Lux's Farewell

Chapter 325 [0321] Confrontation

Chapter 325 [0321] Confrontation
Karya's words surprised Lacus a little.

Massive desert storm?

From Belguen to Kennesser, and then to Waynebo, Lux and Ino have also seen the desert scenery, and have seen large-scale desert storms a few times—but they haven’t reached the point where they need to be careful to avoid it. ?
Although Skalash looks a little skinny in size, he actually walks steadily and has an amazing weight. When encountering a storm, he just needs to lie down on the ground, bury his head down, and wait for the storm to pass.

"Don't underestimate the desert storm." Kalya obviously understood what Lux meant, "The one you saw before can only be regarded as a small incident, two thousand miles west of Weinbo, the terrain is flat, there is no ups and downs, the storm As long as it rises, it will move hills and fill valleys. Sand dunes that are three to five hundred feet high will move a hundred feet across in an instant. If you really encounter this kind of storm, you want to bury your head and push through it... Scaras is not enough , that would be full of giant beasts."

Hearing what Kalya said, Lux finally nodded in understanding, and together with Ino, they found the scavenger who was carrying a huge bag.

Although the scavenger was bargaining with the owner of a small stall, his eyes always glanced to the left and right from time to time. When he saw Lux and Ino coming straight towards him, his expression instantly became awkward .

"This old man." Although Lux was a little surprised why everyone met by chance, the scavenger seemed to be afraid when she looked at her, but she still bent down and greeted him with a smile, "I hope to ask you Inquire about something."

And as soon as Lux spoke, not only the scavengers froze in place as if they had been immobilized, but the surrounding antique vendors also raised their brows and faintly surrounded Lax.

Everyone is full of hostility.

"No retail! No retail!" After being stunned for a moment, the scavengers waved their arms and shouted at Lux, "Don't ask me, don't ask me, these are not retail, if you want to buy, ask them, ask them !"

As he said that, the old man stepped back, stretched out his hands, and pointed at the antique dealer who had just bargained with him. He curled up into a ball, as if he wanted to bury himself in the big bag of messy things behind him.

Seeing this scene, Lacus blinked her eyes in astonishment, and her gaze quickly swept over the antique dealers around them with uneasy expressions, and she quickly realized the key to the problem.

Do you dare to love these people... do you regard yourself as a business robber?

"I don't accept antiques!" Lux shook her head helplessly, "I just want to ask if there have been any sandstorms in the west recently."

Are there any sandstorms to the west?
Hearing that Lacus asked this question, the antique dealers seemed to be even more dissatisfied, and the scavenger, who was timid before, raised his face rarely, showing sullenness mixed with grievance.

"You Picheng guys, don't you leave any way to survive?" Among the antique dealers, a guy who was originally relying on his stature to look over the heads of the crowd in the back row to watch the excitement, separated from the crowd and came in front of Lacus. "Why, you even want to have a hand in picking up waste in the desert?"

Who wants to scavenge in the desert?
Well, wait, I just asked the scavengers if there is a storm in the west. In their opinion, they want to go to the desert to snatch the livelihood of these scavengers when the storm has just stopped?

Good guy, Lux can only call him good guy in her heart.

"I'm not here to hunt for antiques." Spreading her hands helplessly, she shook her head and said, "I'm going to start from here and go to Divination!"

After listening to Lax's explanation, the strong man in front of him showed a disdainful look on his face. He glanced at Lax and Ino with the corners of his eyes, pulled up the corners of his mouth, and then let out a heavy breath through his nose.

"Who are you lying to, Picheng?" He squeezed his fists and twisted his neck in a threatening gesture, "You guys are born with the talent to deceive! From Enbo to Bumang, do you want to cross the sea of ​​sand for two thousand miles?"

"...That's true." Lux nodded and said, "I heard that when a storm broke out in this sea of ​​sand, Skalash couldn't hold on to it, and I couldn't afford to hire a lot of giant beasts, so I can only ask knowledgeable people. Something happened."

Hearing what Lax said, the strong man on the opposite side was obviously taken aback—he looked Lax up and down again, and his expression became a little suspicious.

And behind him, a group of antique dealers also began to whisper to each other, discussing in a low voice, in the humming, even though Lax had good hearing, she could only hear some scattered words and sentences.

"I'm not interested in the antiques hidden in the sand. I heard that if you want to pan for gold in the sand, you have to wait for the storm to come. I don't need the storm to come, as long as the sky is clear."

Hearing what Lacus said, the complexion of the strong man finally changed, and the hostility in his expression gradually faded, replaced by something unbelievable.

"Do you really want to start from here and go to Gumang?" He repeated again, "It is two thousand miles of yellow sand, and there is not a single oasis on the road. The supplies you need!"

"Of course." Lak nodded without hesitation, "For supplies and the like, I naturally have my own way, so I won't bother you!"

Hearing this, the strong man nodded in satisfaction, then strode up to the scavenger and put a big hand on his shoulder.

"Has there been any storms lately?"

"Not recently, not recently." The scavenger shook his head again and again, "There will be no wind for ten days."

"Did you hear that?" It was a scavenger who let go, and the strong man folded his arms, "There will be no wind for ten days. If you really want to cross the desert, then hurry up!"

"Thank you very much." Lux thanked her sincerely, "Also, is there any meat or vegetables for sale here in Weibo? I will pay a high price!"

"Meat? Vegetables?" Hearing what Lacus said, the burly man laughed loudly, "There are, but I'm afraid you, a foreigner, won't be used to them!"

"If you don't try it, how will you know?"

"follow me!"

Seeing the burly man turn away from the crowd and stride towards the corner of the market, with Lux following closely behind, Ino grabbed Scalash by the chin, and led it to Lux's side quickly.

"Is the news reliable?" Yinuo was obviously worried, "What if what they say is false..."

"Don't worry, the news is reliable." Lux chuckled, "Did you see that, they don't care if someone dies across the desert, they only care if someone steals their business—so, the scavengers said It may not be accurate when the storm will come and go, but when he said calm and windless, it is definitely calm and calm.”

Ino blinked, and finally realized something: "We don't want to meet the storm, and they don't want us to meet either. Although we don't believe each other, the purpose is always the same!"


 Carya's Little Classroom: Doman Behemoth:

  These gigantic beasts with a length of nearly a thousand feet are often more than two hundred feet high at the shoulder. They are covered in scales and endure hunger and drought. They are the real desert ships and mobile cities of Shurima.

  Unlike Scalash, which is cherished, but can still be purchased or rented, the Duoman giant beast is truly priceless - no one will sell or lease such a giant beast that can carry thousands of people.

  PS. Today's Chapter 2 is updated later, and there will be more updates in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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