Lux's Farewell

Chapter 342 [0338] Self-defeating?

Chapter 342 [0338] Self-defeating?

When Elise and Sivir got together and started muttering, Kassadin and Ezreal in the corner not far away had already realized something bad had happened.

In fact, because Kassadin and Ezreal have been hiding so well all the time, the expedition team has not discovered that there are two outsiders here until now-the two at the entrance of the cave were actually knocked with sap, but Before the mercenaries who were believed to be injured in the earthquake woke up, the expedition team didn't know that there was another wave of people in this mountain depression at this time.

Although Kassadin's ostrich tactics cannot allow them to escape safely, at least they will not be exposed in the short term.

Until Elise came with her pets.

Because many spiders were killed by the local desert jumping spiders, Elise will no longer let her little pets go and let them wander around at will. There is a large hiding space for Elise, but at the same time, it also causes Elise's pets to gather around her.

Elise, who communicated with Sivir, was like the owner who came out to walk the dog and stopped to chat with acquaintances on the street, except that she slipped a spider.

As a result, these spiders wandering around found two big living people in the corner - these two people were not on Elise's safety list, so they crawled to Kassadin and Izeri After discovering these two guys, these spiders finally began to warn Elise.

The moment Elise received the spider warning, Elise had already thrown a ball of shadow spider silk. This cunning guy even asked "Who's there" after a half-beat on purpose. It will hit its head on the shadow spider silk and be completely tied up and unable to get away.

Fortunately, Kassadin reacted quickly, and when he noticed that the spider in front of him began to rattle and shake its pincers, he already realized that something was wrong.

So, almost at the same time Elise found someone and threw the shadow spider silk, he had already grabbed the little yellow hair and rolled over to the side.

With the sound of "PIA", the shadow spider silk thrown by Elise stuck to the corner of the wall. Kassadin and Ezreal ignored the cloak that was spread on the ground, and turned towards the The crowd jumped over there.

The door is blocked, and there is no way to escape without creating some confusion!
So, how to cause confusion?
Kassadin was also very clever. Although he didn't know the identities of all the people, he at least recognized Sivir, who had recently become famous—so he staggered and fled to avoid the attack from Cassiopeia. , while deliberately pulling his throat and began to yell.

"Help - run, Sivir doesn't give money, and wants to kill someone!"

Although he is not a Nashilamian, when Kassadin spoke the Nashilami dialect, his tone of voice was vivid, without any sense of disobedience. In this not very bright tomb, he suddenly made such a voice, originally The hired workers who gathered around Cassiopeia and prepared to arm them to ask for their wages finally exploded.

It was supposed to be midnight now.

Moreover, everyone woke up from a dream and ran all the way to the tomb. Their nerves were already quite tense, and coupled with the stimulation of great sorrow and joy when they saw the box opened and found that there was nothing in the box, their emotions were no longer calm.

In this case, even if the consciousness is clear, the reaction of the head will always be a little slower. In addition, Kassadin is indeed a professional guide, who can always accurately grasp the pain points, and mentioned what everyone was worried about. When it comes to money...

The hired workers who originally just surrounded Cassiopeia, hoping that she would not run away, finally started directly, no matter what happened, first catch her, at least they can be hostages!
And the people near the door and the corridor directly picked up the tools at hand, and looked at the mercenaries with guarded expressions—what's even more outrageous is that even the mercenaries were muttering in their hearts, and they were a little hesitant. Is it true that his boss is planning to silence him?

Although these "professionals" are generally owed wages at most, and their lives are often guaranteed, but Sivir's cheating is not once or twice. If the loss is too bad this time, it is not impossible to reduce the loss as soon as possible. ...

Under the influence of many factors, the situation in the tomb was completely chaotic.

Taking advantage of the confusion, Kassadin directly squeezed into the crowd while preventing Xiao Huangmao from using the laser cutter to make himself a target of public criticism.

He thought very clearly that as long as the guy who can summon spiders dared to do it to himself, it would be equivalent to doing it to all the hired workers.

After all... A few big spiders rushed over, anyone would be afraid, and no one would believe that they only bite a certain person.

Just like that, when Elise reacted and started shouting, "Two bastards from outside got in between us", Kassadin and Xiao Huangmao had already squeezed into the crowd.

