Lux's Farewell

317 Campfire in the evening [0313]

317 Campfire in the evening [0313]

Lux and Kraft chatted for a long time.

Most of the time, Lacus was asking questions and Kraft was answering. Some of these questions were what Karya wanted to ask, and some of them were more curious about Lacus.

And this wonderful, somewhat divided questioning method made Kraft completely confused about the situation, and couldn't figure out Lux's purpose at all.

Simply after experiencing a betrayal and fighting, Kraft himself was a little confused and confused. Since Lacus and Ino saved him, and now he still has something to ask himself, he simply threw it away. Brain, don't think about the purpose behind it, answer every question.

Just treat it as simple relaxation and the simplest chat.

After letting go of their guard, the two sides finally felt like they were talking happily.

With Kraft's cooperation, Kalya and Lacus got a lot of news that they were interested in, and the two sides finally stopped talking until the sun was sinking.

At this time, the bodies of the camel riders had been buried on the small island in the Yousi Oasis Lake.

As for their camels, the ones that were still alive were re-tethered, and the ones that died were simply divided, pickled with coarse salt from the lake water, and after a simple treatment, it seemed that they were going to be made Jerky.

The Scarash that was placed behind the sand dunes was also brought over by Ino. Seeing that the oasis could no longer survive, the elder decided to call the shots. First, he took the collapsed stones of the rock puppets and arranged them in a circle. He built a simple windproof stove, and then took out and split all the precious wooden furniture and ritual utensils in Shuijingfang as fuel, and lit a bonfire.

In the Dasai Desert, this kind of behavior can only be described as extravagant.

But for these oasis survivors, it's more like a farewell.

Tonight, everyone eats, drinks, and rests well.

Wait until tomorrow morning, after the sun rises, the hundreds of oasis survivors here will set off, bid farewell to the place where their ancestors lived for generations, and run towards an unknown destiny!
Although there is no wine in the Yousi Oasis, many oasis survivors seem to be drunk, singing out-of-tune Shurima tunes at the top of their voices. Eat the fat camel meat, gulp down the drinking water that is destined not to be taken away tomorrow after filling all the containers, and enjoy the last madness before leaving like bitterness.

Lax and Ino, who received the invitation, also joined the camel banquet based on the principle of not eating for nothing. Then, amidst the singing of the oasis survivors, the elder with white beard and hair found her.

"Miss Lux." Although this elder is more than enough to be Lux's grandfather in terms of age, he is quite reserved at this moment, "That child is he?"

"He used forces beyond his control and it's completely out of control now."

Although Kalya withdrew a lot of Sefika's power after completing his revenge, but his situation is too special--the darkborn's power is less, and he will turn into a stone sculpture on the spot and die completely; With more power, he will fall into madness and become a bloodthirsty machine.

In this case, for the sake of safety, Yinuo could only freeze his whole body, and then sent him to Shuijingfang to be sealed.

"Sefika is a good boy, he did this for us." The elder had a sad expression on his face, "Miss Lacus, is there anything you can do to save him? If possible, I am willing to give everything cost."

"Power always has a price." Lacus shook her head, "When he replaced his heart with a stone, the matter was already irreversible—and taking the stone from the heart accelerated the process. I believe you must be very happy too. Clearly, what will happen in the end when you use the monolith."

"Bonu will turn into stone in the end." The elder sighed helplessly, "This is the price of the Stone of Destiny."

"I will take him with me when I leave tomorrow." Looking at the sad elder, Lux finally comforted him, "I will try to bring him back to his senses, but I'm afraid it's hard to say what the result will be."

"Then you take him away." The elder nodded and sighed again, "Take Sefika, take the Stone of Destiny... After leaving the Oil Silk Oasis, from now on, there is no need for anyone to give him the Stone of Destiny." Thank you."

"The monolith is a real treasure, and many spellcasters will be willing to pay a high price for it." Hearing that the elder was going to hand over the monolith to herself, Lacus said in surprise, "Leave the oil silk oasis and go to the strange If you live in the city, you should be short of money, right?"

"We are planning to follow Kafu!" Speaking of this, the elder finally forced a smile, "Although Kafu is not of the emperor's blood, I believe that he will not starve us!"

"Did you tell him?" Lux asked in surprise, "I thought you would follow that man named Kuqiu to the nearest Kenneth!"

"It's been agreed!" At this moment, Kraft came over with a water bag and a bunch of charred hump meat, "We plan to go a little to the east, to the gray area that is closer to Kalduga. Rock Town settles down."

"As for Kuqiu, just go home by yourself - after discussing with Kraft and I, we still decided not to go to Kenesh." The elder continued, "The governor of Kenesh and Kafu Husband is not from the same way, and I am afraid that we are not from the same way, although I heard that Kenneth is very big, but why should we bother ourselves?"

While the three of them were talking, smoke rose again in the desert in the distance.

Under the setting sun like blood, a camel cavalry with a number of about a hundred people appeared far above the sand dunes.

Shurima, who had run away a little bit, came to an abrupt end. The oasis survivors who had just experienced a catastrophe were a little nervous. They stood up one after another, trying to find a handy weapon, and prepared for battle on the spot.

For them, camel cavalry may have become synonymous with danger.

Kraft's reaction was much faster than these civilians. Almost when the other party appeared in sight for the first time, he swam across the lake on Bai Yushuang and ran towards the direction where the cavalry came.

Seeing this, Ino decisively summoned an ice bridge and followed Kraft.

After a while, Kraft joined the team.

After chatting with the leader of the team, he led them to the shore of the lake, guided them across the shallows, and came to the island together.

"These are reliable partners!" After bringing these people back, Kraft's mental state was obviously much better, "After they escaped from the flames, they sensed something was wrong, so they gathered behind and rushed back. "

"Are they really trustworthy?" The elder approached and asked in a low voice, "Could it be another wave of traitors?"

"No." Kraft shook his head, "The members of this team are the most trustworthy people."

 Karya's Little Classroom Ino's Frozen Seal:
  After specialized study, Ino has shown quite a talent in sealing spells. She can use magic to condense pure ice that does not contain magic power. Next, it is a very good seal carrier.

  PS. Went to bed - if I don't pay attention, my schedule will be messed up again, so annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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