Lux's Farewell

Chapter 338 [0334] Shurima Laughing Chapter

Chapter 338 [0334] Shurima Joke

Ignoring the distressed wailing of the folklorist, everyone hurriedly threw all the statues around the platform aside, and surrounded the unremarkable black platform.

There is no need for this folklorist to continue to introduce. Judging from the various "unreasonable" situations here, the owner of this tomb may be a figure from the early Shurima Empire, and this dark platform may be his coffin. !
Well, at least it's a cloak!

Although the entire tomb looks a bit too simple, but considering that the tomb is located in the mountain and the gate is very impressive, I am afraid that the owner of the tomb is not a simple person.

It is indeed a bit disappointing that there are not a large number of funeral objects.

But at the same time, this also means that if everyone can find something specially preserved here, it is definitely a rare treasure!
After figuring this out, everyone gathered around the black table, all showing expressions of eagerness to try.

The first to do it is the lockpicking expert.

Although he had just been slumped at the gate, this professional with a high salary was still full of confidence when facing the table.

It is true that the door does not need to be locked.

But if you want to keep a hollow stone platform—or a stone box—closed tightly, can you still leave it unlocked?

With the confidence of a professional, the lockpicking expert directed the prospectors to pry up the table, took out a set of professional equipment, and began to look for a way to open it.

Then, the more he looked at it, the colder his heart became.

Although there were many lines on this box, after careful observation, he found that these lines were just reliefs.

There are no keyholes, buckles, and secret doors that can really be used as opening devices.

The undeterred lockpicking expert took out a small hammer and began to tap on the box lightly, trying to judge the thickness of the material from the sound and find the place where the mechanism might be hidden.

But it's a pity that this trick didn't have any effect either. The texture of the stone box was very uniform, and the sound was almost the same no matter where it was struck from.

After a lot of tossing, the eyes of everyone looking at the "Master Lockpicker" finally gradually changed from anticipation to suspicion. When they realized this, sweat finally appeared on his forehead.

But... this is far from making him give up!

Since it is not an internal mechanism, it is a magic lock—different from the bare door without any clues, there are a lot of reliefs on the surface of this stone box. On these reliefs, it is very likely that the magic circle of the magic lock is hidden !

Although the magic lock is stained with magic, it does not necessarily require magic to open the lock.

As long as you have the right equipment, find the node of the magic lock, and destroy the magic circuit, the magic lock will fail on the spot. Therefore, after realizing this, the lockpicking expert put away the small hammer and took out a hammer from the package. Specially processed blood spar.

"I'm at a loss for this business." He muttered in a low voice, then took out another cylindrical tool, and stuffed the blood spar into the card slot of this instrument, "I hope it can be opened Come out with something good...don't waste my gems!"

The next moment, he put on the single-piece goggles, carefully put them on the observation hole of the cylindrical tool, and began to carefully observe the uneven lines on the relief on the surface of the stone box with the help of the magical vision provided by the blood spar. .

With just one glance, he could hardly hold the tool in his hand—under the vision of magic, each of these seemingly ordinary concave and convex curves is filled with magical aura that almost blinds the eyes!
That blood spar was originally intended to provide a magic power amplification effect and allow people to observe the remaining traces of magic power, but they never expected that even today, there is still enough obvious magic aura left on this ordinary box.

Good guy!
At this moment, this lockpicking master is really a good guy!
You tell me it's from ancient Shurima?
This is almost as good as I made it yesterday!

Quickly buckled the blood spar in the tool, and after cleaning the monocle, he brought his eyes to the observation hole again—this time, he finally saw a little more clearly.

That's right, there are obvious traces of magic power flowing on the surface of all the reliefs, and what keeps the stone box closed is the magic lock!

Thinking of this, the lockpicking expert became confident again. He cleared his throat, and then began to observe carefully along a relatively thick magic flow line.

Such a trace of pure magic power, after finding the nodes, it may not be easy to destroy... Wait, why do these magic power flow lines have no nodes? !
Looking up and down the entire stone box, the unlocking master was astonished to find that along the traces of the relief, the traces of the incomparably full flow of magic power do not meet with each other at all. It seems that these traces of flow of magic power do not belong to the magic lock at all. , but in the engraving process, there is only a little insignificant residue!

How can this be?

Putting down the professional tools in his hands, the master lockpicker finally showed a suspicious expression on his life.

Seeing his appearance, everyone knew the result of unlocking the lock without asking. They pushed him aside in a hurry, and then began to try to find clues to open the stone box in their own way.

During the period, Sivir also tried to cut the stone box with Chalicar, but unfortunately, this stone box was much stronger than the door. Although it could cut a hole if it was cut hard, Sivir, who was worried about weapons, decisively gave up the brute force cracking.

In the chaos, someone finally found a clue in an inconspicuous corner of the box.

"Here is a line!" he exclaimed. "I have never seen such a font!"

"That's ancient Shurima, you idiot!" The folklorist who had just been squeezed out quickly squeezed back. He bent down, almost put his nose on the stone box, and read each word. The line came out, "Let me tell a joke."

In the tomb, everyone's eyes widened. They stared blankly at the stone box in front of them. They didn't know whether to tell a joke according to the above statement.

While everyone was looking at each other, Sivir leaned on the stone box without hesitation, and then said a classic Shurima joke with a big grin.

"Four Shurima people were walking in the Gobi desert. When they crossed a barren mountain, because they remembered the wrong way, a steep cliff appeared in front of them. In order to pass the cliff, they began to pray to the gods they believed in, hoping to gain strength. protection."

"The first person believed in Ramos. He praised the perseverance of the armored dragon tortoise loudly. As a result, before he finished speaking, he lost his balance and Gululu rolled down the cliff. Although he was embarrassed, he was unscathed."

"The second person believes in the Great Weaver Mother. He prayed loudly for the Weaver Mother's mercy, but before he finished speaking, he lost his balance and slid down the cliff like a pumice stone. He was not only safe, but also graceful in posture."

"Seeing this, the third person hesitated for a while, and finally chose to open his arms and put on a posture of hugging left and right, claiming to praise the emperor's fraternity."

"However, before he could finish speaking, the fourth person stood up. While kicking the third person down, he loudly praised Xerath, the god of betrayers."

In the tomb, several people who understood the meaning of the joke all let out low laughter—but unfortunately, the stone box still stayed there, motionless.

 Kalya's Little Classroom Classic Shurima Joke:

  Among the three praying people, the person who believed in Ramos rolled down the cliff in the way of Ramos, the person who believed in the Great Weaver slid down the cliff in the same way as the Great Weaver, and the third person wanted to use Flying, so after thinking about it, he began to praise Azir, who accepted concubines, hoping to fly off the cliff like an eagle king.

  And the fourth person is a believer of Xerath, that's why he kicked the third person down—just like Xerath betrayed Azir at the last moment.

  PS. There is a little thing at home today, only one chapter, sorry...

  Tomorrow, we will resume grabbing sofas and adding updates!
(End of this chapter)

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