After hearing Elise's call, Cassiopeia, who was almost held hostage by the hired workers, had her eyes lit up, she pushed the boat along the way on the spot, and directly began to make use of the problem.

"These two outsiders stole the treasure in the box!" Cassiopeia's reaction was quite quick, "They opened the box, took away the good things in it, and left only two rags to fool us. ! We almost fell for it!"

Cassiopeia's words made the already chaotic crowd even more chaotic.

There is no doubt that Cassiopeia is throwing the blame—she was one of the first people to rush into the tomb, and she was the one who watched the stone box open. It was confirmed that these two people opened the box, but they probably didn't get anything.

But... so what?

During the tearing up just now, she has already realized the seriousness of the problem. From Sivir's idling, she suddenly found that she has become a lonely family, so these previously submissive employees will stand in front of her, shouting loudly To take out the collateral.

In this case, she had to get rid of the pot of failure!

Therefore, she not only blamed the blame, but also took the initiative to let Kassadin and Ezreal "snatch" the stones, daggers and gauntlets in their hands.

Take it, take it, you're welcome!
As long as these things are taken away, the cauldron will be finished!

Kassadin and Ezreal, who squeezed out of the crowd, were shocked to find that not only did they escape, but they also gained unexpected rewards!
It's a pity that before they could take a closer look at the windfall in their hands, the chaotic crowd just now discovered these two guys who were particularly out of gregarious, and at the entrance of the corridor, a few mercenaries guarding the exit also surrounded them from another direction. come over.

Urgent situation!
Without unnecessary communication, Kassadin directly picked up the dagger that was forced into his hand just now, Xiao Huangmao also showed off the Hex laser cutter, and rushed directly to the oncoming mercenary.

Although the mercenaries guarding the outside didn't know what was going on inside, but seeing two strangers escaped from the inside, why would there be any hesitation?Pulling out his weapon, he rushed towards Kassadin and Ezreal.


Facing the heavily armed mercenaries, Kassadin shook his heart, firmly held the dagger with one hand, and swung it violently.

Opposite him, the mercenary who wanted to stop him raised the scimitar in his hand without hesitation, intending to take down this unknown outsider one by one - but at the next moment, something unexpected happened happened.

When Kassadin swung the sword with all his strength, a layer of lavender light suddenly appeared on the plain blade.

At the moment when the blade of the sword and the scimitar met, the lavender light flashed slightly, like a hot knife cutting butter, easily smearing the scimitar in the mercenary's hand into two pieces.

That's right, this blow should not be described as "slashing" at all, but as "smearing". With just such a light stroke, the scimitar in the mercenary's hand fell to the ground together with half of his arm.

Not to mention the pursuers behind and the mercenaries in front, even Xiao Huangmao, who was fighting side by side with Kassadin, was taken aback. He trembled suddenly, subconsciously wanting to dodge to the side, but was astonished Suddenly, I realized that with this trembling effort, my whole body moved several yards sideways!

Realizing this, Xiao Huangmao clasped the gauntlet on his hand without hesitation. After hesitating for a moment, he stuffed those black stones into his underwear, and then teleported to Kassadin's side again. , buckled the other gauntlet on his arm.


Kassadin didn't know how to go.

But what is incomparably miraculous is that just following his thoughts, his figure has already disappeared in place, and suddenly appeared outside the digits!
Using this method, Kassadin and Ezreal easily crossed the blockade of the mercenaries, and rushed out of the tunnel after a few breaths.

I saw that the two quickly pulled the ropes left by the previous rappelling, and after one person grabbed them one by one, they climbed to the top of the cliff like dexterous apes...

When everyone in the cave rushed out to look, they had already disappeared into the vast night!
"Damn it, they stole our loot!" Cassiopeia, who just pushed the boat along the way, was really anxious at this moment, "Although it's dark, they can't run far, we must Catch them!"

Needless to say, Cassiopeia said that the hired workers and mercenaries are not fools. Now everyone understands that the dagger and the two handguards are not ordinary items, and they can easily cut off the magic of the Bailian scimitar. The short sword, the magic gauntlet that can move the user in a short distance, as long as these are brought back to Nashi Lamei, they will definitely sell for sky-high prices!
Although many people looked at Sivir with subtle eyes, after the chaos subsided, everyone still agreed that finding the two thieves was the most urgent and most important task at present.

