Lux's Farewell

Chapter 336 [0332]

Chapter 336 [0332]

Kalya has never liked to mention her past.

Whether it's being secretive in the small world or being vague when asked, it's his resistance to self-expression.

Kalya did tell Lux a lot of stories about Shurima, but among these stories, the figure of "Kalya" never existed.

Even though many of the details in the story actually come from Kalya himself, he is still unwilling to put himself directly into the story when telling it.

Lux had noticed this question before, but when she asked, Kalya's answer made her quite helpless: "I'm not completely cold yet!"

Over time, Lacus and even Sona and Ino got used to the fact that Kalya subtly removed herself from the story when she told the story.

However, when it came to the owner of the barren hill god's tomb this time, after hesitating for a moment, Kalya actually took the initiative to add herself to the story.

"He's my best friend." Kalya finally didn't start like a bard telling a story this time, but used a relatively plain statement that made Lux and Ino's eyes widen at the same time, " A guy who I have a good relationship with, but who is almost the exact opposite of me in personality."

"Unbelievable." Lux leaned close to Ino's ear and whispered, "It's completely opposite to Kalya's personality, what would this look like?"

"He's very serious." Kalya continued to tell, as if he didn't hear Lacus' muttering, "No matter what he does, he is meticulous, orderly, old-fashioned and abides by the rules."

Karya's description surprised Lacus and Ino even more.

It's really hard for the two of them to imagine that Kalya would get along seriously with an old-fashioned guy. After all, in their understanding, Kalya has never been very compatible with obeying the rules. Instead, she has always been more interested in building a set of rules that she prefers. interest.

"I know what you are surprised, do you think it is difficult for us to be friends?" Carya sighed, and said in a helpless tone, "Actually, I am very easy to get along with - for those who follow the rules and I have always been full of respect for people who never have double standards, although it is true that I first became friends with Hollock because I had no choice, but to be honest, having such a friend... It still feels good."

"So, Horlock is the same age as you?"

"If you have to say it, maybe it's a little older than me." This question made Kalya hesitate, "But it's just a few years older—Sitaka was the eldest sister of the tribe at that time, and Horok She is the number one thug under her command."

When Lux heard this, he and Ino exchanged glances, and both of them made a judgment in their minds at the same time: that is to say, Horock is very good at fighting, and he is very likely to be an Ascendant.

"But to be honest, when I first joined the tribe, the situation in Shurima was much worse than it is now. It is very important to be able to fight, but it is obviously not enough." Kalya's tone finally added a little nostalgia, " In fact, sometimes I don’t understand what’s going on with people’s fighting talents. It’s clear that Horlock’s wooden head can’t figure out any exquisite battle plan, but he can have a flash of inspiration at every critical moment...”

Kalya's complaint made Lux feel a very subtle feeling for the first time. I don't know if it was a hallucination. Karya's tone was full of indescribable envy.

Especially what Kalya said afterwards about "invincible at the same level" and "[-]/[-] for higher levels" made Lux feel a little subtle.

This kind of situation surprised Lacus, who had seen Kalya's short-lived "online", she really couldn't imagine what that Horlock looked like, so that Kalya would use such a tone when talking about other things.

"You haven't seen a complete Ascendant or Darkborn in the true sense." Sensing Lux's doubts, Kalya explained by the way, "The difference between a demigod and a transcendent is quite amazing... and The gap between a demigod and a demigod is often greater than that between a demigod and an extraordinary person. Horlock is one of the few existences who have reached the demigod state before ascension, and even jumped to the top of the demigod after ascension .”

"What about you?" Ino couldn't help asking, "According to your judgment, what were you when you were in your prime?"

"Just entered the demigod realm." This very common question made Kalya a little embarrassed, "Well, it should be said that he is a demigod with a solid foundation!"

Ino widened his eyes.

The corners of Lux's mouth turned up slightly.

"Cough cough cough, let's continue talking about Horlock." Kalya seemed a little uncomfortable, and took the initiative to bring the topic back to Horlock, "In short, he is the kind of serious and old-fashioned one who can embarrass you with a joke. Numb guy, and according to Setaka, he was already like this when he was 12 years old."

"But you're still his friend."

"That's because I have a brain!" Kalya finally said in a triumphant tone, "Sitaka is the heart, I am the brain, Horok is the fist, this is the iron triangle that established Shurima. "

"Heart, fist and brain?" Lux blinked, "Didn't you say that Setaka is also good at fighting?"

"The heart is the strongest muscle in a man." A Freljordian proverb in Kalya explains, "Sitaka's leadership ability played a more critical role in the establishment of Shurima than his ability to fight. ——She can always unite everyone and lead all the members of the tribe to rush forward, this is not a simple ability."


"Let's go back to Horok." Kalya continued, "That guy became an Ascendant after Shurima was formally established. Made a general."

"Because he's not good at commanding?"

"That's right." Kalya affirmed what Lacus said, "This kind of rigid guy always has a clear understanding of himself, and this clear self-awareness often brings about a very big problem. That is, 'a gentleman can deceive others', he is always used to self-restraint, but the result is that he is politically restrained, and finally completely marginalized."

"I actually thought about joining forces with him to do something, but if you think about it carefully, I'm afraid it's not good for everyone to engage in politics with such an honest person." Carya's tone was a little helpless, "So, I also Only on New Year's Eve every year, drink a glass of wine with him and say hello."

"I have introduced him to many good juniors, but only those who have a bad temper and hard temper can pee in the same pot as him."

