Lux's Farewell

Chapter 312 [0308] Power passed down from generation to generation!

Chapter 312 [0308] Power passed down from generation to generation!
The oasis survivors of Yousi Oasis only know that their Bonu has a Stone of Destiny, which can help everyone avoid disasters and good luck, but no one has ever seen the appearance of this stone.

These oasis survivors have never heard of Bakay's name, and they have no idea what it means for their Bonu to hold this Stone of Destiny.

Why can the survivors of the oasis survive alone in the era of the Darkin War?
Why can the remnants of the oasis be independent in the years of Rune Wars?
Because of their Bakay, they paid enough price for them—monolith is the supreme creation of elemental rock, which has supreme power in itself, even if a small piece falls on the ground, it is enough to make a piece of land grow extremely powerful The rock warriors, and the only way for mortals to harness such power is to replace their own hearts with it.

Why does every term of Bonu turn into stone sculptures?

Because monoliths replaced their hearts, and the flow of magic power filled with rock elements replaced their blood, mortal bodies could not withstand such erosion, so the final result could only be assimilated into elements.

History always casts a filter of harmless people and animals on those terrible and horrible things, so the survivors of Yousi Oasis only remember that Bonu can seek good fortune and avoid evil, but selectively forget that in critical moments, They will take stones from their hearts and arm the earth with the power of a monolith!

It's like... now!
Amidst the chaos, the ground was activated by the power of the monolith fragments. Countless stones buried in the gravel and soil gathered together tremblingly like soldiers who had received orders, and finally formed a huge stone puppet.

The height of this headless puppet was more than twenty feet. He twitched his arms, easily swept down three or four camels, crushed the camel riders on top who were trying to attack the remnants of the oasis, and then grabbed Sefi who was on the ground. Click, put him in the position of his head.

The sudden change made everyone almost unable to believe their eyes. The children who were trembling and fearing death one moment, cheered for their Bonu under the protection of this rock puppet the next moment.

The little boy who was longing for Lacus before had completely forgotten about his beautiful sister. At this moment, there was only one thought left in his mind - I want to be so handsome too!

Among the crowd, only the elder covered his eyes in pain. It wasn't the gravel raised by the giant puppet that made him squint his eyes, but because he knew that this puppet was destined to burn Sefika's life.


When the rock golem appeared, Lux and Ino finally arrived at the edge of the oasis lake. Looking at this huge rock golem, the two of them were also a little dazed—and just when they subconsciously stopped , Carya, who was not in a hurry, suddenly urged.

"Ino! Just lay an icy road over there, if it's too late, it's too late! Mana loss is not counted!"

Although he didn't know what was going on, Yinuo bent down immediately and pressed his hands on the ground that was still warm after the flames went out.

In this way, a road made of pure ice appeared on the saltwater lake in the center of the desert—Ino, who did not count the mana consumption, built a bridge in just a few breaths of time!

Afterwards, Lux and Ino rushed onto the bridge and ran directly to the rock puppet.

At the same time, several camel cavalry who were being chased by the rock golem saw this ice bridge—although they knew that the guy who could make such an ice bridge was definitely not to be trifled with, but after the rock golem After chasing them, they still drove the camels under their crotches, and charged straight towards Lacus and Ino.

"Don't keep your hands!" Kalya said in a hurry, "Lax, unfold the lightsaber!"

The next moment, before the camel riders who had just rushed onto the ice bridge had time to take a breath, their eyes lit up—a strong light burst out, and Lacus spread out a pair of light-forged wings, holding a light-forged Blade, directly draw the sword and sweep.

Due to Karya's unprecedented anxious tone, Lacus did not hold back when she drew her sword, so the three camels that rushed towards her, connected with the camel riders on their backs, were directly struck by the sword after being swept by the lightsaber. Two broken, fell into the water.

The camel riders who wanted to escape through the ice bridge grabbed the reins in unison and circled around the lakeshore. Taking advantage of this moment, Kalya quickly instilled a magic power circuit into Lacus.

"Use the lightsaber in your hand to carve this circuit on that rock puppet!" Kalya ordered, "Follow my rhythm, just like when you first learned how to draw!"

"Understood!" Spreading a pair of light-forged wings, Lux quickly glided towards the majestic rock puppet, "Ino, help me restrain this big guy!"

"no problem!"

Ino nodded, and then punched the ice bridge she had just erected, smashing it to pieces—one of the huge ice cubes was lightly held by her in her hand, and then slammed , flew towards the rock golem.

The ice cube was huge, but the rock puppet threw out its arm immediately and smashed it to pieces.

However, taking advantage of the moment when the ice cubes shattered and the ice mist exploded, under the control of Ino, these shattered ice cubes turned around and attacked the puppet's joints delicately, tightly blocking its movements.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lacus extended the lightsaber in her hand for a second time, and at the prompt of Karya, quickly started "lithography drawing" on the chest of the rock puppet.

What Lux drew was a rather complicated magic power circuit - so complicated that if only Lux alone could draw it once, I am afraid that it would not be able to draw it once.

But fortunately, the main force of drawing this time is Karya, and the basic skills of Lux are solid enough-after years of special training of "you tell me to draw" by Karya, this kind of action of telling me to draw has almost become Lux's instinct, even if the rock puppet was not completely still, she still completed her task within a few breaths.

"It's now!" Seeing the success of the magic power circuit, Kalya also let out a slight sigh, "The central node, trigger the resonance of the light element!"

"no problem!"

According to Karya's instructions, Lax flapped her light-forged wings to let herself fly into the air, and saw the lightsaber in her hand held upside down, and at the tip of the sword, a blur of light was cheering, as if it were an elf.

The next moment, as the elf resonating with the light element touched the central node of the magic power circuit, this huge rock puppet stagnated in place as if it had been stabbed, and finally remained motionless.

 Carya's Small Classroom · High Purity Elementalization:

  After high-purity elements come into contact with elements of the same attribute, a situation similar to "element memory" will appear. For example, when a monolith comes into contact with the earth, it will form a rock puppet.

  PS. I didn't grab the sofa again, and there will be an update in the evening, two chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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