Lux's Farewell

316 Small talk [0312]

316 Small talk [0312]
Lux clapped the hand, but Kalya drummed the palm.

While Kafu and Lukaba were talking, on the other side, Ino controlled the red-eyed Sefika, and Kalya withdrew a lot of his strength. Understand the cause and effect of the whole thing.

Then it was Kraft who did not hesitate to cut all the grievances between him and Lukaba.

Seeing this scene, Kalya made no secret of her admiration for Kraft, and Lacus also admired his persistence as always, so she applauded lightly.

Facing Lux's applause, Kraft was stunned for a moment, but there was a more bitter smile on his face than crying.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Kraft's final choice is neat and chic.

But only Kraft knew that after this turmoil, all the hard work in the first half of his life had turned into a dream.

Even if he did as he said, he did not give up his ideals—but the reality is that he has turned his back on the governor of Kenneth.

The Camel Cavalry Regiment, which has been established through hard work and has been maintained until today, has now destroyed one-fifth of it in front of him. It is still unclear how many people in the remaining four-fifths are willing to support him .

Lukaba's words are not enough to shake Kraft's persistence, but it also reveals a serious problem. Kraft's team has lost confidence in the future he described and expected.

The prestige and gains of rushing out of Belgun and blocking the Noxus trade route are no longer enough to support this team to continue going. Only relying on Kraft's persistence to revive Shurima, It has become almost impossible.

Under such circumstances, Kraft needs to think about where his future is and what the path he is going to look like.

Therefore, for him, Lux's applause is not like a compliment, but more like a comfort.

"Thank you for your help." Kraft stood up and held Bai Yushuang's rein, "Although I don't know your identity, but without your help, I am afraid that neither I nor these oasis survivors will escape today. "

"Mr. Kraft, right." Lacus smiled, "Nice to meet you—I just heard the elder tell your story. He said that you are a descendant of the Eagle King and want to revive Shurima?"

"What descendants of the Eagle King?" Hearing Lacus mention this matter, the disappointment on Kraft's face quickly faded, and quickly turned into a rather uncomfortable embarrassment, "That was just words in the hope of persuading him to It should be obvious that I am a shape changer."

"Vastaya's Lotlan bloodline." Lux nodded, looking unsurprised, "You denied the first half, but you didn't deny the second half, that is to say, you really want to revive Shurima ?”

Lax's words made Kraft stunned for a moment. He never expected that this little girl who had only met him once said it so directly.

Considering the relationship between the two people who met by chance, this kind of questioning is even a bit offensive.

However, after blinking, Kraft looked at the smiling little girl in front of him, and nodded to admit it.

"Yeah, I really think so." His voice changed from low to firm, as if he was answering Lux, and he seemed to be answering himself, "Restore Shurima."

"Then, may I ask, why do you want to revive Shurima?" Lux's face showed subtle curiosity, "My name is Laxana, you can call me Lax, I am a man who left his hometown and lived abroad. A traveler from far away, just came from Piltover—oh, it should be called Vazuan now, many big people have been there before, and they gave many speeches on the planetary road, saying that they want to revive Shurima. "

Lacus' words caught Kraft a little off guard.

"I have listened to a lot of speeches." According to Kalya's prompt, Lux continued, "But to be honest, I can't understand their words very well—everyone of them said that they want to revive Shurima, But I've listened to so many times that I don't even know why Shurima was revived."

"...Piltover and Zaun have re-formed Vazuan. I've heard about it too." I looked up and down Lux, and from the corner of my eye, I saw that he ran away to lead Scarash back. Ino, Kraft reluctantly accepted Lux's claim to be a traveler, "But I'm afraid I don't know much about the big men you mentioned, so I'm afraid I can't answer your questions."

"Alright then." Lux nodded, "What about you? Why do you want to revive Shurima?"

Kraft narrowed his eyes slightly.

He just saw the appearance of Lux's light wings with his own eyes, so he was sure that the young girl in front of him was not simple at all.

Although she didn't know why she asked herself these questions, but when the survivors of the oasis were cleaning the battlefield and burying the corpses, they didn't want to see Kraft, who had died with his former comrades in arms, so he simply chatted with Lux a few more times.

"Probably, everyone has an ideal." Kraft finally gave an answer vaguely, "It's the kind...the ideal of what you think the world should be like."

Lux nodded.

"In my opinion, the Shurima Empire described in the book when it was at its most prosperous is exactly what I think the world should be like."

"About this point, can you talk to me carefully?" Lux showed an interested expression on her face, "After I came to Shurima, I read a lot about the Shurima Empire in the past. But along the way, I feel that the real Shurima is far from that empire, is the Shurima in the book real?"

"Naturally it is true." Kraft nodded, "At least in Belgun's library, I have read a lot of historical materials, although at the beginning it was just a story, but the content and reality But they can all be matched one by one, unless someone is extremely bored and compares these historical materials to forge relics and ruins, otherwise the comparison between the two will naturally distinguish the true from the false..."

"That's right." Lacus nodded, and continued to speak according to Kalya's request, "So what I heard, that you can look for treasures according to history books, is it true?"

"Looking for treasures according to history books?" Hearing what Lacus said, Kraft was obviously quite surprised. He seemed to be relieved, but also seemed a little lost. After a moment of stunned, he sighed helplessly, "Those who The recorded treasures have probably been visited by countless people even today, and those treasures that have not been discovered are also unclear in history-if someone uses this as a reason to sell you some hardcover or old ones The history books, believe me, according to them, the treasure is nowhere to be found.”

 Kalya's Little Classroom, History of Shurima:

  During the period of the Shurima Empire, Shurima had the habit and inheritance of recording history. Among the vast books in the great library, quite a few of them were records of history.

  It is a pity that due to the collapse of the Shurima Empire, the great library was buried in the yellow sand, and many official historical materials were unknown. Only the city chronicles of various cities remained in the Shurima market.

  But even through these relatively scattered local chronicles, readers can get a glimpse of the prosperity and glory of the Shurima Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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