Lux's Farewell

Chapter 311 [0307] Shape changer, let's go out of shape!

Chapter 311 [0307] Shape changer, let's go out of shape!

While bargaining with Lukaba, Kraft completed a difficult transformation.

Before transforming, he also arranged everything for the desert survivors. Bai Yushuang handed it over to Kuqiu as a "souvenir", while he played the role of the elder's pet.

"Don't expose Sefika's existence, use a shelf to carry him, and say that he was fainted by fireworks when he took refuge for the last time." He urged in such a low voice, "As for me, if the traitor asks, just say you If you raise desert golden eagles, you can detect enemies from the sky."

Finally, after everything was ready, the desert survivors with all kinds of improvised weapons finally opened the gate of this water well workshop.

Lukaba narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at these desert remnants. After a cursory glance, he did not find Kaf's figure.

"Leave one by one." He waved his hand and signaled the camel cavalry to get out of the way, "Well... Kuqiu, you go first, don't play tricks, your wife and children don't want you to show up either What an accident, right?"

Kuqiu nodded expressionlessly, and led Bai Yushuang out of Shuijingfang first.

Then, there was a group of children. Lukaba looked at these noisy human cubs, thought for a while, chose two who seemed to have not learned to lie, and asked them actively.

"Where's the uncle with the white camel?"

"It's in there!"

"He's been in the corner all this time!"

Lu Kaba was slightly relieved by the child's words, and he waved his hand to let these little guys leave the encirclement.

Then there are the women and the elderly.

Although he didn’t believe that Kraft could do such a thing as a woman’s escape, Lukaba still carefully looked at the face and figure of each person who left—fortunately, the old man is more stooped, and the figure of women is also more slender than that of men. A strong guy like Kraft is completely different from them.

Soon, the elderly and women also passed through the siege.

Next, there are the most important young and strong men - in Lukaba's view, if Kafu wants to take the opportunity to escape, then he will inevitably mix among these people.

Among these people, the three in the first wave made Lukaba frown.

"Who's that on this shelf?"

"He's Sefika." A young man who was carrying the shelf took the initiative to say, "When he entered the refuge, he was so smoked—"

Before he could finish speaking, Lukaba grabbed Sefika who was in a coma, lifted him up, and confirmed that there was no Tibetan on the stretcher, and that this guy was indeed not Kafu in disguise. Only then did he focus on the two people carrying the stretcher, carefully confirmed their figures and faces, and then nodded slightly.

"You don't need to be so cautious." In Shuijingfang, Kraft's voice came out, a little shrill, "I, I will do what I say!"

Regarding this, Lukaba was noncommittal, and still honestly looked at every desert survivor who came out, until the last person walked out of Shuijingfang and passed the encirclement with a mighty giant desert eagle on his shoulders.

"Captain, these people have already come out, it's up to you next time." Lukaba shouted outside, "I will absolutely respect you for your decency—brothers are waiting!"

However, this time, there was finally no sound in Shuijingfang.

Kraft is self-respecting?Are you still thinking about something? !
Lukaba wanted to draw his sword and rush in, but he always felt that it was a little dangerous. He was very clear about Kafu's bravery, even if he was not riding Bai Yushuang, he was no opponent at all.

So, he simply found three of his men and motioned them to go in and have a look.

Faced with Lukaba's order, these three people were somewhat reluctant—fortunately, at this time Lukaba decisively gave carrots and promised them the future position of team leader, which made the three of them muster up their courage and cheer up the torch Walked into Shuijingfang.

The three of them were looking for Kafu's figure inside, while Lukaba waited anxiously outside.

But at this moment, the traitors didn't notice at all that the giant desert eagle was released into the air at some point. After circling twice, it finally folded its wings and headed straight towards Lukaba at the entrance of Shuijingfang. Dive straight down!

"Vice-uh, captain, I didn't see Kafu's figure inside, but there is a strange corridor full of weird, heartless statues, which really startled us...Be careful!"

In the exclamation of everyone, the swooping giant desert sculpture turned into a golden light and came straight to Lukaba. Although Lukaba was already on guard, he dodged sideways as soon as the wind sounded above his head. However, the giant desert eagle's razor-like claws ruthlessly tore off a piece of flesh on his right arm.

Under the severe pain, Lukaba had to give up the scimitar in his right hand and hastily dodged.

And almost at the same time, Mingtuo Bai Yushuang, who was originally held by Kuqiu, ran directly in the direction of Lukaba, forcing Lukaba to turn into a rolling gourd, rolled to the side in embarrassment, and then hid Open this deadly gallop.

The next moment, under the horrified eyes of everyone, the giant desert eagle grabbed the scimitar that Lukaba had dropped, jumped upwards, completed the transformation in mid-air, and landed firmly on Bai Yushuang's back!


Ming Tuo turned around and counterattacked, although Lukaba struggled to get out of the way, but as the scimitar fell, his right arm was finally torn by the blade, and the whole arm was sent flying.

"What are you doing in a daze?!" Lukaba finally yelled hysterically when the white camel passed by him and turned around, "Come and besiege him—and these desert remnants, not one left!"

However, although nearly a hundred people are willing to follow him to betray Kafu, under the current situation, there are probably less than 50 people who are still willing to obey his orders-Kafu is too fierce, deep in the desperate situation, still Relying on the identity of the shape-changer to directly charge back, Lukaba was severely injured in one blow, which reminded them of the time when everyone rushed out of Belguen.

It's a pity that even if only half of the people are willing to obey Lukaba's order, Kraft's form is still in crisis in an instant.

When he turned around and tried to kill Lukaba directly, many camel cavalry were already on guard around him.

The other part of the camel cavalry surrounded the oasis survivors who had just escaped and had not crossed the water.

"Just grab it." The pale Lukaba finally stood up after stopping the bleeding for himself, "Put down your weapon and leave the camel, otherwise these innocent remnants of Luben will die here."

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Kraft sneered, "If I put down my weapon, they will surely die—"

"Without supplies, you can't go away." Lukaba took a few deep breaths, and finally there was a little blood on his face, "You haven't killed me, so there is no chance... If you catch me without a fight, I can still give You are decent."

Kraft said nothing, just rubbed the edge of the scimitar in his hand on the saddle pad.

"I really don't want to give up!" Lukaba shook his head, "Then kill those oasis survivors first. Our hero gave up his last decency and chose to end his life in pain!"

The camel cavalry who received the order drove the camels and began to run around these oasis survivors, and then when a whistle sounded, the cavalry on the camels showed their scimitars and rushed towards the oasis survivors in the encirclement.

At this moment, Sefika, who had been lying on the stretcher like a dead person before, suddenly sat up and rolled off the stretcher.

A dagger appeared in his hand at some point, and when it landed, he cut open his chest without the slightest hesitation.

In the chest cavity, where the heart originally belonged, a black and red stone was quietly floating there.

With his last bit of strength, Sefika took out the stone and pressed it hard on the ground.

And with his action, the earth... moved.

 Kalya's Small Classroom·Shaper's Words:

  Although the vocal organs are different, many shape-changers can also speak in the animal state-but the voice will be slightly deformed.

(End of this chapter)

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