Lux's Farewell

Chapter 326 [0322]

Chapter 326 [0322]
When Lux followed this strong man to buy meat and vegetables, she had prepared her mentally. In Zaan, she had already seen some "foods" that were not easy to accept, including the magic marsh frog. Now that he has entered the Dasai Desert, in such a remote place as Waynebo, even if he eats bugs, Lux gritted his teeth and it is not unacceptable.

However, when she actually saw the "meat" that the strong man showed her, Lux was still a little puzzled.

"What is this?" Her face was calm, but she immediately asked Karya for help, "It's so dark, why does it look like a stone?"

"It looks like... some kind of jerky?" Kalya hesitated, "Well, it's unbelievable that Shurima still has food that I don't know..."

Unable to get an answer from Kalya, Lax could only openly ask the strong man who brought her here what it is.

And seeing that Lux didn't know this kind of food, a big smile appeared on the rough man's face.

"This is a good thing. It's full of jerky from giant beasts. It's very nourishing!"

What a monster of... jerky?
Lux took a piece from his hand, held it in her hand and looked at it carefully—different from the jerky meat of many giant beasts that people usually recognize, this piece of jerky is heavy and very heavy.

The surface of the jerky seems to have been repeatedly air-dried and soaked in oil, and it has become as moist as the walnuts that have been plated by someone. Only when you take it under your nose and smell it carefully, can you smell the faint, mixed with oil and meat the taste of.

"How do I eat this thing?" Lux stretched out her finger, and tapped the hard jerky with her index knuckle, "It looks like ordinary table knives can't cut it, right?"

"Use this." The strong man took down a small plane from the side cabinet, "Scrape off a piece or two, and you can use it for cooking."

Lux blinked, looking at the "black stone" in her hand and the plane in the opponent's hand, and clearly felt the lack of her Shurima language for the first time.

"The taste is still very good." Seemingly misunderstood Lacus's hesitation, the other party simply took back the piece of jerky, then carefully planed two pieces off with a plane, and handed it to Lacus, "Taste Come on, when I ask you."

Lux took it hesitantly and put it into her mouth.

how to say.

Rather than calling it jerky, it is better to say that it is "a piece of sackcloth with a taste similar to jerky"—even if the other party has cut the thick muscle fibers of the Doman monster horizontally according to the most standard treatment method, but other The rough taste still left Lux dumbfounded.

Moreover, unlike the one that was salted and dried as imagined, this jerky seemed to be made by other methods and did not have any salty taste.

What's worse is that although this thing has no salty taste, it is full of bloody smell similar to rust, mixed with the smell of oil, making Lacus' eye sockets moist in an instant.

"Kalya." Lacus held back her tears and nodded, showing admiration on the surface, but at the same time she began to complain immediately, "Is this thing really edible? There are a lot of salt algae, is it okay not to buy meat?"

"Although I can't share your sense of taste, my answer is... no!" Kalya vetoed Lux's idea without hesitation, "Eating in the desert is not just for the taste, The most important thing is to survive and have balanced nutrition, not to mention that with Yinuo around, you will at least not be short of water, so buy a big piece!"

After hearing the words, Lacus had no choice but to ask the price, bought ten catties of dried meat, and then bought some dried Artemisia annua, which looked like dehydrated vegetables, and then led Scarash, Left Waynebo's Market.


"Have you really never eaten this kind of jerky?" After leaving the market, Lux and Ino packed the bag together, and asked Kalya unwillingly, "Dried salt algae is also very difficult to eat, But the taste of Dasai thick soup is pretty good, don’t you really know how to cook this kind of jerky full of giant beasts?”

"I don't know." Carya said helplessly, "I have never eaten the meat of so many giant beasts, let alone this kind of jerky!"

"How is it possible?" Lux couldn't believe it, "Didn't you say that you had a hard time in Shurima?"

"Do you think I was full of giant beasts back then?"

"Then what happened later?" Lux asked while putting a bag of sand potatoes under the pannier, "After becoming an Ascendant, don't you need to eat?"

"Use it, of course." Kalya sighed, "But many giant beasts were never meat animals even in the Shurima Empire period!"


"Also, although I didn't directly participate in the breeding project of the Doman monster, I still have some knowledge - the person in charge of this work at that time, the breeding direction has always been to make it bigger, with a stronger scale and a faster growth rate. Faster, more durable, more loyal and reliable, no one would ever think of eating these big guys."

"However, how big a giant beast is, if it dies naturally, should it be allowed to rot?"

"The Domans of the Shurima Empire and the current Domans are not the same function." Speaking of this topic, Kalya seemed a little melancholy, "The current Domans are from a certain tribe, a certain A chance for a city to prosper, but in Shurima, these big guys are the most reliable form of public transportation."

"Public transportation?!" Lux finally widened her eyes when she heard the words, "How many giant beasts were there in the Shurima Empire at that time?"

"Many, at its peak, the number of duman monsters used to exceed [-]." Kalya said a number that Lacus could hardly imagine, "Because it is difficult to build roads in the desert, and the underground canals are of great significance. All civilians are open, so between cities, Duoman Behemoth undertakes the main transportation work."

"Civilians who can't afford mounts, can they travel between cities by relying on giant beasts?" Lux tried hard to imagine the scene at that time, "It's like... like a ship in the desert!"

"Yeah, it's like a ship. How full in Shurima means big ship." Kalya's tone was a bit more nostalgic, "However, it's not that people who can't afford a mount will do this Do, in fact, even if you have a mount, or even a scala at home, most people prefer to ride a multiman monster when traveling, whether it is the upper class on their back or the middle class with only one hanging basket hanging on both sides. The cabin is much more comfortable than sitting on Scarash's back."


"The criss-crossing culverts ensured the stability of the Shurima Oasis, so that they would no longer appear and disappear with the seasons, forming the skeleton of the empire at that time." Carya continued, "Several culverts along the culverts or connecting important cities Roads are the powerful muscles of the empire; as for these intercity sand boats that transport pedestrians and small-scale goods, they are the blood vessels of Shurima. The combination of the three makes Shurima, a city built on yellow sand, The country has a rare vitality and vitality."

Karya's words made Lacus fascinated, especially after experiencing such a desert trip—however, comparing her own experience, thinking about the scene Karya said, and thinking about it, Lacus finally felt something clearly. kind of lost.

The sand boat that once carried countless Shurima people on long journeys has now become a treasure of the town that only a few tribes can control.

And for these Shurima people living on the border of the Great Sai Desert, the only way for them to come into contact with the Doman giant beast is this extremely unpalatable jerky...

Thinking of this, Lux's longing smile finally froze on her face.

 Karya's Little Classroom Breeding of the Shurima Empire:

  Under the auspices and leadership of Kalya, the Shurima people during the Shurima Empire invested a lot of resources and energy in the cultivation of animals and plants-this was the best place that Kalya could find at that time and could use magic power peacefully. One of the ways.

(End of this chapter)

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