Lux's Farewell

Chapter 310 [0306] A wonderful negotiation

310 A wonderful negotiation [0306]
The rustling sound from the ground moved the hearts of the silent and helpless traitors nearby.

After making a few silent and standby gestures, their leader followed the direction of the sound and found a small mound on tiptoe.

This small mound is located in the middle of several houses. It looks unremarkable, but if you look closely, it becomes more and more awkward.

Carefully pulling out the scimitar, after observing carefully for a long time, he gently inserted the sharp blade into the soil along an almost invisible gap.

After several trials, he quickly found the doorbolt, then gently and carefully moved it aside, and then bit by bit, he pried a three-foot-square metal plate covered in mud to the side.

Picking up a long lance, he called a helper, and the two of them worked together to finally move the board aside.

In this way, a sloping downward passage came into view again.

And at the end of this passage, a locked door appeared in front of them.

This is the entrance of Shuijingfang—for a long time, Shuijingfang, which once stood in the oasis, is now completely buried underground. Passage, straight to here.

Seeing this door, the traitors finally cheered up one by one.

Then, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, a new problem came before them.

The gate of Shuijingfang is very strong, and the tightly-fitted facade cannot be pried open with a machete or other things-if Kraft is really inside, these sand robbers will have nothing to do with him for a while.

Since it is a shelter, there must be all kinds of supplies, drinking water, and food inside.

Guarding the door is absolutely exhausting!

I have to figure out a way to open the door...

But the problem is that after a big fire, almost the entire oasis was burned to the ground. Under such circumstances, there is simply nowhere to open this tightly-fitting outer door.

pry?There is no door gap.

hit?The door opens outwards.

There was a thing on the door that looked like a keyhole, but after the person in the team who knew how to pick the lock took out the wire and tried it, he could only grin helplessly—the keyhole was rusted to death, and there was no way to open it. Not open!
Just when everyone was at a loss, the traitor leader picked up a piece of iron and began to dig the soil outside the door frame.

This door is indeed very strong.

But as long as it is removed, no matter how strong the door is, it is meaningless!
Not to mention, this trick is really easy to use.

Seeing that there seemed to be an opportunity to do so, someone soon found a few unrecognizable tools in the ruins, surrounded them and followed the traitor leader, digging hard.

The door frame visibly loosened.

The action of digging alarmed the oasis survivors in the shelter. Although everyone was a little depressed at this time, they still reacted after they found the direction of the gate and started to jingle and someone dug the door.

"Who is it?" The elder who had just comforted Sefika, who had just woken up, came to the door with a cane and pulled himself together. "Who is digging the door?"

No one answered, only the sound of digging seemed to get louder.

"Who the hell?" Although he secretly thought something was wrong, the elder still had the courage to ask again, "Who are you?"

"Don't ask." This time, Kraft, who had been staying in the corner before, finally stood up, "They are the ones who started the fire."

"They are your subordinates?" Hearing what Kraft said, the elder raised his crutches, "What are they going to do?!"

"They used to be my subordinates." Kraft corrected him, "But now they are probably the ones who want me to die the most."

Although he didn't know what Kafu was talking about, the elder still motioned for several young people to come over, and held Kafu back and forth, making him unable to move.

"It's useless, it's meaningless." Kraft seemed to have been exhausted, and he no longer had any intention of resisting, "The target of this fire is not you, but me..."

"I don't know what nonsense you're talking about." The elder snorted, "You want to use sweet words to escape? Stop dreaming!"

"... also." Kraft opened his mouth and finally sighed helplessly, "Maybe you can kill me now and send my body out? No, no, if you really do that, then the Governor I am afraid that the adults will simply attack you in the name of revenge for me—"

"What are you talking about?" Seeing that Kafu started talking to himself, the elder was a little confused, "What kind of traitor, what kind of revenge, what is going on?!"

"To put it simply, some of my subordinates betrayed me and hoped that I would die, and the death could not be caused by their actions." Kraft sighed, "As for you and this fire, it is a purely innocent disaster .”


Hearing what Kafu said, the elder was also dumbfounded. He was not interested in the grievances between Kafu and his subordinates, but according to Kafu, the number of those traitors was unknown, and they blocked the exit of Shuijingfang, and they might kill people Silence!
Although he didn't understand the reason, at least he understood the conclusion. So, while keeping a close eye on Kraft, he asked someone to start strengthening the gate at the entrance.

"It's useless." Kraft shook his head. "Instead of strengthening the gate, let me talk to them. They want me."

"Who knows if you were with them—"

"At least I'm in your hands now."

Blinking his eyes, the elder had to admit that it seemed that things were really as Kraft said.

So, after finding ropes to tie him up, several young men escorted Kraft to the door.

"Who's outside?" After clearing his throat, Kraft finally said, "Is it Maim? Or Lukaba?"

"It's me, Lukaba." Seemingly recognizing Kafu's voice, the traitor leader finally responded, "Captain, are you okay?"

"If you didn't set the fire or betray me, I should be fine." Kraft's voice was full of bitterness, "What did the governor promise you?"


Kraft's directness silenced Lukaba outside, and after a while, he finally snorted.

"a lot of."

"Then I'm really an incompetent captain." Kraft laughed at himself, "Don't dig too hard, I won't be able to escape."

"That's not sure." Lukaba sighed, and then said in an inexplicable tone, "Even tens of thousands of Noxians can't stop you. You can't see enough in front of you..."

"Leave these oasis survivors alone, and give me a decent chance." Kraft put forward his own conditions neatly, "This is the underground canal of the former empire. Although the intricate waterways are almost dead ends, if you have to delay If you don't, you're in trouble too."

Hearing what Kraft said, Lukaba was a little moved.

If possible, he really hoped that Kraft could leave with dignity.

"What do you think?" After thinking for a while, Lukaba finally spoke again, "I have no shortage of slaves, and these oasis remnants are useless to me... So, tell me your solution!"

"Let them leave first, I will stay last." Kraft's voice was full of depression, "I will kill myself."


"As for these remnants of the oasis...give them a map and let them go to Belgun. When they get to Belgun, they will be Noxians." Kraft seemed to have calculated everything, "Nok I don’t think anyone will believe the rumors spread by the SARS people.”

"Not a bad idea, but I have to make sure you're not in the crowd..."

"Of course, you can check them one by one—but, my Bai Yushuang has been with me for many years, and she can't speak, so can you let her go."

"It's not impossible..."



Across a door, Kraft and Lukaba started bargaining like negotiators in a business field.

And all the survivors of the oasis who heard the content of the bargaining between the two sides, when they looked at Kraft, their eyes widened in astonishment - not only because of the content of the transaction between Kraft and the people outside, but also because of Kraft's arms. On the ground, the sparse feathers quickly gathered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the two parties almost completely agreed on the "details of the transaction", he had changed from a human to a falcon.

The vastaya blood in Kraft is indeed very thin.

But even that thin bloodline was enough to make him a vastaya shapeshifter.

 Karya's Little Classroom Vastarya Shapeshifter:
  Many vastaya and people of vastaya blood have a special gift of shapeshifters-they can freely switch between human form and animal form.

  The animal form of vastaya shape-changers is a fixed one, which is often related to their blood, experience, spirit and other factors. Jungle Huntress Nidalee is an out-and-out vastaya shape-changer, although Her human form does not have any vastaya characteristics, but she can freely switch between human form and cougar form.

  PS. I wrote too late last night, and I really didn’t have a good rest. I simply updated a chapter today as a rest. The activity of grabbing sofas will continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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