Lux's Farewell

Chapter 334 [0330] The intrigue of three women

Chapter 334 [0330] The intrigue of three women

Cassiopeia's words made Sivir's eyes go dark.

During the "kind communication" with Elise, she saw the spider summoned by Elise.

The corrosive toxicity of those spiders also left a deep impression on Sivir.

However, Sivir obviously didn't think about the spider breeding problem—so, she only thought that Cassiopeia killed these miners to save costs, and never thought that it was to raise Elise's spiders!
Sivir was dumbfounded.

"It seems that our mercenary lady also has her own gentle side!" Cassiopeia looked at the sluggish Sivir, and finally showed a satisfied smile, "It's a pity, their fate is still doomed long ago."

Sivir, who came back to his senses, realized something was wrong.

This kind of behavior of exposing weakness is quite fatal in the cooperation of each person's thoughts, and I am showing cowardice!

Fortunately, Sivir is not a simple person, and she reacts quickly to Cassiopeia's words that are half teasing and half probing.

"Why, Elise's spiders are important, but the subordinates I like are not important?" With a snort, Sivir showed his weapon without hesitation, "I remember what you told me, killing them is for Cost diluting, but they're a valuable asset to me now."

"Oh——" Cassiopeia raised her eyebrows, with a subtle expression on her face, and a meaningfully protracted tone, "You should talk to Elise about this, I am sorry for a group of smelly miners have no interest, and don't like those furry, eight-legged things."

"So you plan to stay out of the matter?" Cassiopeia's attitude was a little out of Sivir's expectation, she thought this guy should stand with Elise, "It's really interesting, Cassiopeia Miss."

"I can't help it." Cassiopeia shook her head pretentiously, "I'm powerless, and I'm not a noble spellcaster. As far as I'm concerned, those miners become your subordinates, or later become spiders' subordinates." Food, there is no difference at all..."

Saying that, Cassiopeia took off the water bottle from her waist indifferently, took a sip of water, put down the water bottle, and looked at Sivir in front of her with bright eyes without blinking.

If it was said that Sivir was unexpected by Elise's arrangements for those miners before, then Cassiopeia's attitude now surprised her.

Isn't she with Elise?
What does this attitude mean?
Pretend to mediate in the middle, and then get more benefits from yourself?
Or does she have her own plans?

"I heard that there is an idiom in your Shurima, which is to lead beasts to eat people?" Cassiopeia was very satisfied with Sivir's expression mixed with doubts and hesitation, "To be honest, I don't like this either... Disgusting behaviour."


Sivir looked at Cassiopeia without saying a word.

"Elise is so arrogant, she always thinks she can handle everything by herself." Cassiopeia decided to speak a little more clearly, "So, if she can, she really should suffer a little bit and raise a little bit." lesson."

"Is that so?" Sivir also showed a smile on his face, "But those eight-legged pets are her treasures!"

"There are a lot of treasures in this world, and her cuties are just consumables." Cassiopeia shook her head, "I heard that her cuties were bullied by local spiders recently, Maybe she should learn to adapt to local conditions, and use a more suitable method to solve problems according to command and plan, instead of doing her own thing..."

Hearing this, Sivir was finally taken aback.

Cassiopeia did have her own thoughts—although in terms of strength, she was hardly worth mentioning, but the entire excavation of the Barren Hill God's Tomb was almost planned and organized by Cassiopeia alone. Yes, so she was also dissatisfied with Elise.

Now, she plans to win her over and deal with that spider woman!

As a mercenary, Sivir doesn't mind being used. In her opinion, everyone has their own price tag. Being used is not a problem, but not worth using is the problem.

Therefore, she did not have any resistance to Cassiopeia's power struggle behavior of using herself to trouble Elise.

After all, as long as I insist on keeping those prospectors alive, Elise's little ones will starve, and the conflict between the two parties is irreconcilable.

More importantly, under the current circumstances, it is very important to know Cassiopeia from the Barren Hill God's Tomb, and Sivir who maintains the security and guide team is very important, but Elise, who only has combat power, is very important for the subsequent God's Tomb. Expeditions are not important.

Sivir has the confidence to wrestle with Elise!

"So, maybe the three of us should have a good talk together?" Sivir turned the Chalikar in his hand, "Well, yes, after all, we will soon see the appearance of the tomb of the gods—about the exploration of the tomb of the gods, That’s not something that can be done with brute force.”

Speaking of this, Sivir and Cassiopeia looked at each other and finally showed meaningful smiles.


Elise, who was invited to come and talk together, quickly realized that something was wrong.

Today, Sivir and Cassiopeia sang and sang between their words, as if they were wearing a pair of trousers, which instantly raised her vigilance.

Cassiopeia has always despised Elise's mind in her heart, thinking that she is closer to a beast, but she obviously doesn't know the details of Elise, and she doesn't know that this cunning woman first entered the political arena of Noxus. Not strength.

Although it sounds simple to be a servant of Israel, there is still a big gap between being a canary or a strangling vine—Casiopeia is too young to have heard of it. The story of a certain black widow who kills her husband and takes power in her family.

And after realizing something was wrong, Elise wisely chose to play dumb.

For her, this is a kind of disguise and a way to buy time, but she wants to see what Cassiopeia and Sivir are going to do!
Then, after a few pleasantries and hints of insinuation, Elise finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

Even though she was mentally prepared, when the other two repeatedly emphasized "according to the plan" and "obeying the command", but at the same time they hardly gave themselves any tasks, Elise couldn't help but groan in her heart .

This kind of small method... looks quite shrewd, but it is too young to use it in front of myself!

Therefore, Elise simply said that she and her little pet were ready, and just waited for the gate of the tomb of God to open, and just rushed in.

No matter what traps, mazes, or curses, nothing is a problem!

Facing the pretentiously reckless Elise, Cassiopeia was still impeccable, and even showed just the right amount of polite admiration on her face, as if she was just trying to perfect the follow-up plan this time.

But it's a pity that Sivir, who cared about chaos, failed to withstand this temptation and directly exposed his purpose.

"Then I won't bother you." Showing a proud look on purpose, Sivir patted his chest confidently, "I plan to include those prospectors in my mercenary group. Tomb of God, just do their entry test!"

 Carya's Small Classroom: Beasts Cannibalism:

  Leading wild beasts to eat people originally refers to the ruler's dereliction of duty, only seeking pleasure, and not caring about the suffering of the people.

  Later, it is a metaphor for the implementation of tyranny to abuse the people.

  Cassiopeia obviously didn't do it right.

  PS. Woohoo, I was wrong, there is only one chapter, I will add it tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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