Lux's Farewell

333 Sivir's choice [0329]

333 Sivir's choice [0329]
By capturing desert jumping spiders and throwing them at Elise's summoned spiders to fight each other, Kassadin and Ezreal managed to clear a safe, spider-free area without causing Elise to roam. Silk's attention.

Although Elise discovered the death of her own spiders, the traces at the scene proved that they were poisoned to death-and there were more desert jumping spiders around.

From Elise's point of view, it was obviously caused by the fact that her little ones were starving and offended local spiders while looking for food, so she came to ask when the Cassiopeia miners would be able to finish their work When can my little ones eat extra meals?

On the other side, Sivir was a little hesitant.

There is no doubt that Sivir, who only has money in her eyes, is a brave and ruthless guy. Whether she is facing sand robbers or dealing with her colleagues, she has never been merciless—even for some employers who cannot pay them. The same will kill the killer and get back his reward in person.

However, when dealing with other people, Sivir has always followed the rules.

For Sivir, it is far easier to take away the reward that they are unwilling to give because of stinginess from a big man than to take out the meager property from a small man.

Whether physically or psychologically.

Although he could call out the price of "half the meeting" without hesitation, Sivir still felt very awkward and uncomfortable when he thought of killing all the prospectors in order to avoid paying them.

She could have been out of sight.

But because everyone was in the same camp, at night, Sivir would often hear the chatter of the workers—they didn't know what Cassiopeia had arranged for them, and thought it was a laborious but very profitable job. It’s just their work, so even though they work hard during the day and go to bed early at night, these people’s emotions are still very high between eating and drinking.

Thoughts such as "adding clothes to the wife", "paying off the family's debts", "sending the cub to study" and so on may be the motivation for them to encourage each other, but for Sivir, it is an unbearable torment.

In this nameless mountain depression, Sivir knew for the first time in his life that he actually had a conscience.

Sivir, who hadn't had a good rest for several days in a row, was worried, and planned to check the accounts - after seeing the remuneration of these prospectors, maybe he felt relieved when he cared about money?
With this in mind, she found Cassiopeia.

"Check the accounts?" Facing Sivir's request, Cassiopeia was stunned, "Why check the accounts at this time?"

"I have to keep an eye on every penny." Sivir said blankly, "Why, you didn't prepare the accounts, but plan to fool me casually at the end?"

"...Wait for me for a day." Cassiopeia really wanted to slap Sivir and call her a money addict, but in the current situation where she still needed help from the other party, she could only agree after licking her lips. Forced to work overtime, "Tomorrow, I will sort out the accounts for you."

"You'd better hurry up." Sivir nodded, then turned and left without hesitation, "Don't try to lie to me."


The next day, Sivir took the account from Cassiopeia.

Material purchases, livestock leasing, salary deposits——Sivir quickly locked in the column of salaries required by the employees.

The salaries of guides and guards are marked with [to be paid], this is the remuneration of Sivir and her mercenaries, and it is a share.

Then there are the remuneration of professionals such as trap experts, folklorists, lockpicking experts, etc. The remuneration of these people is paid in the form of deposit + follow-up payment, and everyone's salary is very high.

In the last column, Sivir finally found the salaries of the prospectors.

But unlike the high salaries of those professionals before, the salaries of these miners... can only be described as pitifully low.

In recent years, due to the war, the gemstone mining industry in Naslam has been sluggish. Their biggest customers, the Noxus, have devoted almost all of their national power to the war. Among luxury goods like gemstones, in addition to being able to Except for a few categories of wand materials, the market is sluggish to the extreme.

The slump in the market has directly led to the hardships of life for prospectors—the existing gemstone mines are already losing money in this world, so who would hire them to prospect for mines?

Therefore, the working deposit of the prospecting team of more than ten people was only ten gold hexes.

Considering that the deposit in this business generally accounts for about 300% of the total payment, even if Cassiopeia really paid them ten times the remuneration, the total payment is only more than [-] gold hexes.

And this price was not enough to relieve the torment in Sivir's heart, on the contrary, it made her suffer even more.

Do I really want to kill these prospectors on the spot after digging out the tomb of the God of Barren Hill for these hundreds of gold hexes?

After pretending to read the simple accounts given by Cassiopeia, Sivir pretended to know what she knew, but actually returned to her tent with a heavy heart.

On the cliff, the prospectors were still trying to fill the hole made by the rock elemental mage with black powder before the hottest time at noon.

With the sound of a bang, Sivir turned the Charikal in his hand, and finally made a decision in his heart.


The stone walls of the cliff are getting thinner day by day.

According to the words of the rock elemental mage, the elements inside are extremely active, and there may be something terrible.

At this moment, Sivir found Cassiopeia and made a request that she never expected.

"Those prospectors work very well, and I plan to take them under my command." Sivir pretended to be calm, as if he just thought of it occasionally, "Their salary is the same as that of the mercenary group." Calculate.

However, what she never expected was that Cassiopeia did not agree with her request.

"That's not acceptable." Cassiopeia squinted her eyes, looked Sivir up and down, and refused with a smile, "They're still useful!"

"It's better to be useful!" Sivir showed an interested expression, "If you want to hire them in the future, I will increase the price——"

"No, it's not a hire." Cassiopeia's expression became more subtle, "Elise's pets are starving, and the next exploration of the tomb of the barren hill god, if those little ones don't eat enough, they will die." I can’t work honestly!”


Hearing what Cassiopeia said, Sivir finally couldn't maintain her expression control anymore, she widened her eyes in surprise, and looked at Cassiopeia in disbelief.

"Didn't you say so?" Cassiopeia shrugged, spreading her hands in a helpless look, "If you are interested in prospecting, I can introduce you to some good teams... "

 Karya's Small Classroom Gem Mining in Shurima:

  Shurima—especially Northern Shurima—is the largest gem producing region in Runeterra, and there are a lot of precious gem mineral resources here.

  Among them, places such as Kalamanda and Uzeris in the west are rich in cool-colored gemstones, and gemstones such as sapphire, lapis lazuli, and amethyst glaze have always been very popular in Demacia.

  On the other hand, Nashilami and Telishne in the central region mainly produced warm-colored gemstones, such as blood spar, gold fluorite, blood orange jade, etc. Noxians were the main customers.

  Unfortunately, due to the Ionian war in the past, the market for cool-colored gemstones has been booming, while warm-colored gemstones have suddenly become cold, so that many gem miners, prospectors, and gem cutters in Nassim and Latin America even left Kalamanda, in order to support his family.

  PS. There are two more chapters tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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