Lux's Farewell

Chapter 329 [0325]

Chapter 329 [0325]
Under the urging of the three of Cassiopeia, the members of this "expedition team" dragged their exhausted bodies and quickly rushed to the marked col.

Although this natural, col-embracing terrain inspired everyone in the team, the excitement soon turned to disappointment when they entered the col along the opening of the col.

That's right, the topography here does seem to give people a feeling of "something here", but after getting closer, I found that there is almost no difference between the mountains here and the mountains of the peaks of the Barren Hills.

It's all basalt exposed to the air.

Although the northwest foothills of the Barren Hills are not as barren as the southeast foothills, and there are even many tenacious plants growing in the crevices of the rocks on the mountain, but at a glance, the entire interior of the mountain depression is simply unobstructed, and there is nothing blocked at all. blind spots of vision.

Looking at this featureless basalt mountain and the undulating ground, most people in the team felt that there might really be nothing here.

However, Cassiopeia looked confident.

Indeed, this mountain col does not seem to be a big problem. If you set your sights on the mountain, even professional people are doomed to get nothing.

But Cassiopeia, who had read the prospecting materials back then, knew that the key to this barren hill tomb was not on the ground, but on the seemingly solid basalt rock!

Blood spar is often born between the gaps of large basalts, so the prospecting team at that time needed to investigate the situation of basalts.

As a result, the problem was discovered by accident when the rock was surveyed and samples were taken.

According to the survey report, although the mountain basalt here is natural, it has been artificially processed - there is no trace of blood spar in the gaps of the large basalt!
You must know that blood spar is often the "filler" between the gaps between large basalt rocks. Although it is blood red in color, it is essentially a high-concentration rock element material, which will be found in the gaps between large basalt rocks .

It is precisely because the Barren Hills Mountains are the largest basalt mountains in Shurima, so it is the main source of blood spar.

However, there are no traces of blood spar in the crevices of the basalt rocks in this mountain depression - this is very telling!
Where there should be blood spar, there is no blood spar. This is obviously because the gaps in these large basalt rocks are man-made, otherwise such a situation would never have happened!
Based on this, Cassiopeia directly ordered the miners accompanying the team to start the prospecting process.

Based on the principle of taking people's money and doing things for others, the confused prospectors started the prospecting work honestly.

Look for the gaps in the large basalt stones, let the rock elemental mage hired by a large price in the team open holes in the gaps, fill them with a large amount of black powder and detonate them...

A process was completed, and three days later, Cassiopeia received a piece of "bad" news-there was no trace of blood spar in the gaps in the basalt.

According to the prospector, he has never seen such a barren basalt—not to mention no blood spar, is there any associated ore that is common to basalt!
However, after hearing this "bad news", Cassiopeia was almost overjoyed. She directly found the rock element mage in the prospecting team, gave him ten times the salary, and asked him to find the place with the highest concentration of rock elements.

Relying on the concentration of elements is also one of the common methods for prospecting. The higher the concentration of elements, the easier it is for element spars to appear, so this guy didn't think much about it. After spending three days, he finally gave Cassio Peja answered.

"It's that cliff over there." In order to earn this exorbitant reward, the rock elemental mage fought hard to overdraw his magic power, and almost felt the entire mountain depression, "The concentration of elements there is the highest and the most active!"


Cassiopeia followed the direction of his finger, looked towards the featureless cliff, and finally called the rest of the prospecting team.

"Take out your ability to mine mountains and extract mines!" She used the money offensive again, "Ten times the reward, blast me off that cliff!"

"It has been surveyed there, and there is no blood spar at all." The prospector head was a little confused, "There will be nothing to gain if you blow it up—"

"Use money to do things, don't talk too much." Cassiopeia narrowed her eyes slightly, and finally showed a dangerous expression on her face, "I won't lose your money, is it enough?"

Feeling a little stiff, the foreman nodded hastily, and then honestly directed the prospectors under him to start arranging black powder blasting again.

Seeing them getting busy, Sivir found Cassiopeia.

"You're raising costs and diluting my profits." Sivir said in a bad tone, fiddling with the cross-blade Charikal in his hand, "I didn't come here to mine with you—I'm not interested in mines. I just want to find the tomb of the barren hill god!"

"The tomb of the god is in the rock." Cassiopeia said with a smile on her face, "As for the extra cost... the cost is what you pay for."

Hearing what she said, Sivir froze for a moment, then couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking the corner of his mouth.

"This is against the rules." After a moment of hesitation, Sivir still sighed, "Professionals should always be treated preferentially, they are not mercenaries."

"This is the rule of your Shurima people." Cassiopeia laughed when she heard the words, blinked her smiling eyes, and then her eyes fell on the constantly rotating weapon Charikar in Sivir's hand, "Also, I've heard that there is something wrong with the origin of this weapon called Chalikar?"


Hearing what Cassiopeia said, Sivir finally fell silent.

In fact, the weapon in her hand, Chalikar, was indeed obtained by her killing people to seize treasures—theoretically, the owner of this weapon should be the employer who hired her at that time, but after getting this weapon and feeling When it came to the power that seemed to be connected by blood, Sivir killed the stingy guy without hesitation, and kept the weapon in his own hands.

Now that Cassiopeia talked about this matter, the subtext was "you are not a person who obeys the rules", and this was enough to make the mercenary lady who was only interested in profit be speechless.

In the end, Sivir could only snort angrily, leaving a sentence "I won't do this kind of thing", and left the tent.

In this way, three days later, when Kassadin and Ezreal finally arrived at this col after exhausting all kinds of hardships and supplying oases along the way, what appeared in front of them was actually It is a scene of mining in full swing.

"Mr. Kassadin, are you sure this is where the tomb of the god is?"

"Of course." Kassadin looked stern, "Also, it looks like someone else has already made it!"

 Karya's Small Classroom Hired Mage:

  In Shurima, mages can not only become guards and mercenaries, but also many people who are talented in magic but not good at fighting will also be hired to work in related industries-gardening, mining, smelting, forging and other industries, there are many mages "Technician" of origin.

  It is said that this tradition can be traced back to the former Shurima Empire.

  PS. Today's update is late, and more will be added tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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