Lux's Farewell

Chapter 309 [0305]

Chapter 309 [0305]

Betrayal—even if it’s not one you’ve personally experienced—is always a physical repulsion.

Traitors are not welcome no matter where they are.

Considering that they might have started the fire just now, seeing these camel cavalry take out their scimitars and start looking for a way to enter Shuijingfang on the oasis island, Lacus couldn't sit still at that time.

She has no confidence that she can wipe out the 500 camel cavalry in one fell swoop without Carya on board, because she has never faced such a situation even in simulated training.

But if there are 100 people... then it's nothing to worry about!

In the sand bandit speedrunning session of the simulated training, as long as the sand bandits with a scale of 10 people are not equipped with heavy projectile weapons, Lux can quickly solve them in less than [-] minutes!
"Ino!" She put down the binoculars, "Let's go, let's fight back!"

"Okay!" Although Ino didn't see the scene in the oasis, she nodded without hesitation when she heard Lacus say this, "Peace Scarash first and make him calm down."

The two quickly moved, and pulled Skalash down the windward side of the dune—after appeasing the restless big guy and letting him lie down and chew his cud, the two took a multi-functional sand nail Nailed in the gravel, and tied the scarash to it.

Then, Lux and Ino wrapped their cloaks tightly, put on their hoods, fastened their belts, climbed over the dunes, and ran all the way towards the oasis.


Because Lux was behind a higher upwind sand dune and used a telescope, although she saw these camel riders, these camel riders did not see Lux.

Moreover, they did not expect that in this extremely remote desert, there would be nosy people.

In addition, the number of people returning was not enough, so unlike before, this team did not prepare scouts.

When Lux and Inokan walked into the oasis and stepped on the ashes, these people were still leading the camels, looking for the entrance of the water well workshop on the island.

The former semi-underground permanent building, under the erosion of wind and sand, is now completely buried under the gravel. In addition to the black ashes all over the ground after the fire just burned out, on this small island, hundreds of people want to It's really hard to find that entrance.

After some searching, the entrance of the Tibetans was not found, but a lot of messy things in the ashes were found. In order to resist the wind and sand, these oasis survivors living in the Yousi Oasis have semi-underground houses in every household. Half of the tunnels are located underground, and half of the masonry-structured sheds are located on the ground. Usually, there are lush oil silk as a cover, which cannot be seen from a distance.

Now that the fire has burned, the oil silk has been burned, and the semi-underground houses before have been exposed. These houses seem to be boxes, like half of the keys of a keyboard, dotted around the center of this oasis lake. On the island.

In order to find survivors, these camel riders need to "open the boxes" one by one to see if there is anyone inside.

But because they were afraid of Kraft, they didn't dare to open the box alone, so they could only search each room in a team of five to eight people. As a result, they spent a lot of time searching all the rooms, but they still couldn't find it. that shelter.

Gathering together again, these camel riders are numb.

Kraft didn't tell them much about this oasis (the fact is that Kraft doesn't know much about it himself), they only know that there may be a shelter here, but where is the shelter and how? Formal arrangement, but they know nothing about it.

"Damn it!" The temporary leader of this group of traitors kicked down a low wall that was baked, and then sat down on the ruins, cursing angrily, "This group of bloody rats, You really can hide!"

"Maybe, they've all been burned to death?" Beside him, the captain of a team came over, "Kafu doesn't know the situation on the island either—the fire is so big that the iron will be burnt after the oil silk is ignited." If it can melt, people are probably finished."

As if to support his statement, he also used his boots to hook a piece of iron tool that had been obviously melted, and it was no longer obvious whether it was a knife or an axe.

"Look at the fire, it's so strong!"

"If you're burned to death, you have to find the ashes!" The traitor leader snorted, "There is no evidence that Kraft is finished, it's hard for the governor to explain, and the rest of the brothers won't be at ease—I know what you're thinking , but since you have followed me to serve His Excellency the Governor, don’t think about taking care of brotherhood!"

