Lux's Farewell

Chapter 318 [0314]

Chapter 318 [0314]
For Kraft, the arrival of this camel cavalry team is both good news and bad news.

The good news is that they proved that not everyone chose to betray for money and status like Lukaba. Whether it was because of ideals or because of his personal prestige, there are still more than 100 people who are willing to continue to eat with him sand.

The bad news is that since then, the Belgun Cavalry Regiment, which has persisted for many years, has actually fallen into a split-considering that the relationship between him and Governor Kenesher is almost torn apart, I am afraid he His reputation will soon turn from hero to traitor.

However, Kraft, who had just figured it out a lot, now doesn't care as much about the reputation he once worked so hard on.

Compared with the title of a lonely and loyal hero, these brothers who are willing to fight with me are more important!
Kraft has decided to bring these oasis remnants to Gray Rock Town to start again. Now there are more than 100 fighters who are willing to follow him. In addition, what he learned from Lux is that Vazuan is giving great assistance after rebuilding. News of "a city willing to rebuild Shurima"...

For Kraft, everything is still promising!
Although the location of Huiyan Town is somewhat remote, and you need to go around a long way to get to Vazuan, you need to go to Kalduga, but it is the edge of the Dasai Desert after all, and the climate is far from as bad as the Oil Silk Oasis.

What is missing there is only a trading opportunity. If Vazuan is really reviving Shurima as Lux said, then in terms of high emotional intelligence, Gray Rock Town does have broad prospects for development!

With this thought in mind, Kraft raised his spirits again and began to re-plan the future.

And these camel cavalry who arrived later, after accepting Kraft's choice to go to Huiyan Town, joined the bonfire camel feast.

The night was dark.

When everyone had enough water and meals, Lacus and Ino refused the invitation to rest in Shuijingfang, took Sefika who was frozen, built an ice bridge, and left the small island in the lake, just like before , rested with Scarash.

The elder didn't care about their cautiousness. When Ino left with Sefika, the elder came to Lacus holding a big package.

"Take it." The old man smiled and stuffed the package into Lux's hand, "These are the tender leaves of the oil beetle we raised, you can take it and feed that big guy, I guess it is today You must not be full."

Lux took the package unexpectedly, then nodded, thanking the old man.

"You don't need to thank me." The elder waved his hand, "I also want to thank you... After all, the fate of our Sefika is still in your hands!"

"...I really can't guarantee his situation."

"People who use the Stone of Destiny will always become one with the Stone of Destiny. This is something that generations of elders know very well." The old man seems to have adjusted his mentality and was freed from the initial pain. After taking the heart stone, almost all Bonu turned into stone sculptures on the spot. Every day Sefika can live is given by you-he is here for us, so we must be grateful. "

Lux blinked and looked at the old man in surprise.

After going through a lot of twists and turns and sharpening, the elder's muddy eyes had a little more clarity in seeing through the world.

At this time, Lacus suddenly remembered that at the camel banquet, several waves of people seemed to want to find her, but they were all stopped by this person...

Finally, Lux took the package, and then showed a big smile to the elder.

"If possible, I will tell him that his people have gone to Gray Rock Town."

"Hahaha, very good, very good!" The elder stroked his sparse white beard, and finally let out a relieved laugh, "I will pass on the story of Sefika. In Huiyan Town, we will We have been waiting for his return!"


"I always feel that the elder seems to have guessed something." Lacus, who brought back the package, said to Kalya in a subtle tone, "But I thought about it, but I didn't figure it out. What did he understand?"

"He understands the price of power, so he understands the need to face unknown power with caution." Kalya gave the answer very clearly, "He is restraining his people and preventing them from getting closer to you, but Willing to follow Kraft out of his hometown—it may seem like he doesn't trust you, but it's really that he doesn't trust unknown forces."

"That's it..." Recalling the details that made her feel a little awkward, Lacus finally came to a realization, "However, this doesn't seem to be a bad thing?"

"Of course it's not a bad thing." Carya chuckled, "He is willing to give up the tradition he has insisted on for countless years and walk out of the desert; but at the same time he has learned to be careful of those uncontrollable forces. From this point of view, that guy can be regarded as alive It's terrible... let's go, feed Scarash, I won't give lectures tonight, we just chat."

Lux nodded, and then she took the package and came to Scalash - after opening the package, she was surprised to find that there were countless slices of oil shredded leaves in the package, which were cut into thin strips. Glowing grub.

Facing the strong light suddenly, these big black and fat worms wriggled crazily one by one, as if they wanted to get deeper into the leaves.

Lux, who has gone through many simulation trainings, is no longer the little girl who screams when she sees bugs, but after seeing this scene somewhere, she still feels a little bit tingly: "What the hell is this? !"

"It should be domesticated by them, eating beetle larvae that weave silk and make cocoons from oil silk leaves, right?" Kalya looked clear, "It's okay, just give it to Scarash—"

"There are so many worms, won't let it eat bad stomach?" Lux grinned, "Hey, although I have heard you say that silk is the fiber spit out by worms to wrap themselves in pupation, but seeing these squirming The bugs still bother me a bit.”

"Hahahaha." Hearing what Lux said, Karya laughed loudly, "Don't worry, these are harmless little guys, for Scarash, whose gastric juice is highly corrosive, not only will they not cause Bad stomach, it will also provide extra nutrition - you know, for Scarash, the leathery leaves of oil silk seed are more difficult to digest than these little guys..."

And the fact is just as Kalya said, when Lux fed Skarash with such a large bag of leaves, the big guy was so happy to eat, the fat big meat worms crackled and exploded in its mouth It opened, let it narrow its eyes comfortably, and even flicked its tail a little more vigorously.

 Carya's Small Classroom·Grey Rock Town:
  This is a remote town located in the south of Karduga, which is backed by the Karduga Mountains, the transition zone between the Dasai Desert and the Kumangu Jungle.

(End of this chapter)

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