Lux's Farewell

340 What is the password?

340 What is the password?

The light rappel did not attract anyone's attention - as a professional guide, Kassadin found the blind spot of the two mercenaries at the entrance of the cave, and by moving close to the rock wall, he descended from top to bottom Landed three steps behind them.

At this distance, when the two guys, who were now sleepy and drowsy, realized that they had covered their bellies and laughed all afternoon, the sap had already hit the back of their heads.

Kassadin's incomparably skilled movements made Ezreal stunned for a while, he blinked his eyes, and seemed to be unable to understand why Kassadin, as a guide, could even hit the sap...

"Don't be dazed, hurry up!" Kassadin grabbed the little yellow hair, "It's best to get everything done before dawn and leave overnight!"

"Oh, oh!" Ezreal stepped forward quickly, "Come on, come on!"

Passing through the long corridor and over the heavy gate, the two of them didn't have time to carefully observe everything around them, so they hurried into the main tomb.

Then, after confirming that there was no one here, carefully turned on the Hex searchlight, and saw the empty tomb, Kassadin and Ezreal couldn't help having the same idea as the previous expedition team.

Is this really a tomb?
Before they had time to think about it, the two of them quickly set their eyes on the stone box in the middle.

"It should be it." Kassadin breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, "It's related to an unknown ascendant back then. It seems that those guys haven't been able to open it yet."

"If this is the case, maybe we can wait and come back after they leave?" Xiao Huangmao blinked and made a suggestion that surprised Kassadin, "They can't open it anyway, wait for them to leave Alright, let's try again to see if we can open it..."

"Maybe they can't open it, but they can take it away in its entirety." Kassadin shook his head, "In order to prevent the contents inside from falling into the hands of those people, we must get it first! "

"That's it..." Xiao Huangmao froze for a moment, then nodded, and had to admit that what Kassadin said made sense, "Then let me try it!"

Rubbing his hands together, Xiao Huangmao cleared his throat in a low voice. In Kassadin's expectant eyes, he spoke in a voice that was not too standard, but enough for people to understand. In Zaun's mine, I learned the spell to open the door.

"Kalya is a sand sculpture!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the entire tomb trembled.

When the earth and rocks fell, a burst of joyful laughter suddenly appeared, like thunder, resounding through the entire tomb, the entire mountain depression, and even spread far, far away.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The statues on the ground that were not taken away by the folklorists came to life one after another. They held hands and came around the stone box, and then stood one after another according to the lines on the stone box. own position.

And outside the tomb, in the explorer's camp, the three statues taken away by the folklorist also came alive. into the tomb.

This is all right, everyone in the camp has woken up.

Noticing that there was something wrong with the tomb, many people rushed out of the tent naked without even putting on their clothes, and headed straight for the tomb.

And in the tomb, the emotions of Kassadin and Ezreal changed extremely!

When they first saw the reaction of the stone box, both of them were overjoyed.

As the heroic laughter sounded, the two of them were terrified again—preparing to laugh here, the owner of the tomb is probably suffering from some serious illness!
Then, one by one, the statues came to life, and when they began to return to their places, they looked forward to it again.

As a result, because the folklorist took away three statues, the statues on the stone box were not completely arranged, and the hearts of the two fell into the bottom of the valley.

At this moment, Kassadin and Ezreal really did not leave or stay.

If he left, the expedition team would come with the remaining statues, and when the box was opened, he would hate to press the gold thread every year and make wedding clothes for others!

If they stayed, how could two people fight against a professional team of dozens of people in this closed tomb?
Moreover, in order to be able to act covertly, Kassadin didn't even wear his own armor!
Fortunately, soon, they don't need to hesitate - because the expedition team has blocked the entrance of the cave, and now they are searching carefully with torches!

"What should we do?" Little Huang Mao looked at Kassadin beside him, "According to your rich experience, what should we do now?"

"Naturally they are hiding!" Kassadin remained unflappable in the face of danger, "Let's go, go to the corner and hide - just now many places in the tomb collapsed, the light here is dim, as long as they are careful, they won't be able to find it! "

"Can this really work?"

"Do you have a better way?"

Just like that, Kassadin and Ezreal ran to the corner. The two took off their traditional robes, lay down on the ground wearing only their underwear, and then put the unfolded robes on their bodies, grabbing some gravel dust Throw it on top, move two stones in front of you, and simply make a disguise.

To be honest, this level of camouflage is somewhat self-deceiving, but at this time Kassadin and Ezreal really have nothing to do. They really didn't expect that the movement just now would be so big...

Sivir, holding a torch in one hand and Chalikar in the other, rushed into the tomb first.

She didn't see the two uninvited guests in the corner. After entering the tomb, she immediately looked at the stone box.

The stone box is still there... Wait, the stone box seems to be a little different?

Holding a torch, Sivir approached the box, and was shocked to find that the embossed patterns on the stone box had completely changed—the statues scattered around before were now integrated with the relief!

"I see!"

However, after looking around at the box, Sivir still couldn't help frowning—there are three very obvious grooves on the relief around the stone box!

Apparently, this was because three statues were not in place.

And the three statues that were not in place, if nothing else happened, were the three that were taken away by the folklore expert!

Realizing this, Sivir was about to ask someone to move the three sculptures, when three short figures rushed over.

Holding the torch, Sivir took a closer look, and saw that it was the three statues that were taken away!
They ran over on their own initiative!

I saw these three miniature statues of "Reaper", "Empress Wu" and "Tiger God" ran to the stone box like living villains, and then held hands and bumped into the stone box without hesitation. on the outer wall.

The previously empty groove was filled with three smiling faces. With another burst of laughter and more people rushing into the tomb, a gap was finally exposed in the heavy box.

The next moment, before Sivir could do it himself, the box split into two along this gap.

An ordinary-looking short sword, two metal bracers inlaid with precious stones, and a pile of scattered stones finally appeared in front of everyone.

 Karya's Little Classroom Horlock's Animated Statue:

  Although not a spellcaster, Horok can still imbue his statues with near-animating effects.

  However, unlike the magic puppets of the Shurima Empire, his animated sculptures cannot complete too complicated instructions, and can only be used as mechanism toys in many cases.

  PS. Didn't grab the sofa, there will be more changes at night!

(End of this chapter)

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