Lux's Farewell

341 0337 pole reversal

Chapter 341 [0337]
The dagger was pitch-black, and although it didn't look rusty, it also didn't look like a magical weapon at all.

The style of the gauntlet is very simple, and the purple gemstones inlaid on it shimmer slightly under the firelight, which seems to belong to the "valuable, but not entirely valuable" kind.

As for those stones scattered around...

Pure black stones are indeed rare in the desert, but under the light of the fire, there is no shiny reflection, and there is no elemental reaction, so it is probably just a stone.

All in all, this stone box, which everyone had placed high hopes on, did not contain anything that looked very valuable.

Sivir picked up the dagger in one hand, and used it to cut the torch in his hand in front of everyone—the expected cutting of iron like mud did not appear, and this dagger seemed to be just an ordinary It's just a dagger, although it's really opened an inch, but it's just so far.

As for the pair of gauntlets, Sivir took them out, examined them carefully, then grinned and threw them back.

Although he is only a part-time gem connoisseur, Sivir is still very sure that the two gemstones above are definitely not known valuable things. Maybe this kind of shiny purple gemstones will be more popular in some backcountry areas!
Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions became subtle like the atmosphere in the tomb.

Judging from the situation just now, although the tomb looks mysterious and there are some organs that have never been seen before, the gains in it can only be described as unsatisfactory.

However, in this large-scale operation, everyone present could clearly see how much people consumed by eating camel chews along the way.

Such a huge cost has been invested, if the harvest is just such a box of "garbage", I am afraid that a big loss has already become a foregone conclusion.

Although there are still people who have expectations for the few things in the box and the stone box itself, in this case, we still need to return to reality after excluding such fluke mentality.

What is reality?

The reality is that if you find good things, these hired people may not have extra bonuses, but if you don't find good things, it's a question mark whether they can get paid.

Therefore, after realizing this, many people's eyes fell on Cassiopeia.

As an employer, the current Cassiopeia has become a "Lao Lai reserve" in the eyes of everyone - everyone is out to work, and you have never seen or heard of the failure of the expedition!

Cassiopeia approached the box, wanting to take a good look at the condition of the contents inside.

The employees, on the other hand, held up the torch with graciousness on their faces, but actually completely surrounded her.

"Miss Sivir, it seems that your luck is not very good." As everyone subconsciously surrounded Cassiopeia, Elise quietly bypassed the crowd and came to Xi Weier, who was frowning. Beside Will, "Half of the meeting... It's a pity that I can only share half of the tatters."

Sivir glanced at Elise: "At least I can get half, and you don't even have half."

"Look at these people, they have already begun to doubt." Elise's tone was subtly joyful, "Casiopeia can only hold on to face, but unfortunately, she can't afford it now. Even for a copper... as long as we stand by, people who don't get paid will tear her to pieces."

Elise's words made Sivir narrow her eyes slightly—then, before she could respond, Elise added something nonchalantly.

"A piece and a half of junk doesn't make a difference, as far as I'm concerned... at least my little ones can get a good meal."

When Sivir heard this, the cross blade in her hand spun quickly. She faced Elise and said firmly, "My people are not food for animals."

"Don't worry, I won't touch your people." Elise waved her hand, "If you insist, my little ones will be fine for a few more days of hunger."

Hearing what Elise said, Sivir finally became a little confused.

"I think the strong are the ones who are qualified to make rules." Elise stretched out her right index finger, and the nails painted with red nail polish lightly touched Sivir's shoulder armor, "Trying to use it will not work. The small tricks on the table, the clowns who try to take advantage of the strong, should fall hard, so that she can understand that strength is the foundation of life."

While speaking, Elise had a half-smile on her face, her eyes narrowed slightly, as if she was admiring some artwork, looking at Cassiopeia, who was surrounded by the crowd and was barely coping.

Prospectors, trap experts, folklorists, lockpicking experts, camel breeders, and others were eagerly asking when they would set off to return. However, compared to the previous respectful tone, their tone now had a hint of threat mean.

It seemed that even if the team returned to Nashilame smoothly, they would not easily let Cassiopeia disappear from their sight.

Cassiopeia thought she had found the tomb of the barren hill god before, so she joined forces with Sivir to issue orders as the leader, while pushing Elise aside.

If you think about it carefully, this kind of behavior is actually very crazy, because Elise is not only Cassiopeia's partner, but also the first guarantee of her safety.

However, in Cassiopeia's view, according to her expectations, after the Barren Hill God's Tomb has gained something, as the planner of this trip, she still has "irreplaceability" even though she has no power at all.

I can find the ruins, so even if Elise is suppressed, Elise can only bear it!

And the reason why she is impatient to play tricks is that on the one hand, she hopes to become the leader of the follow-up actions, and on the other hand, she also hopes to get the priority to choose among the trophies, and use these treasures of Shurima to enhance her own strength. It's best to be able to resist Elise the next time you act.

Cassiopeia's idea was very good, because she did find a hidden ruins and proved her ability, so even though Elise was upset, she still chose to endure and hide behind to watch the show.

However, only a few pieces of rubbish have been found in the tomb of the barren hill god...

The action planner and person in charge naturally became the blame.

Of course, the hired workers had no idea of ​​the twists and turns, nor did they know that Elise had been thinking about feeding them "baby".

From their point of view, since this trip did not yield anything, Sivir, who has always been greedy and likes to take a share... I am afraid she will not continue to protect Cassiopeia!

Why don't you catch Cassiopeia and squeeze some money out of her before she goes broke?

After thinking about it for a while, Sivir figured out the joints involved. She remembered Cassiopeia's provocation and threats before, and finally snorted softly.

"You're right." She twirled the Chalikar in her hand, "The self-righteous guy should be taught a lesson... But, to be honest, I'm still a little interested in the greater mausoleum she mentioned of."

"Coincidentally, I am the same." Elise smiled, "Then I will go back to rest first... I hope our Miss Cassiopeia can learn something useful in the long night—who, Who's there?!"

 Kalya's Little Classroom: Blade of the Underworld:

  In the case of no charge, the blade of the underworld is just a very strong, but not very sharp, ordinary short sword. Only after using the correct method and enchanting the blade can it show its palpitating the power of.

  good night!

(End of this chapter)

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