"What do you say about Hollock, he belongs to the kind of guy who even drinks with you, but just takes a cup and drinks endlessly by himself, and he can't say a few words after drinking for three days and three nights. "

"But in the same way, he will listen quietly and remember everything you complain and rant about with him, but he will never say a single word."

"However, having said that, it's actually a good thing for people like Hollock to shut up. I was once lucky enough to hear a joke from Hollock - his bad meme can be out of date for 1000 years, let you hear I want to tap the ground with my toes."

"There's nothing scarier than hell's jokes than Horlock's jokes!"

"The place where Hollock, who was a general at the time, was stationed is now Nashilame. It is said that this is his hometown and the place where he was born, but it is a pity that neither Setaka nor I know which tribe he was born in. All I know is that at the age of 12, he walked alone in the desert."

"He doesn't have any hobbies. If he has to talk about it, he can only carve. In order to cast a dagger suitable for him, Setaka and I spent a lot of effort. We even went to find the legendary god of casting. But after getting the short sword, the way he tried it was to carve three small stone figures..."

"The stone villain was carved quite well, but Setaka was so angry that even I, who was learning to carve from him at that time, was scolded. It was a disaster for no reason."

"That's right, I learned sculpture from him, isn't it pretty good?"

"Painting and music? Ah... I also learned from some of my friends. I will tell you their stories when I have the opportunity."

"Let's go back to Horlock—sometimes I feel that Horlock and his carved stone statues are actually very similar, and they all belong to the kind that will be thrown into the long river of time and will sink to the bottom immediately. Types, times change, and he remains unmoved."

"But what I didn't expect was that in the end, this guy really gave me a big surprise."

"During the Battle of Icacia, that was the only time Horok failed to follow orders. Azhi and Nezuk were building a monolithic fortress, but Horok went underground alone."

"No one knows what happened in the rift of the void, but when Horok came back, he brought back Sithaka's crossblade, Chalikar."

"Horlock doesn't like to talk very much, but sometimes he is very cool. At that time, the Monolith Fortress was not completed, and everyone was busy working on the Monolith."

"He appeared in front of everyone so abruptly, holding a dagger in one hand and Chalikar in the other. He found me and told me that he exploded the big eyeballs in the ground and knocked Seta to the ground. Ka's relic is brought back."

"At that time, his appearance was very similar to that of Sefika beside you, but the severity was much more serious. Even if A Zhi immediately tried to use elemental methods to temporarily delay his injury, his body would still continue to collapse."

"That was the time he talked the most in the thousands of years I've known him. Unfortunately, there seems to be something wrong with his memory and his voice is broken. Apart from the fact that his request for me to bury him in the barren hills is fairly clear , I can't understand the rest at all."

"That's why, people usually talk more, don't hold everything in your heart, don't say anything for a long time, even when you say your will at the end, it's babbled and confused... What a pity."

"Horlock is, before I figured out everything he said, his body was completely unable to hold on."

"The body of the ascender is recast in the ascension ceremony. Whether it is a golden body or an obsidian body, it is an inorganic body. After being eroded by the void, the inorganic ascension body will turn into flesh and blood. And keep distorting and proliferating, this is the origin of the Darkborn."

"Horlock was lucky. He faced the god of the void. Judging from his state at the time, the result would not be a darkborn, but a clean walk without leaving a trace."

"So, according to his request, I buried him together with his dagger, gauntlet, and shoulder armor in the form of a tomb in the barren hills."

"I really wanted to erect a monument for him at the time, but after cutting a piece of cliff, when I was writing, I found that I didn't know what to write."

"If he honestly records his life's battles, the style will not match his own temperament. What if the person who sees the inscription mistakenly thinks that he is Long Aotian, who is like the protagonist?"

"Since he handed everything over to me, then naturally I can't let him down with his life-long personality, right?"

"That's why I simply didn't leave any inscription for him—isn't it quite satisfactory for a person who has been silent for a lifetime to leave a wordless inscription?"

"Speaking of which, I haven't visited him since then, and I don't know if this guy cheated or turned into a stone..."

"When I was in the tribe, I was always the one in charge of the funeral."

"Horlock was the first person I met in the tribe, and the last person I sent away. Thinking about it now, the last funeral I presided over was somewhat rushed."

"Let's go and see what's going on in Horok's tomb." Kalya sighed, "It's a pity, I was thinking of letting him carry out my funeral, this old-fashioned guy will definitely execute it All my wills."

"I've already thought about it. There must be a lot of old-fashioned jokes in the will, and Horlock is called to read it!"

"After he finishes reading, everyone who attended my funeral will never forget this embarrassing day!"

"That way, they won't forget me!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity that Horlock's life is so hard, but he is ahead of me..."

"It's really... such a pity!"

Lux who was holding the sword on Scarash's swaying back, and Ino who was leaning against her were silent without saying a word.

Only Kalya is still babbling and illogically telling stories about the past, and even talking about Horlock's bad jokes.

However, facing these embarrassing old stalkers, Lacus and Ino didn't feel their scalps go numb.

The two little girls clasped their hands tightly, and their noses felt sore at the same time.

 Karya's Small Classroom Funeral Expert Karya:
  In Shurima, Kalya also has a title that few people know: Mortuary Specialist.

  This directly led to the fact that in Shurima, the image of the Grim Reaper actually highly overlaps with the image of Kalya's Ascendant—in this world, Nasus is not the God of Desert Death, but Kalya is.

  PS. This chapter is two in one, and there is another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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