Hearing what he said, the other camel riders fell silent.

"Don't feel bad about it." The traitor leader continued, "We owe Kraft, we have already paid enough in the past for so many years—after the Noxians came, we followed Kraft and abandoned our homes and businesses. Leaving Belgun and running to Kennessy, no one has been confused by the wind and sand."

Hearing what he said, the eyes of the camel riders gathered around gradually became colorful again, and all of them puffed up their chests.

Yeah, we've never been ambiguous before!

The pride of these traitors is justified.

At that time, under the pressure of Noxus, the Governor of the Port of Belgun chose to surrender, and the flag representing Shurima was replaced with the battle flag of Noxus, and everyone swore allegiance honestly. Noxus.

And only their thousand-strong camel cavalry, under the leadership of Kraft, broke through the blockade of a Noxus battle group, held high the flag of Shurima, rushed to Kenesh, and kept the " Belgun's Cavalry Regiment".

It is also currently the only institution in which Belgun belongs to Shurima.

For them, flying the banner of Shurima, rushing out of the encirclement of the Noxians, and facing the unbelievable eyes of the Noxians towards the desert, was perhaps the most glorious moment in their lives. moment.

Even now, some people still think of the bloody setting sun that evening and the rushing camel bell that night.

There are still people who will recall that Kraft himself led the crowd to the east and west, first igniting Belguen's docks to cause chaos, snatching a flag representing Shurima from a ship that had just entered the port; and then in the chaos He drove the white camel and assembled with the crowd, and broke out of the encirclement from the south gate of Belguen.

Ming camel stepped on the black iron armor, white jade frost under the white moonlight.

When dreaming back in the middle of the night, the Kafu of that day was impressively the appearance of a god warrior in their hearts.

Almost everyone believes that their deeds will be recorded in the history books, just like those heroic stories in the past, and will be passed down forever.

It is precisely because of this belief that they were able to report to the group for warmth when they deviated from the direction of the business road and were continuously attacked by sandstorms. the road from Belgun to Kennessyr.

To this day, even for these traitors, they still remember how Kraft led the white camel and entered Kennessy City.

The camel cavalry with scattered armor and ragged clothes looked like refugees, but they could calmly face the gazes from all directions.

Amid the admiration of countless citizens, they led the camels, followed Kraft, and walked into Kenesher with their heads held high.

On that day, the governor of Kenneth put on the ancestral golden jackal mask that was never easy to show, and painted his body with black paint, in the name of the descendants of the legendary Ascended Nasus. attitude, to welcome the return of these warriors.

At that time, they seemed to be the heroes in the legend.

It seems that with these heroes, Belguin will be on a drum.

However, the reality is always cruel.

Kraft always naively thought that the governor would support him in sending troops to recover Belgun.

But everyone present gradually realized that it was just Kraft's wishful thinking.

The governor of Kenneth is willing to dress up as an ascender and take the initiative to greet Kraft with the highest courtesy, but he is not willing to hand over Kenneth's power to Kraft—even if it is a big deal for most people. The Viceroy is not a stingy man.

In other words, the governor has always been unafraid to share the power in his hands, with the exception of Kraft.

Others fight for power for profit, as long as it is properly guided, it will also benefit the governor, and everyone will cooperate and win-win.

But if Kraft gets the power... he will only find ways to fight Noxus.

Therefore, after a short honeymoon period, Kraft and the governor of Kenneth also looked at each other and hated each other-every time Kraft wanted to strengthen the military, the governor would say that Kenneth City has few villains; Then Kraft would want the Governor to abolish slavery in Kennessher, emulating the prosperity of the Shurima Empire.

Then, the two parties will part ways.

At the very beginning, the ambitious cavalry were willing to stand by Kraft's side. In their view, the governor was too cowardly, and they didn't dare to do this or that.

However, as they got older and gradually adapted to the life of Kenneth, more and more people began to complain about Kraft's indifference and inhumanity in private.

