Lux's Farewell

Chapter 314 [0310] The power of dark descendants

Chapter 314 [0310] The power of dark descendants
A person who looks very thin, who seems to be wearing a robe and standing in the formation of the magic troupe even if he goes to the battlefield, is now swinging a long stone thicker and longer than himself, rushing towards a group of camels cavalry.

Anyone who saw this scene would have a subtle feeling of absurdity.

However, it has actually appeared in front of everyone now. It seems that the mage who was manipulating the monolith before, after accepting the power of the dark blood, transformed into an unreasonable berserker in a second, swung The stone went up.

Although it is not very clear why such an outrageous situation occurred, the cavalry on the back of the camel can be regarded as well-trained-they dodged the frontal attack from Sefika while looking around in circles. flaw.

The sweep of the boulder is deadly, but as long as it cannot be hit, it is no threat!
However, Sefika has never contacted swinging stones before (or normal people would not practice this), so although his every move seems to be bluffing, as long as he overcomes his fear, he will find many flaws in it.

With a whistle, the camel riders who had previously besieged the oasis survivors were divided into three teams, harassing and attacking Sefika from three directions.

Relying on their superb riding skills, these three teams of camel cavalry rushed to Sefika in a short period of time, and then two of them turned around and passed by Sefika's attack range. Only one team rushed When entering the vicinity of Sefika, everyone ran away with a slash, no matter whether they were hit or not, they did not hesitate or stop.

Although Sefika launched a counterattack in time, under such continuous temptations, interferences and attacks, he tended to lose sight of the other - even a light chop would leave deep wounds on his body that could reach the bone.

Unlike before, Sefika, who had been transformed by Karya, seemed to have regained his flesh and blood again. After several such attacks, his whole body was completely bloody.

"Don't you really need to help him?" Lux looked at Sefika, who was covered in bruises, and couldn't understand why Karya insisted on letting herself watch the show. "He seems to be unable to hold on..."

"That's because you don't know anything about Darkborn." Kalya chuckled, "Don't worry, just watch."

Out of trust in Karya, Lacus and Ino stood where they were, quietly watching the battle situation, and she even stopped Kraft when he wanted to help.

Then, just when Kraft was wondering about the attitudes of Lux and Ino, the battle situation finally changed.

Seeing Sefika's body covered in scars, the camel cavalry finally launched a fatal attack tentatively.

Among the three groups of cavalry, only the one under his full attention retreated after being harassed. The other two groups of cavalry rushed straight to Sefika, intending to give him a fatal blow.

However, what these people did not expect was that Sefika, who was covered in blood, did not suffer from any slow movement due to the injury, and after several confrontations, he seemed to have gotten used to the feeling of being injured—— After being cut on his body by several knives again, he swung the stone in his hand and smashed down the three camel riders who hadn't dodged in time, and made up the knife.

After seeing this scene, the other camel riders finally realized a fatal problem.

In front of them, even if the guy waving the stone was injured, the result would be the same as if he hadn't been injured!


"Didn't that guy regain his flesh and blood?" Lux also realized this, and she asked Kalya in surprise, "Why does he seem to be fine even though he was fatally injured?!"

"This is the Darkborn." Kalya sighed softly, "Using the immortal distortion to refuse the coming of death—how about it, are you tempted?"

"I just find it creepy." Lux couldn't help grinning, "Darkin can give a person the ability to be immortal so easily... To be honest, this is completely beyond my imagination."

"You're wrong, it's not easy to endow living darkborn with power." Kalya seemed satisfied with Lux's reaction, "This kind of transformation not only consumes a lot of darkborn, but also has a huge impact on the transformed person. People who are not extremely mentally tough, who have extremely high requirements, will definitely not be able to bear this kind of twisted pain."

"The price of power, I understand." Lux forced a smile, and after a moment of hesitation, she finally couldn't help but ask, "Is it the same for you?"

"What's the same?" Kalya froze for a moment before realizing, "You mean distorted pain?"

"That's right." Lux said solemnly, "Did you suffer from this kind of twisted pain all the time when you were awake?"

"Ah, what are you talking about." Carya laughed out loud after hearing this, "I'm not as serious as you think—you've been to my world before, it's just a little boring here."

"So, as long as your consciousness is not in that world, you will still feel the distorted pain of the darkborn, right?" Lux seems to be particularly sharp today, "For example, when you are giving me a lecture, chat with me when……"

"No, you're thinking too much." Karya denied the statement, "If I really fashioned a body for myself and walked on the earth in the form of a human, it would be as you said, but now Well... in this form, my state is still stable, and I don't have the trouble of distorted flesh and blood proliferation, at most it's a bit boring."

Lacus was slightly relieved by Karya's words.

"Besides, you are my main source of magic power. If you want to make me more comfortable, then work harder, provide me with a little more magic power, and let me decorate my world well..." Carya continued , "Although I am indeed used to life in the desert, this does not mean that I am happy to face a lot of sand every day."

"Don't worry!" Lux finally showed a smile on her face, "One day, I will submerge you in abundant magic power!"

"It seems that your desire for the magic power of the Darkborn is not clear enough." Carya heard this, as if a child who had heard her own child talk about ideals for the first time, smiled very happily, "Then I will wait and see!"

Lacus and Kalya had a good chat here.

On the other hand, Sefika also completely controlled the situation of the battle - when he found that the pain of his injury was not as strong as the pleasure of killing, his desire to fight was unprecedentedly high, and his fighting posture became more and more wild and amazing, highlighting one hand Trade injuries for lives.

In this case, the camel riders finally collapsed.

Someone who can wield a ten-foot boulder they can handle.

But the one who wields a ten-foot stone and recovers at a speed visible to the naked eye after being injured, seems to have no problems...

No matter how elite this team is, they are still helpless at this moment.

 Karya's Little Classroom: The Power of the Raging Darkin:
  People who have been infused with the power of the darkin can temporarily use this power to avoid death

  PS. The fourth update is over, go to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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