Lux's Farewell

Chapter 313 [0309]

Chapter 313 [0309]
In the Yousi Oasis, the situation is full of twists and turns.

From traitors blocking the door to shape-changers raiding, from taking desert remnants as hostages to Sefikah's heart-breaking, from ice bridge flying to photolithography circuits-under several changes, even the people who are in it will still endure. I can't help feeling a subtle dizzying feeling.

As the elves produced by the resonance of the light elements precisely landed on the central node of the magic circle that Lux had just carved out, the entire rock puppet fell into a state of magical disorder for a short time, and its movements completely stopped.

In this situation, Sefika, who was on top of the puppet, still wanted to move, but only felt that the magic power was surging. Finally, he couldn't sit still anymore, and he threw his head back and fell down suddenly.

But Ino had been prepared for a long time - after the puppet's magic power became disordered, she immediately summoned a pair of icy hands to catch the falling Sefika.

Then, both she and Lux ​​were startled at the same time.

This person... has no heart!

"Even among the crowd of Bakay, this guy is a ruthless person." Looking at the unconscious Sefika, Kalya sighed helplessly, "Lax, put the sword in his chest Bar."

Put a sword in his chest?
Karya's words stunned Lacus for a moment—then she thought of her uncle.

"Are you trying to make him immortal?"

"Immortal? He's immortal now." Kalya snorted, "Have you ever seen a stone rot... I'm saving his life! When he stands up, you have to quickly pull out the sword!"

Hearing what Kalya said, Lux nodded, and then aimed at his chest, piercing his chest with an arrow without hesitation.

There was no blood, no groans, only the rough sound of a broken blade brushing against the body, as if cutting a stone.

The survivors of the oasis were stunned when they saw this scene. The little boy who called Lacus "beautiful sister" and later felt that the puppet was more handsome, even his whole world view collapsed.

Beautiful big sister...killed Bonu? !

Not only was he stunned, but even Kaf and Lukaba, who were confronting each other on the other side, were also stunned. Seeing Sefika summoning giant stone puppets and killing all directions, Kraft thought it was time for him to fight back, but who would have thought that he This side just urged Bai Yushuang to fight back, but Cheng Yaojin killed halfway there, and directly shot Sefika with an arrow through his heart.

This time, it was originally to cooperate with Sefika to counterattack, but now it looks like a self-inflicted trap.

Hmm, wait, something seems wrong - Sefika is down, but why isn't there blood?

He was obviously pierced by an arrow, why is there not a drop of blood on the ice?
It's a pity that Kraft really doesn't have time to think about it. Now that he has rushed back on a camel, even if something goes wrong with Sefika, he can only barely cut a road with a machete and go straight to Sefika. Come here.

The camel riders who had besieged him were afraid of Lacus and Ino, so they chased him for two symbolic steps before stopping not far away.

The one who bumped into Lux last time was already floating on the lake water. The dark red blood turned the lake water covered in black ash into a disgusting reddish brown, as if it was warning everyone who didn't know what to do.

This kind of offensive with a man and a camel, directly with one sword and two sections is too fierce, let the strong-headed Kraft face it!

Kraft obviously didn't know the identities of Lacus and Ino.

If he hadn't seen Lux killing several camel cavalry without hesitation, he would even have thought that Lux was sent by Governor Kenesher to deal with the follow-up.

Seeing that no one was chasing after him, he slowed down the speed of the camel, and finally stopped in front of Lux——Kafu wanted to ask about Sefika's situation and the purpose of Lax's visit, but he didn't wait for him Opening her mouth, Lux put her finger on her lips first, made a silent gesture, and then pointed to Sefika on the ice.

Kafu was stunned for a moment, and after looking at Sefika, he was finally surprised to find that the broken blade stuck in his chest seemed to be breathing slowly and evenly? !

Blinking his eyes, Kraft confirmed that he was not hallucinating, the sword indeed seemed to be breathing with Sefika!

What's happening here?
Just when Kraft was startled, Sefika finally opened his eyes.

Like a newborn, he stumbled and struggled, and finally managed to get up after two heart-stopping falls.

And as he stood up straight, Lacus also stepped forward according to Kalya's request, and pulled out her own sword.

"Ah, I'm really exhausted." Carya's voice was rarely full of exhaustion, "Young people nowadays are really brave, they dare to use any power..."

"Is he all right?" Lux looked at Sefika, who seemed to be re-adapting to her physical condition, and asked hesitantly, "What did you do to him?"

"It's just giving him a little power of the darkborn." Kalya seemed to want to use a calm tone, pretending to beep lightly, but the weak voice still betrayed his poor state, "Although he is already an unintentional person , but it shouldn’t be a big problem for ten or eight years... I’m actually not very good at this.”

"Is this the power of the Darkborn?" Looking at Sefika, who has gradually regained control of her body and healed the fatal injuries on her chest at a speed visible to the naked eye, even though Lux has mastered a lot of magic theories, she still feels A kind of unbelievable, "This is the power of the Darkborn?!"

"What? Are you tempted?" Kalya asked with a smile, "Want to try it?"

"Forget it then." Lux looked at Sefika's scarlet eyes now, and shook her head without hesitation, "All power has a price... the power of the Darkin may be too expensive to bear. .”

"But there are still many people rushing towards this poisonous power." Karya seemed very satisfied with Lacus's reaction, so she followed her words with some emotion, "You know, among all Bakai , Those who pursue the power of the Darkborn account for the vast majority."

Pursue the power of the Darkborn?

Lux wanted to continue asking, but at this moment, Sefika came in front of her.

"Did you save me, outsider." He looked at Lux in confusion, "You seem to know the Stone of Destiny very well—"

"It seems that you have adapted to your body." Lux interrupted him, "We have plenty of time to talk about the monolith. The most important thing now is to get rid of these uninvited guests first!"

Uninvited guest?

Sefika nodded, then looked around, and finally chose a long stone that was too big and too strange in shape. Although it was drawn out of the ground by the monolith, it failed to become a part of the rock golem.

He stretched out his slender right arm, as if picking up a wooden stick, and easily lifted this piece of spindle-shaped stone over ten feet long in the palm of his hand.

Under the horrified gazes of the camel cavalry, Sefika rushed towards them in stride, and swung the stone violently.

 Karya's Small Classroom·Darkin's Contagion:

  As long as it is a body of flesh and blood, it can be infected by the power of Darkin.

  Even for a "half-elemental body" like Sefika, at most it took a little more effort.

  PS. There is another chapter in the second half of the night, don't wait!

(End of this chapter)

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