Lux's Farewell

Chapter 337 [0333]

Chapter 337 [0333]
Scarash's footsteps were as unhurried as ever. It couldn't hear Kalya's words, nor could it understand Kalya's story.

But Lacus and Ino could understand Kalya's complex emotions at this time.

Lacus may not fully understand the feelings of this old man, but the deep friendship between Kalya and Horok made Lacus subconsciously hold Ino tightly.

Although Karya talked about his funeral in an understatement and indifferent tone, but thinking that the final result was that he sent Setaka away and buried Ne'zuk, Lax and Ino couldn't help but have a baby. A feeling of "cherishing the people in front of you".

Along the Barren Hills, Scarlash was drawing closer and closer to the depression where Horok slept.

Karya also gradually fell into silence, never saying a word.


On the other side, in the unnamed mountain pass, the prospecting workers finally broke through the basalt that sealed the barren hill god's tomb under the leadership of the captain of the rock element mage led by their own team.

Behind the thick basalt, there is an obviously man-made tunnel!

After getting the news, everyone in the camp took action, trap experts, folklore experts, lockpicking experts, etc., all swarmed to the entrance of the tunnel, carefully looking into the depths of the tunnel.

Sivir led the ignorant prospectors and walked in the front without any hesitation.

Then, under Elise's astonished eyes, they passed through this seemingly dangerous corridor very smoothly.

After confirming safety, everyone rushed into the corridor again, gathered at the end of the corridor, and then lit torches and oil lamps, looking at each other in front of a wall and a gate.

Under the urging of Cassiopeia, experts from all walks of life took turns to try to find a way to open the door from the details.

However, what makes it difficult for them to accept is that this door is made of a natural piece of stone, which is so smooth that there is no trace of artificial processing at all. If a lockpicking expert wants to open a lock, he must at least have a lock; If he wants to study, at least there is something for him to study.

Just such a door with nothing on it, no matter how professional an expert is, he can only scratch his head.

Things get stuck here.

Cassiopeia thought she was ready, but it was only when things came to an end that she realized that the Tomb of the God of Barren Hill did not follow the routine at all—let alone Cassiopeia, who was doing this for the first time, Even Sivir, who was used to this line of work, was stunned.

After hesitating for a moment, Sivir cut his palm and smeared his own blood on the stone door.

There was no response, and it seemed that the method of opening the door had nothing to do with blood.

When everyone was helpless, Cassiopeia could only find the rock elemental mage of the prospecting team to see if he could try a brute force attack.

Not wanting to fall short here, the rock elemental mage gritted his teeth and tried all the methods he knew.

But what made him unbelievable was that this seemingly ordinary stone gate was actually made of very pure rock elements, and this level of rock elements was completely beyond his comprehension!

In desperation, the prospecting team could only use the little black powder left to carry out a blast.

After a loud noise, a lot of rubble was shaken from the roof of the corridor, but the door and the wall remained unmoved and unscathed.

At this moment, everyone was finally completely dumbfounded—the most difficult question in this world is never that you can't answer it, but that you can't understand the question at all!

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the people around the door became more and more impatient. Xivir looked at the cut wound in his palm, and at the blood stain on the door that seemed to mock his innocence. Subconsciously raised Chali Kaer.

Then, just as the cross blade slashed across the door, the heavy door suddenly opened as if it had received an order.

Seeing this scene, Sivir was overjoyed!
"Eight cents of the remuneration for these wastes will be paid to me."

She glanced at the disbelieving experts, raised her head proudly, and strode into the door.

And behind her, after a moment of astonishment, the others followed Sivir's pace, filed in, and entered the interior of the barren hill god's tomb.

The next moment, when they squinted their eyes and prepared to be dazzled by the gold, they took out the luminous stone and carefully illuminated it, but the ordinary tomb in front of them made them feel something was wrong.

There are no various internal structures that are common in Shurima tombs, there are no piles of sacrificial objects, and there is no gold leaf covering the entire tomb. It looks ordinary here, as if it is really just an ordinary room.

The trap expert took out professional tools and carefully inspected the entire tomb up and down, but found no traps—he lit the torch in disappointment, and under the light of the beating flame, everyone finally saw clearly The situation inside the tomb.

This is a room with a square of one hundred feet and a height of about fifty feet. At first glance, it seems that there are no precious things at all. The only thing that may be more noticeable is a small one in the center of the room, which looks like a bed. table.

Around this small table, there are many completed or unfinished statues scattered. The folklore experts in the team stepped forward, put on gloves, picked up one statue and looked at it carefully for a long time, but they still dare not come to a conclusion. .

"It's very similar to the image of the God of Death." After pondering for a long time, he finally opened his mouth and said, "The carved head and wings, wearing a cloak, and holding a scepter... But as far as I know, the statue of the God of Death can't carve a face. The Grim Reaper on the statue looks strange and delicate."

Saying this, he put down the statue and picked up another one.

"This one looks a bit like the Ascension Empress." Looking at it for a long time, his tone was full of hesitation, "but why is this Ascension Empress smiling? Let alone the tomb sculpture, even the Ascension Empress on the Wall of Thousand Gods It's all serious."

"Maybe this tomb is too old. Is there a difference between the customs at that time and our current cognition?" He looked at the third statue, "There is also a tiger-shaped sculpture, my God, this is Let me see a discovery that has never been made before—it’s unbelievable, in the same group of sculptures, its volume is actually larger than the sculptures of the God of Death and the Ascension of Martial Empress, this... This is completely unreasonable!"

At the very beginning, everyone listened patiently to his explanation of the mystery, wanting to find some useful information from it, but they saw that this guy said "unreasonable" on the left and "unreasonable" on the right, but it was not useful at all. There is no information about it, and everyone eventually lost interest in these weird statues.

Compared with these strange statues, it was the black platform that carried the statue that attracted everyone's attention-especially when Cassiopeia carefully touched it with a cane, it gave out an inner void. After the cavity sound.

Listening to the "click" sound when it was hit by the cane, everyone had a premonition.

I'm afraid the real treasure of this tomb is hidden in this hollow platform!

 Kalya's Little Classroom, Funeral Folklore of Shurima:

  Before the Icacia War, the Shurima Empire had always respected the use of thin burial festivals, but after the Icacia War, with the de facto recovery of slavery, the custom of thick burials and generous collections gradually emerged.

(End of this chapter)

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