Lux's Farewell

Chapter 331 [0327]

Chapter 331 [0327]
Following in the footsteps of Kassadin, Ezreal led the only camel and carefully circled outside the mountain depression.

It can only be said that Kassadin is worthy of being a top-level guide. The trail he walked close to the wall of the col can hardly be called a trail. The blind spot of the observation point on the hillside.

Although Sivir is also a rising star in the mercenary world with a "professional team" under her command, none of the sentries she deployed noticed that these two men approached the mountain under the cover of wind and sand, and then carefully clung to a short cliff at the foot of the mountain and circled to the side of the depression. Two people.

Maybe Sivir is good at fighting, but Kassadin's experience allows him to avoid combat to the greatest extent.

Under Kassadin's proficient surrounding vision, the few mercenaries on guard at the commanding heights on the hillside looked blind, completely unaware that during the period of time when the strong wind stopped, two big living It is connected with a camel, which has quietly passed the area they are carefully guarding.

"This is so cool!" Ezreal said in disbelief when he came to a small hill on the side of the col along a rugged path, "How did you find that road? My God, we swaggered Leading the camels, but they just can't see!"

"This is the professional knowledge that belongs to the guide." Kassadin didn't want to talk to this little yellow-haired man at first, but after hesitating for a moment, he decided to share this knowledge with the other party, "This requires you to have a basic understanding of vision. ..."

On this resting platform, Kassadin and Ezreal explained in detail how to use vision problems, which caused the little yellow-haired man to shout in disbelief.

"Actually, bypassing the field of vision is just the simplest stealth. When operating in the desert, you need to always confirm that you are in the downwind of the target, so that you can avoid the sound and smell from being discovered to the greatest extent." Kassadin continued Said, "And even this part can only be regarded as the most basic part."

"Is there something more powerful?" Ezreal's eyes widened. "If you haven't seen, heard, or smelled it, how could it still be discovered?"

"Sight, hearing, and smell are important, but they do not represent all the senses." Just like when those ancestors taught Kassadin, Kassadin also chose to give his experience to this man. But it's not a bad guy's little yellow hair." Besides, you also need to pay attention to the vibration when you move. There are many blind people living underground in the desert. Their sense of smell and hearing are often not very good, but they are Extra sensitive to vibrations."


"That's right, every time you step on the ground, it will cause the gravel to move and the ground to vibrate, so on the Karixai side, the local guides have mastered a way to walk quietly." Kassadin nodded, " Land on the big toe first, then roll outward until the entire sole of the foot is on the ground. At this point, shift the weight of the body from the back foot—every step is as light as a mouse and as far as an antelope."

As he said that, Kassadin stood up, took off his boots, and briefly showed Ezreal this way of moving.

Although his appearance of carefully curling up and maintaining a stable center of gravity seems a bit funny, but it is undeniable that Kassadin walking like this not only made no sound, but even left a shallow, Footprints that look similar to those after the wind blows.

"My movements are actually not proficient." After the demonstration, Kassadin carefully wiped off the sand on the soles of his feet, flicked his boots and put them on again, "In Carricksai, I knew a man named Shay Cloth guy, that old guy looks like a mouse, but he is definitely an expert in this field, the calluses on his feet are even thicker than the soles of my boots."

Ezreal nodded when he heard the words, and quickly wrote down the name Shaib - if he goes to Calixe next time, he will definitely visit that person who is good at walking quietly.

"However, in addition to these technologies, you also need to pay attention to one particularly critical thing." Kassadin leaned out and glanced at the camp below, "Be careful of the mage."

"Be careful about mages? Because they are very powerful?" Ezreal showed an interested expression, "I've read a lot of mage novels, they can continuously shoot fireballs, each one is as big as a washbasin—"

"Sorry, I haven't seen this kind of mage." Ezreal's words made Kassadin show the expression of an old man, a subway, and a mobile phone. He looked at the little yellow hair who was gesticulating, and shook his head helplessly, " Maybe there are indeed powerful mages who are like forts, but in my opinion, those who need to be more careful should be those with keen perception."


"That's right, mages always have a particularly close connection with the earth, the breeze, the shadows, etc. If you are a little careless, they will be discovered by them in this way." Kassadin retracted and leaned against the On the wall behind him, "So, the safest way is to stay away from mages as much as possible. Their perception ability usually can't perceive too far."

"That's why we have to go around in such a big circle, right?" Xiao Huangmao also poked his head out carefully, looking at the two tents in the camp with obviously different decorations, "There is a possibility that there is a mage hidden there?"

"That's right." Kassadin nodded, and then suddenly grabbed Ezreal, "Be careful!"

The little yellow hair who was pulled to the side was a little confused. After being pressed against the rock wall beside him, he had no idea what happened.

However, Kassadin leaned down slightly, and looked at a spider that was almost trampled to death by some Riel just now, as if he was facing a big enemy.

"It's disgusting." He carefully led the camel, took out a few pieces of dried radish from his pocket, comforted it and came to his side, "We have encountered a difficult guy!"

"Is this spider poisonous?" Ezreal looked along Kassadin's line of sight, and soon saw which furry spider on the ground, "It's over if you get bitten?"

"Very poisonous." Kassadin snorted, "But that's not critical. The important thing is that this kind of spider shouldn't appear in the desert."


"There is a special spellcaster in this group of people who can summon spiders." Kassadin bypassed the spider's range of motion, "Whether it's for fighting or scouting, we need to keep our eyes open Already!"

 Carya's Small Classroom · Stealth:

  There are roughly three "schools" of stealth in Runeterra.

  The first is Kassadin, who tries to eliminate traces of his own actions and avoids the target's perception from all aspects, so as to achieve the effect of hiding traces.

  The second is Tai Long's method, which is to hide himself directly into the shadows, and use the shadows or other elements to protect him so that he cannot be discovered and perceived.

  The third type is quite special. The essence of this kind of stealth is to use field magic, smoke bombs, poisonous fog, explosions, etc. to create an environment that is conducive to not being discovered in a short period of time, and temporarily hide yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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