What's wrong with being a slave?
Without slaves, do you want cavalry lords to work in person?

Kraft, you don't need to have a family, but can't we marry wives?

Why, do you still want to restore the laws of the prosperous period of the empire and insist on monogamy?

The contradiction between ideal and reality caused contradictions in the originally intimate and united camel cavalry regiment, and the contradictions gradually turned into cracks.

During this period, some brothers chose to retire. They got off the back of their camels and joined the caravans of Kenesher as "heroes", playing the role of movable type signs—they were injured brothers at first, Then there are the aging brothers, then the brothers who have a family, and then the brothers who claim to use this method to make money to subsidize the cavalry regiment.

Maybe everyone has ideals, and they all hope to revive the great Shurima Empire, which almost only exists in stories.

But in the face of reality, people often have more compromises that have to be faced-the glory of the Shurima Empire is too far away, but the threat of Noxus is just around the corner.

So, as the years passed, half of the cavalry regiment chose to leave.

Among the remaining half of the people, some simply turned this career into a job, and became a monk who hit the clock for a day; some still trusted Kraft and were willing to continue to try with Kraft; He chose to give up and finally embarked on the road of betrayal.

This action was conspired by these people who gave up Kraft.

Taking advantage of Kraft's negotiations, Yousizi was ignited.

Behind them is the support and promise of Governor Kenneth.

Kenneth's Lord Governor actually covets this cavalry regiment.

If possible, the governor would like to take this cavalry regiment for his own use—but the premise is that the person commanding this cavalry regiment cannot be the [-]-year-old Kraft who still looks like a stunned young man.

For the Governor, Kraft is preferably a hero who died fighting for an ideal cause. He will be happy to send a group of slaves to carve a stone statue for this "Hero of Shurima", so that everyone who comes to Ken Everyone in the town square of Nesser admired Kraft's majestic appearance.

But he definitely doesn't want a Kraft under his command to be a fool who is full of revival of Shurima - he can be the lord of a city in peace, and he will take the initiative to tease the Noxus when his brain is pumped!
Some time ago, the Noxians were struggling in Ionia. At this time, if they restrain their minions and seize the opportunity to seize the trade share, I am full and the Noxians need to boost morale. Time to stroke the tiger's whiskers?
He's a pretty good guy, why is he like this?
I, a descendant of Nasus, don't even believe that. You say that you are a mixed Vastaya, so why do you still believe in the revival of Shurima?
You really thought you were a descendant of the Eagle King because you really grew two hairs?
In this way, when the governor was trying to win over, the two parties finally hit it off and completed the conspiracy.

The governor promised that as long as Kraft's death is confirmed, he will definitely hold a glamorous funeral to let everyone know that a great fighter fell on the road to revive Shurima.

After that, these "professionals" will inherit Kraft's position and become the leaders of the cavalry regiment; then, in order to "better integrate forces", this cavalry regiment will be transferred from , which eventually became the Kennesser Cavalry.

In this way, Kenneth can take advantage of the time when the Noxians are shrinking and Vazuan is rebuilding, to seize trade shares as much as possible, increase their influence, and even actively attract vagrants.

And the riders of the cavalry regiment no longer need to follow Kraft to eat sand and eat hard every day. Everyone can marry a wife and have children in Kenneth to buy a few slaves and become a master.

As for Kraft...

A hero must have a heroic ending.

For the future of the brothers, the boss should also sacrifice a bit.

In this silence mixed with various emotions, someone heard the sound from the ground.

 Karya's Little Classroom Jackal Mask:

  Guys who claim to be descendants of Ascended will always deliberately imitate the words, deeds, and appearance of Ascended. For example, the governor of Kenneth claims to be a descendant of Nasus, and in order to imitate Nasus, he will wear it on formal occasions. A golden jackal mask to mimic Nasus's face, and the body was blackened with spices to mimic Nasus' obsidian body.

  PS. A late update, I wrote a big chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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