelled the last trace of luck in Lux's heart. They found a shallow water area enough to swim, and quickly came to the island. Then they jumped off the camels and pulled out their scimitars.

Looking at the sunlight reflected by the scimitar, Lux fell silent.

After all... you don't need a knife to save someone.

 Karya's Small Classroom · Telescope:
  Piltover's binoculars are manufactured to a very high level. Although the civilian version is already the best product that Bilgewater fur seals are rushing to, in fact, the military version that is not sold to the outside world is the real long-sighted weapon—for Lux This is it.

  PS. Failed to grab the sofa, there is another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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