Lux's Farewell

Chapter 328 [0324]

Chapter 328 [0324]
The direction of thinking that combines geography with humanities and history largely depends on the height of the thinker's own vision.

Just like Lux at this time, after comparing the glory of the Shurima Empire in the past and the wasteland-like barrenness of Shurima now, she will naturally have a lot of thoughts about understanding and transforming nature.

Unlike Lux, on the other side of the Barren Hills, although Ezreal also learned a lot about the folk customs of Shurima from Kassadin, he thought more about "this Where is the mountain range more likely to contain the ruins left by the Shuriman people".

Under Kalya's teaching, Lux would understand why Telishni and Belguen had defected to Noxus because of the opening of the Barren Hills and Kalduga Mountains.

But what Ezreal saw was that "the northwest foothills of the Barren Hills should be less windy, and the ruins of the Shurima Empire are easier to preserve here."

Of course, considering that Xiao Huangmao is really thinking about archaeology instead of tomb robbery, the two ways of thinking can only be regarded as "not in his position and not seeking his own politics", and there is no obvious distinction between them.

In comparison, the team led by Cassiopeia, Elise, and Sivir, who will be the first to arrive at the Barren Hills, is the one that is really rushing to rob the tomb.

Of these three guys, Cassiopeia and Elise needless to say, the two people who made a disgraced face in Zaun urgently need to prove their ability to the organization, even this time the exploration of the tomb of the barren hill god It's just an appetizer, but they still have to go all out.

As for Sivir... This mercenary boss who only recognizes money but not people, is already a shareholder of this tomb robbery team based on the principle of sharing half of the meeting. With her greed, it is naturally even more impossible to give up any possibility Harvest!
Therefore, when the "professional team" led by them arrived at the Barren Hills, the members of the accompanying team started to get busy under the joint request of the three "shareholders" before they even had time to spend an extra day in the oasis at the foot of the mountain.

The tomb of the barren hill god is an ancient legend, which is widely spread in Nashilami.

There is a version of the story that a loyal guard of Empress Ascendant Wu is buried here. At the last moment of his life, he returned to Nashilame, the place where Setaka was born, on the barren hills not too far from the city. , spent the last period of time.

There is also a version that said that this loyal guard did not come back here alive, but died in battle. Only the coffin was buried on the barren hills according to his request.

But no matter which legend it is, the result points to a powerful existence buried in the barren hills, and his identity is likely to be a warrior of the gods—and this legend is therefore named "the tomb of the barren hills".

So, here comes the problem.

The barren hills stretch for thousands of miles, slanting straight from the coast into the depths of the Dasai Desert. How can one find a tomb within such a long range of mountains?

You must know that no matter which version of the legend it is, the guard of Setaka did not carry out the burial with great fanfare, but chose to bid farewell to the world quietly and alone, so there are no markers on the barren hills!

However, this did not bother Cassiopeia at all.

During the period when Nashi Ramey was lurking, he spent almost all his energy on the research of folklore—after she became interested in the tomb of the barren hill god, she even asked Tai Long to help collect a large number of material.

Although these materials are mixed with a lot of unreliable records of bragging after drinking, and there are also self-proclaimed exaggerations in personal biographies, but Cassiopeia, who has served in the Adventurers Association, has long been outstanding in identifying bragging. experience of.

After sorting out the false and preserving the true, she quickly locked on a highlighted area.

This area is located in the northwest foothills of the Barren Hill Mountains. Although there is no official name yet, it undoubtedly looks like the most likely place where the tomb of the Barren Hill God is hidden.

There have been many people who have entered this mountain valley to hunt for treasure, but these people either found nothing and returned empty-handed, or had accidents and went crazy, and in Cassiopeia's view, this is obviously the most suspicious situation.

More importantly, she also found a record about blood spar mining.

More than ten years ago, there was a craze for blood spar in Nashilami—this red gemstone, also known as the tears of Setaka, was fired at a very high price during that time, and many businessmen organized teams one after another. Go to the Barren Hills Mountains to mine gems.

It's a pity that it was just an unsuccessful speculation in the final analysis. After the price of blood spar dropped, the mines that the merchants had not yet built naturally disappeared.

However, prospecting, as a preliminary project for mining blood spar, has already achieved some results - at that time, a big businessman in Nasirami (it is said that there is also the shadow of the harbor maid Saga) once formed a quite professional investigation team , rushed to the barren hills for prospecting.

The prospecting records are top secret, but with Tyrone's help, Cassiopeia still saw a copy.

Among them, in the place that Cassiopeia suspected, there were obvious traces of disharmony in the prospecting records, which vaguely involved Setaka and her loyal guards!
There is no doubt that it is the information about the tomb of the barren hill god!

Perhaps it was because of the consideration that the legal authority of Nashilami came from the "descendants of Setaka", so the follow-up Maid of the Harbor finally sealed the record and did not bother her "ancestors".

The Maid of the Harbor is not interested in the tomb of the Barren Hill God, but Cassiopeia is very interested!
A mausoleum of the ascended, there must be enough good things for the black rose to let go of the past!


What Cassiopeia didn't know was that the current group of Nasirami's harbor maids not only had no interest in that tomb, but even avoided it like a snake.

In fact, different from the declared "descendants of Setaka", Nashilami's harbor governors are not descendants of Empress Dowager, but their real identity is the gravekeeper of Setaka...

When the dark-born war was raging, the first governor of Nashilami presided over the commemoration ceremony of the ascended military queen with great wit, and called himself the "gravekeeper of the ascended martial queen", so that the dark descendants who fought a lot finally chose to sell a Save face, let go of Nashi Lamei, and this laid the cornerstone of the city's prosperity.

It wasn't until the end of the Darkborn War and the complete disappearance of the Darkborn that the governor of Nashilami changed suddenly, from a grave keeper of Empress Wu to a descendant of Empress Feisheng!
It is for this reason that even if they have passed down the location of Setaka's tomb from generation to generation, they will still only protect it silently and will never take the initiative to dig it out—if they find something that proves that they are not descendants of Setaka Evidence is embarrassing.

It was also for this reason that after news about the tomb of the God in the Barren Hills was discovered and the prospecting team found some evidence, the prospecting operation was temporarily suspended.

The port governors of Naslam America don’t need to find any relics and technologies from the Shurima Empire, because they are already the local emperors of Naslam America.

Today's Shurima is closer to the wasteland after the collapse of civilization, and as one of the top wasteland leaders, the main task of the Governor of the Harbor in Naslam is not to revive civilization, but to maintain rule.

 Carya's Little Classroom Blood spar and blood glass:

  The color of this red spar is like blood, and it is a precious gemstone rich in the energy of rock elements. The glass made by sintering the powder of the blood spar and gravel together is the special blood glass of Telishni, also called Azir crystal.

  Tears of Setaka can create Azir crystals, and this naming method is subtle and somewhat reasonable!
(End of this chapter)

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