Lux's Farewell

319 Group chat under the stars [0315]

319 Group chat under the stars [0315]
It was night, and Lacus and Ino lay side by side on the oasis land where the ashes had not been completely blown away, looking at the clear night sky together, they couldn't fall asleep for a while.

On the one hand, it was because they were used to dozing off on Scarash's back during the day, and on the other hand, it was also because the experience this afternoon was so exciting that even after everything was over, they were still a little emotional.

Yinuo is a person who doesn't talk much. Although she has developed her expressive skills when communicating with people during the three years she has been the secretary-general of Zaun, outside of work, even if she has some insights, she usually just thinks silently , rarely speak out.

And Lux, who knew her characteristics well, simply grabbed her hand and "pulled her closer into the group chat".

"Speaking of which, I really didn't expect it." Holding the hilt of the sword in one hand and the cold Ino in the other, Lux said in an unexpected tone, "You admire that Kraft so much, I thought you He will also be accepted as an apprentice!"

"I admit that sometimes I am a bit good at being a teacher, but that doesn't mean that if I see a good person, I must accept him as a student."

"Really?" Lux curled her lips, "It seems that I am quite special?"

"Yeah, you are indeed very special." Kalya said in a rare and serious tone, "The elemental magic you are good at happens to be my best field, and you are born with extraordinary magic power. It's a very rare trait."

"So, you are not good at the fields that Kraft is good at?" Hearing what Kalya said, Lux suddenly became a little excited, "There are other fields that you are not good at?"

"As you can see, Kraft is a shape-changer." Kalya did not answer directly, "The shape-changer is a talent possessed by people with vastaya blood, although I have seen many shape-changers before, but this After all, I have no personal experience of the power of identity.”

"That's why you're not good at it!" Lux finally giggled when she heard the words, "I didn't expect that our omnipotent Mr. Carya actually has something he's not good at—"

"How can this be called not good at?" Lacus's words made Carya a little dissatisfied, "If you just teach that rough brother, it will be as troublesome as teaching you eight years ago. The main reason why I don't want to teach him is He already has his own clear three views, and it seems that he will be too old to be confused...Plus your next goal is Mount Targon, so there is really no time!"

Lax sensed Kalya's stubbornness, but considering that Kalya had already mentioned the matter of "teaching herself eight years ago", if Kalya was really annoyed and turned over the old account, I'm afraid her dark history would be exposed to Iran. In front of Nuo...

Thinking of this, she finally snorted, gave up delving into this issue, and talked about Sefika instead.

"What about the stone man? Can his sanity really recover?"

"Good question, I don't know about this." Kalya said honestly, "Although I am a Darkborn, I actually don't have much research on the Darkborn's family members——Before the Darkborn War started, I had Self-sealed, although I later heard that the group of bastards used the power of the dark blood to create distorted dependents on a large scale, but that was only heard after all, not what I saw with my own eyes."

"So, Sefika is the first follower you created who possesses the power of the Darkin?" Lux was a little surprised, "But I saw that you were very skilled at that time!"

"That's because although I'm not very familiar with using the power of the Darkborn to create dependents, I'm very familiar with the monolith!" Carya explained helplessly, "I told you about the origin of the monolith, although these pure The rock elements are mainly made by Azhi, but at least I am also the chief designer of Monolith Fortress!"

"That's why you can easily guide me to draw a magic circle on that big puppet that can completely control it?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Karya snorted, "I'm not bragging, if Sefika has more combat experience, without my help, you and Ino will have nothing to do with him together."

Hearing what Kalya said, not only Lux was a little surprised, but even Ino, who had been listening silently by the side, showed a rare expression of interest.

Although she doesn't like to talk very much, and her fighting style is far less fierce than that of Lax, Ino is still somewhat unconvinced when she hears that Kalya said that she and Lax can't deal with Sefika who controls the puppet together.

Ino knew that she was not good at thinking about life, so when Lacus and Kalya were discussing the future, she never kept her ears out of her mouth. Lux, who looked tough, was even more persistent.

It can be said that because he didn't receive too much theoretical cramming education, Ino still retains a fighting intuition similar to that of the blood of ice.

In addition, the sealing spell naturally restrained these big puppets, so when Kalya said that Lax and Ino could not beat Sefika who controlled the monolith puppet together, Ino rarely expressed his dissatisfaction.

"I stuck his joints right away." Ino's hand passed over Lacus, and he grabbed Kalya. "I'm with Lacus, why can't I deal with him?"

"That's because Sefika didn't dare to activate the puppet's main ability at all." Karya seemed very happy when he noticed Ino's dissatisfaction, "Pure rock elements are extremely stable and repellent, even if Sefika It’s just a little click—just a little bit of elemental resonance, and when your ice cubes freeze your joints, they will be directly crushed into ice balls.”

"How is this possible?" Ino blinked in disbelief, "Although I can't do the kind of perpetually frozen ice you said out of nothing, the ice that stuck the joints It is definitely not something that puppet can easily break free!"

"Hahaha, don't you believe me?" Kalya said in a cheerful tone, "Well, how about we make a bet?"


"Unlock Sefika's seal, practice with him, and if you win, I will agree to any of your requests." Kalya finally revealed her fox tail this time, "But if you lose, then you will follow For a period of time, how about you start learning the basic magic theory honestly for me?"

Ino instinctively felt that this was a trap.

But after thinking about it, she decided to give it a try—it's not that she hasn't fought Sefika before, so why is Kalya sure that she is not an opponent?
 Carya's Small Classroom: Creation of Pure Elements:

  The pure material creation formed by the materialization of a single elemental energy is the pure elemental creation—for example, the materialization of the purest rock element, plus some minor processing, is a monolith; and the purest ice elementalization Finally, after a little processing, it is Zhenbing.

  PS. I finally grabbed the sofa, hahahahahahaha!Who else? !
(End of this chapter)

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