Lux's Farewell

Chapter 315 [0311]

Chapter 315 [0311]

Things have developed to this point, and the ending is almost certain.

Lukaba and these camel riders have no cards in their hands - they failed to catch Kafu, and they also have nothing to do with Sefika, even if they want to escape on a camel, there is no way to escape .

Don't forget, they are now on the island in the center of the lake, and the only way to get out of here is by swimming.

Considering that not every camel is Bai Yushuang and can swim in deep water, if they want to leave, they can only go around the shallows, and the shallows are currently gathering almost all the survivors of the oasis.

Surrounded by water on three sides, a cul-de-sac.

You can't fight and you can't fight, you can't run and you can't run away.

Seeing Sefika picking up the rock again and rushing up like crazy, these camel cavalry finally had the idea of ​​surrender.

Then, a new problem posed in front of them.

To whom should we surrender?

To these oasis survivors?

Or to the former captain Kraft?

Or those two little girls from outside?

These camel cavalry never dreamed that one day they would feel confused because they didn't know who to surrender to!
However, their embarrassment did not last long, as surrender was a luxury in the face of the berserk Sefika.

With the power of the Darkin erupting, Sefika's desire to kill could not be stopped at all.

For Sefika, it is already the limit to barely control himself not to do anything to the remnants of the oasis and not to hurt his teammates-but for these camel cavalry who burned the oasis and even wanted to massacre the remnants of the oasis, he did not have the slightest intention to attack. Show mercy.

Although Sefika has no combat experience, he will not die even if his heart is pierced by a scimitar. If his arm is cut off, it will heal after a short while, and the stone in his hand still weighs more than a thousand catties...

The camel cavalry was defeated.

Someone wailed and begged Sefika to surrender, someone urged the camels to rush directly into the lake, and someone found the former captain Kafu for help.

Those who begged Sefika to surrender were killed on the spot.

Those that rushed into the lake took a few bubbles and then sank to the bottom.

Those who were looking for Kraft were cleared by the other party.

A quarter of an hour later, the island in the center of this oasis was filled with blood and howling camels.

Leaning his back against a low wall, Lukaba glanced sadly at Sefika who was dragged away after being frozen by Ino, and then his eyes fell on Kafu who was walking towards him step by step.

Lukaba, who had only one arm left, finally shook his head, and put on a posture of being killed: "I have no regrets to die at the hands of our great hero."

"You died in your own ambition." Kraft shook his head. "If you want to join the governor, you can turn around and leave. We'll get together and leave, and things won't develop to this point."

"Take a hundred people to find him, and I will at most become the captain of the guard of honor." Lukaba looked very open-minded, "Only with everyone can I have a place in the city defense army."

"If you didn't insist on fighting back against Belgun like me, 100 people would be enough to develop into 500 people." Kraft looked at this old comrade who had fought side by side with him, and finally couldn't help shaking his head, "In the final analysis, you I still can't let go of my ambition, and as far as you are concerned, I am just a step up."

"To each other." A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Lukaba's mouth, "Aren't we the same pawns for you to realize your ideals?"

"Is revival of Shurima just my ideal?" Seeing the other party's appearance, Kraft finally couldn't help raising his tone, "Do you remember when we were in Belgun?"

"Remember, I was like a fool at that time. I really believed that Shurima could be revived. I really believed that this country could return to the same state as it was in the legend. I really believed that the Ascenders also started step by step from mortals. " Lukaba's voice finally became a little more dissatisfied, "But is that really the case? Open your eyes and see, Kraft, Shurima is already rotten!"


"Except for you, no one believes that there is any future here—even the governors and nobles of various cities just regard Shurima as the legal principle of their rule. Everyone talks about revitalizing Shurima, but no one is sincere revive Shurima?" Now that the matter was irreversible, Lukaba broke the pot and said, "What use is it to them to revive Shurima? Do you expect them to liberate their slaves and let their descendants accept the slaves' descendants together?" Education, take out the gold coins of pleasure to build aqueducts across the continent?"

"But there's always someone who—"

"Yeah, there are always fools, such as you!" Lukaba interrupted Kafu without hesitation, "Is it very capable to be a hero? I followed you, come and go in the wind and rain for a full ten years, from Am I so energetic that I have reached middle age, did I not try my best? As a result, besides escaping from the noses of the Noxus, what else have I accomplished?"


"Ideal? Bah, that's just wishful thinking!" Lukaba continued relentlessly, "Yes, I admit, I do regard you as a step forward, so if you want to kill or fight, it's up to you—— But don't try to pretend to be a judge, as if you are really a great big shot, a selfless hero!"

Lukaba, who knew he was going to die, had no worries this time. Facing Kraft, he finally said what had been in his heart for many years.

When he finished speaking and finally calmed down, Kraft finally spoke again.

"I admit that in the past, I sometimes had naive illusions that I shouldn't have, whether it was believing that my comrades in arms would not betray, or that Kenesh could be relied on." He said in a very calm, as if commenting Their tone was calm and unhurried, "But no matter what, I still insist on my idea, Shurima should not be what it is now - the failure and years of inaction have indeed proved that my method is wrong, but this It will not prove the absurdity of my ideal."

"Still talking hard, aren't you?" Lukaba sneered, "Winners and losers, of course you can speak loudly here, but you can't be lucky forever!"

"It's you who are still talking hard, Lukaba." Kafu looked at the other party and shook his head gently, "We have studied history together. Whether everything I said can be realized, history has already given the answer. You don’t even dare to deny the glory of Shurima, or deny that everything that seems like a fantasy now actually happened in this land, you can only retreat and say that I can’t do it. Come on, say I'm too naive."


"In the final analysis, this is just an excuse you are looking for for your own betrayal - our career is far from exhausted, and we do not have no choice in front of you. Under such circumstances, you choose to ignite the oasis and try to lead people to kill The only purpose of killing me is to take my body and sell it for a good price in front of the governor, that's all."

"...that's how I am!" Lukaba, who was speechless for a while, finally choked his neck, "So what?!"

"Not much." Kraft shook his head slightly, "But at least after you admit it, I felt a lot better when I did it."

Lukaba wanted to say something, but Kafu didn't intend to continue arguing with him—the next moment, he pulled out the scimitar from his waist.

With the flash of the knife, Lukaba, with his eyes wide open, finally fell headlong on the ashes.

At the same time, behind Kraft, Lux lightly slapped herself.

 Karya's Little Classroom Darkin's Killing Lust:
  Under tremendous mental pressure and physical pain, darkborn and those who possess the power of darkborn tend to have a tendency to become psychopathic, and as ruthless killing machines, killing is often their way of dispelling this pain.

  There are only a few darkin (such as Karya) exceptions.

  PS. I failed to update two chapters on time at six o'clock, and I will add more tonight-before twelve o'clock, there are still two chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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