Lux's Farewell

Chapter 332 [0328]

Chapter 332 [0328]
Although he had never met Elise, Kassadin discovered her existence very keenly, and even gave her a simple character sketch.

According to Kassadin's judgment, this is an "outsider with impressive power, and the relationship with other people in the team should be employment or cooperation. There is a high probability that he is a spellcaster who can summon spiders to fight. In addition, there is the possibility of using other abilities similar to spiders."

"How did you find this out?" Xiao Huangmao opened his mouth wide after listening to Kassadin's speculation, his face was full of disbelief, "I can understand that you can summon spiders, but the others..."

"If it wasn't an outsider, the spider she summoned should be a more inconspicuous desert jumping spider."

When Kassadin heard this, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. He put on his gloves, then bent down, and carefully lifted up a few pieces of gravel under the rock wall.

In the shadows under the rocks, he found an inconspicuous-looking spider with slender legs.

"This is the desert jumping spider." Wearing lizard-skin gloves, he carefully pinched the spider's abdomen, "Be careful, don't look at it as gray and inconspicuous, but it is one of the top poisons in this desert." One, if that guy is really a local, what he summoned is definitely a desert jumping spider, not the spider that looks out of place with the desert at first glance."

"That's right!" Xiao Huangmao nodded, "Then why do you judge that he has the possibility of using other abilities similar to spiders?"

"This is experience." Kassadin smiled, pulled out a small bottle from his waist, stuffed the desert jumping spider into the bottle, and then closed the bottle cap, "I have seen many monsters People with animal abilities, they are either shapeshifters, or they are connected to some old gods, and whatever it is, they tend to have the characteristics of this animal themselves."

"I know about shape-changers and old gods." Ezreal nodded, "but I've never heard of them before. Shape-changers and believers of old gods have this ability."

"But it's just a high probability." Kassadin didn't delve into this point. "As for the cooperation or employment relationship, it's based on the inference that the other party is an outsider—you look at those guys who destroy the rock wall. The locals in Shilami, outsiders and locals are together, it must be either employment or cooperation."

"It makes sense!" Kassadin's explanation made Xiao Huangmao suddenly realize, "It's really interesting logic... Hey, why did you give me gloves?"

"Come and work with me!" Kassadin stuffed a pair of gloves to the little yellow hair, and handed him a small bottle, "Put on the gloves, and turn over the gravel along this rock wall, Find a desert jumping spider and put it in a bottle!"

"This thing is highly poisonous! You said it!"

"Don't worry, they won't be able to bite through your gloves." Kassadin patted Xiao Huangmao's shoulder, "Besides, in the desert, even a spider will honestly save everything it can." It is not willing to waste precious venom on thick lizard skin!"

"But, why do we collect this thing?" Little Huangmao was still a little puzzled, "Could it be thrown to those people below?"

"No, these desert jumping spiders are not dealing with people." Kassadin shook his head, then pointed to the big black spider not far away, "They are dealing with spiders."


With the progress of excavation and blasting, the cliff has been visibly pulled out of a man-made cave.

The miners responsible for the start of the construction reported to Cassiopeia time and time again that the excavation had yielded nothing, not to mention blood spar, not even glass slag.

However, facing this "bad" news, Cassiopeia was overjoyed, and even increased the amount of the bonus again, paying part of the bonus on the spot.

This kind of behavior of throwing coins at a disagreement has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the workers and improved work efficiency. Although the work of drilling holes and blasting with the rock elemental mage in the desert is dangerous and boring, but in the light of gold For the sake of it, these prospecting workers are still having fun.

That's right, there are no blood spar here.

But when the matter has developed to this point, as long as you are not stupid, everyone will understand that the employer's wife's ulterior motives are not about drinking.

There are even a few gossip guys who, after some private exchanges, have already guessed the keyword of the barren hill god's tomb!

For the mine prospectors, the Tomb of the Barren Hill God is not so much a "dangerous site", but rather an "urban legend", and they are completely unaware of the possible problems.

Speaking of which, Cassiopeia is really wicked. When she hired these workers, the reason for hiring them was mining.

Although the prospectors realized something was wrong after seeing the locksmiths, trap experts, folklore researchers and others in the team, but they had already boarded the thief ship, and it was not easy to quit.

Coupled with Cassiopeia's guarantee that they were hired only for prospecting, this made them go all the way to the unnamed col.

But other folklore experts, locksmiths, trap experts, etc. in the team, when they realized that the goal of this trip was the Tomb of the God in the Barren Hill, they clearly understood the seriousness of the problem. It can be said that they have already arrived here It's in a mountain col, and I can't walk away at all.

Under Cassiopeia's bluffing and deception, the hired people were naturally divided into two waves. The prospecting miners didn't care whether it was a mine or a god's tomb inside, because they were not responsible for the dangerous part.

And people who understand the danger of the Barren Hill God’s Tomb want to leave but can’t, and want to persuade the miners not to continue blasting but no one responds—we didn’t know this was the time to go out to explore, and you didn’t remind us, now you are in danger If you want us to go on strike with you without making money, are you dreaming?
In addition, Sivir and many mercenaries under her command are waiting on the periphery, patrolling and guarding in full armor... Even if all the hired people don't want to come to find the tomb of the barren hill god, the excavation of the barren hill god's tomb is still a must. It went on without a hitch.

What's even more outrageous is that even the miners who think they have made a profit don't even know that the money they just got is already Cassiopeia's last funds. !
Looking at the cave getting deeper and deeper, Cassiopeia, who was staying in the tent in the col, finally couldn't help but raise her lips—it's really cool to use her wrist when her strength is superior!
Then, before a smile could break on her face, Elise strode up to her side.

"When will the excavation end and the operation officially start?" Unlike Cassiopeia, Elise looked quite impatient, "What the little ones have been attacked by local spiders Already! If this continues, the number of my little ones will become less and less!"

"What's the hurry?" Cassiopeia shook her head, her eyes glanced at a big spider in Elise's hand, "Let them be patient, after those miners finish their work, won't they have something to eat?" ?”

 Carya's Little Classroom Desert Jumping Spider:

  These gray, waxy-skinned, eight-slender-legged spiders are widely distributed in Shurima's Great Sai Desert. They are not only poisonous, but also have amazing speed and jumping ability-but in Shurima, this Poisonous spiders rarely hurt people, because they cherish their venom very much. Unless they are attacked or their prey is confirmed, they will not inject venom, and will run away immediately even if they are frightened.

  If you want to be bitten by this kind of spider, you often need to "just happen" to break a few of its legs with bare feet, so that it will waste precious venom to expel the enemy.

  PS. I'm a bit nervous, I didn't sleep well last night, I only have two chapters today, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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