Lux's Farewell

Chapter 327 [0323] Wasteland punk and elementary geography

Chapter 327 [0323] Wasteland punk and elementary geography

"What happened to Shurima after the empire collapsed?" Lux murmured, "Why did that prosperous empire become like this now?"

"That's what I want to know." Kalya said in a low tone, "Although in the Icathian War, many Ascendants were reduced to Darkborn just like me—but even if there were no Ascendants, Shurima at that time was still The greatest kingdom in Runeterra."


"If I could, I would also like to know what happened so that when I first woke up, all the efforts I had made were buried under a thick layer of dust. "Carya continued, "I have a hunch that this trip will give me the answer."

"I will find the answer!" Lux clenched her fists and nodded, "Don't worry, it will definitely work."

"Don't think so far ahead!" Sensing Lux's emotions, Kalya finally let go of the topic temporarily, "Shurima is huge, and there are many secrets here, the more important thing now is to continue all the way to the West, across the entire continent, and finally reach the peak!"

"Trust me!" Lux assured with a smile, "Everything will be fine!"

With the jerky meat of many giant beasts and the dried Artemisia tea, Lux's main supply goal has been completed.

The next thing to do is to take the Scarash to a feast and feed it before heading out!
In Waynebo, there is a special pack animal station, which only needs a few tokens of copper, and you can have a full meal with Scarash, the kind that can eat until you are full.

Such a price is naturally not that the boss is doing charity—the price for letting Skalash enjoy a "buffet" is that the excrement he goes in and out belongs to the boss.

Apparently, this beast of burden station should have business dealings with certain spice manufacturers, and is a raw material supplier for Qiongxiang Stone.

For this kind of thing that can feed pets without having to shovel shit by herself, Lux is naturally [-]% satisfied. After inquiring about the news about the beast station, she and Ino came there with Scarash on their hands, and then He rewarded it hard.

Scarash ate happily.

Lux and Ino are happy without shoveling shit.

The owner of the pack animal station was even more in a good mood when he saw the "high-quality raw materials" discharged by this Scarash because he ate a meal of oily silk on the way. Satisfied, when Scarash left, he also gave a bundle of coniferous moss that Scarash liked for free as a "snack", hoping that they would come again in the future.

Three wins, it's really a win.

In this way, after feeding Scarash, getting enough supplies, and confirming that there will be no storm in a short period of time, Lux and Ino finally set off again, left the small town of Waynebo, and continued on their way to Bumang. travel.

On the second day after leaving Weinbo, Lux finally understood what Kalya meant by "this is the real Dasai Desert".

This sentence is not rhetoric, but an extremely apt description.

After entering the range of the Dasai Desert, Lacus and Ino saw a large number of undulating sand dunes, and the gravel was blown by the wind, forming sand dunes like undulating mountains, layer upon layer, endless.

During the journey from Wayne Bo to Bumang, the wind was much stronger than before. Under the blowing of the strong wind, many sand dunes were even moving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even though Skarash walked carefully on the ridges of the dunes, his broad feet would still sink into the gravel from time to time.

Although Skalash took a long stride, Lux and Ino's journey became slower and slower. They bumped on Skalash's back for a whole day, and at night they only managed to walk a hundred miles after carefully calculating the straight-line distance.

"From here to Bumang, if we calculate it this way, we will even have to walk for a month." On the evening of the third day, when Ino was feeding ice cubes to Scarash, Lacus said to Kalya with some worry, "For a month, our supplies are fine, but can Scarash really hold on?"

"Don't worry, with drinking water, if Scarash doesn't eat for a month, it won't be a big problem."

"That's good." Lux breathed a sigh of relief, and then said worriedly, "But if we walk for a month, will we encounter a storm in the second half?"

"No." Karya said with a smile when he heard the words, "Do you know why there are frequent storms here?"

"I don't know." Lux shook her head honestly, "Is it because there are no mountains around?"

"On the contrary, there will be storms in the west of Waynebo, but it is because of the barren hills." Carya explained, "The barren hills is a mountain range that runs from northeast to southwest, and because the trade winds in the desert are almost non-stop all year round." Because of the wind blowing towards the Valoran Strait, the barren hills and mountains are like the outlet of a blower, and the trade wind has entered the hole."

Lacus blinked her eyes, took out the map immediately, and pointed to the map according to Carya's words.

"This is the Barren Hill Mountains?"

"That's right, this map doesn't have a name—it's the Barren Hills."

"So that's how it is." Looking at this mountain range lying obliquely on the map between Naslame and Belguen, Lacus suddenly realized, "The southeast foothills of the Barren Hills have tightened the wind that was not violent at first. What caused the desert storm in this area to be far more severe than other places?"

"Yes, so as long as you reach the northwest foothills of the Barren Hills, there is almost no wind there."

"But, if this is the case, isn't there a strong wind every day in Telishne?" Lux stared at the mark on the map, "It seems to be right on the wind!"

"No, the location of Tellishne is very special." Karya knows the topography of the city well, "It's actually located at the end of the barren hills. between the mountains."

"So there's no wind in Tellishne?"

"Yes, the port of Tellishne is the one with the least wind and waves in the entire Valoran Strait."

"It turns's unbelievable that the direction of a mountain range will cause a storm to blow in an area. Karya, how did you discover this knowledge?"

"Uh, maybe it's an inference." Kalya thought for a while, and decisively began to be sloppy, "I can't remember, it's too long ago..."

Fortunately, Lux was still looking at the map, observing the direction of the mountain, trying to combine the information on the map with what she had seen and heard along the way, and did not notice the subtle caution in Carya's tone.

 Carya's Small Classroom Barren Hills and Desert Trade Winds:
  In the north of the Shurima continent, the Dasai Desert blows desert trade winds from south to north almost all the year round, and because the Karduga Mountains and the Barren Hill Mountains are almost in the shape of an "eight", in Telishni There is a big wind between Belgün - so ships from Belgün to Telishne will not sail by the northern shore of Shurima, but turn north, by Valoran South coast sailing.

  In other words, from Telishne to Belguin, the route is Telishne-Stonewall-Loklund-Perguin, which leads directly to Telishne and Belguin and Noksar The natural closeness of the relationship between the Sri Lankan Empire.

  This is also one of the reasons why these two cities hung the Noxus flag for the first time when Noxus started the Shurima Raiders. Although they are Shurima cities, due to the interference of the trade wind , and the traffic connection between them and Noxus is closer.

  Interested readers can go to the large map of Runeterra in the League of Legends universe to see the interesting terrains of these two places.

(End of this chapter)

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