"They escaped from the cliff!" Not paying attention to everyone's suspicious eyes, Sivir quickly found the traces left by Kassadin and Ezreal, "I'm afraid they have been hiding by our side before, Just waiting for this moment!"

"How to catch them?" Someone among the crowd asked impatiently, "Come up with a way, with so many of us, we can definitely stop them!"

"Of course!" Sivir nodded, "There is only one exit of the col, and it is enough to leave ten people there to block it. The others are divided into four groups, and three of them go out from the exit of the col, watching the three sides of the crater. If they dare to walk over the mountain, they will be arrested on the spot!"

"The rest of us will climb the mountain together with me. We will climb to the nearest peak and look down from the heights. When the sky is bright, we will have a clear view of everything!"

Everyone heard the words, you look at me, I look at you, and after thinking for a moment, they all nodded in agreement.

In this way, except for a small group of mercenaries who stayed on guard at the exit of the col, everyone else took action one after another.

There is nothing wrong with Sivir's arrangement. This mountain depression is located at the western foothills of the Barren Hills. The Barren Hills itself is remote and steep, and there are basalt rocks exposed after weathering everywhere.

Leaving this mountain depression, you can go west, south, and north into the desert, but it is absolutely impossible to continue climbing to the east. This is because the east is a cliff, and on the other hand, even if you climb the cliff in the east, you will not be able to reach the desert. Among the peaks of the Huangqiu Mountains is pure death.

There are still oases in the desert, but there is really no supply in the mountains, and if you go there, you will only die of starvation and thirst.

Therefore, as long as the escape route to the desert is blocked, and then climbed to the nearest commanding height, the two thieves will have nowhere to escape!
Speaking of which, at the beginning of the exploration, everyone simply climbed the ring-shaped peaks around this col - but after all, they came to dig graves, not to climb, so everyone climbed to the middle of the mountain at most to make sure that the top It is impossible to stop with the tomb of the gods.

It was this kind of giving up halfway that gave Kassadin and Ezreal a chance to hide.

But now, in order to find the two guys who stole the treasure, Sivir and the others planned to go directly to the top of the mountain this time.

Anyway, this mountain is bare, and when the sky is a little brighter, you can see it from the top to the bottom.


On the other side, Kassadin and Ezreal climbed up the cliff with the rope they had left before, then quickly ran to their temporary camp, and quickly found the languid camel.

It was too late to pack the tent, the two simply packed up the few supplies left, packed them into a small luggage, and were ready to flee for their lives.

"Why are you still carrying these stones?" Kassadin urged Ezreal while opening the door of his diving suit mecha, "We lost it, we can't bring much!"

"These were taken out of that box!" Xiao Huangmao took out these black-painted stones from his arms and stuffed them into his bag, "Anyway, it always has its own archeology. value--"

"Stop babbling, hurry up!" Kassadin shook his head helplessly, "Come and help me after packing up, I didn't bring too many hex crystals with me, we have to work hard to get rid of these people! "

"What about the camel?"

"Let it bring our tents and other sundries and attract pursuers for us!" Kassadin said without hesitation, "Let it make some noise while it's dark!"

However, because the camel had not been drinking or eating for too long, after being led down the hillside, the sickly camel was unwilling to run no matter how much the little yellow hair kicked and beat it.

This kind of slow-moving camel will not be able to attract pursuers!

In desperation, Kassadin simply took out his water bottle and gave the camel a luxury. After several liters of water, the camel finally recovered a little bit of energy. When Mao waved the whip again, it finally started to run.

 Karya's Little Classroom Horok's Gauntlets:

  The ordinary-looking gauntlet, the purple gem on it is not an ordinary crystal, but a space crystal that is rarely seen in Runeterra. The double gauntlet and a short sword give Horok short-distance space movement, enchantment The ability to shuttle and break magic has brought his extraordinary martial arts to the extreme.

  It's just that the lower limit of the magic power driven by these things is a bit high, so that Sivir, who has no magic talent and no magic power in his body, naturally has no reaction when he picks it up.

  PS. The editor said that the chapter is too short... woo woo woo.

  PSS. There is another chapter tonight, which should also be [-] words.

(End of this chapter)

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