Lux's Farewell

343 Horlock's will (0339)

343 Horlock's will (0339)
Kassadin's method is very effective. A running camel with something behind it has indeed attracted the attention of many people.

But unfortunately, the mercenaries under Sivir's command are very professional. Although they sent out a lot of people to keep up with the camel and try to intercept it, a considerable number of them still stand by and guard against possible distractions.

Under such circumstances, Kassadin had no other choice. All he could do was pack his bags, call Xiao Huangmao, confirm the location of the nearest oasis to the south, and then attack with all his strength.

It is not easy to find two people in the mountains, but it is very clear to find two people in the bare desert - the two of them had just run a hundred steps, and the mercenaries on standby found out of their stature.

"There! There!"

"Two people!"

"I'm sure the two of you... go and inform the eldest sister, and the others will surround me with me!"

"Don't get too close, the weapons in their hands are a bit weird!"

"Just hang on behind and don't get lost. When the eldest sister comes over on a camel, they will die!"



These well-intentioned mercenaries quickly completed the internal division of labor. Except for the two who reported the news, the others either ran or rode camels, and followed Kassadin and Ezreal from afar. Behind—they didn't get close or far away, they were within a range of seventy or eighty steps, as long as they could see these two guys from a distance, and they wouldn't lose track.

Kassadin and Kassadin were also unlucky. Although the moonlight tonight was not so bright, it was enough for these mercenaries to keep up with them and not lose them.

As long as the moonlight gets darker and the mercenaries are forced to follow closely, he and Ezreal will have a chance to turn around and fight back, throwing off these hateful tails.

Now at this distance, if they turn around and fight back, the mercenaries will run back, and if they continue to run, the large troops behind will soon catch up...

No matter how bad the situation was, Kassadin and Ezreal could only grit their teeth and run wildly.

"Go to the south, there is an oasis in the south!" Kassadin's voice was muffled after penetrating the mech, "There is often fog there when it is dawn, and if there is fog cover, we can get rid of these guys!"

"Will there be fog in the desert—wait, you mean, we have to run for half a night like this?!" Xiao Huangmao's eyes widened in astonishment, "It's only two o'clock now! There are at least three hours before dawn. Four hours..."

"To reach that oasis on time, we need to run over fifty miles within three hours." Kassadin continued, "So, sprint with all your strength, Piltover boy, if you really can't bear it, I can recite you a paragraph, but you need to bring me the Hex crystal of the laser cutting machine in your hand, the backup energy of the mecha is not enough."

"With your iron bumps, can't we turn back?" Ezreal put forward another opinion, "I don't think there is anything you can do about those ordinary swords, right?"

"But Chalikar is different." Kassadin said with some helplessness, "Who knows why Sivir would go into this muddy water... This mecha can't stand even one Chalikar in her hand attack!"

Kassadin didn't say anything about taking off the mecha, because both of them knew that after taking off the mecha, they couldn't even deal with that Spider Woman.

So... let's run!

Kassadin and Ezreal flew all the way.

On the other side, after receiving the news, Sivir and Elise, together with a few capable mercenaries, rode on camels and chased them south.

Because they had to make a circle from the exit of the col, they naturally lagged behind by a certain distance.

Fortunately, when the experienced mercenaries were chasing them, they left a few burning torches along the way as a signal to guide them in the direction, which allowed Sivir and others to follow from behind.

Soon, the pursuers led by Sivir merged with the mercenaries hanging behind the two of them.

At this time, it was less than an hour before the two escaped from the col.

"Remove your laser cutter!" Kassadin pulled off the little yellow hair, and clamped him directly under his arm. "I'm afraid I'm going to be caught up by running...I'm going to speed up!"

While speaking, Kassadin's diving suit mecha entered the overload boost mode for the first time. With the appearance of the iconic low-decibel and low-frequency whistling sound of the power core overload, the air outlet of the mecha came out, and the first time Once there was a faint white mist.

"Ah——hot, so hot!" With the overload of the mecha, the temperature of the air outlet rose rapidly, and Ezreal, who was caught by Kassadin, turned red instantly, "It's so hot!"

Hearing Xiao Huangmao's wailing, Kassadin froze for a moment, only to find that Xiao Huangmao's calf was facing the air outlet of the mech that he was clamping - after the power system was overloaded, the heat from the air outlet had already blown Xiao Huangmao The leg is hot red, and in 2 minutes it will even smell like meat!
Realizing this, Kassadin quickly changed his posture, avoiding the high temperature exhaust vents.

But even so, the gradually rising temperature of the mecha shell still made Xiao Huangmao extremely painful. He had to change his posture frequently to prevent part of his skin from contacting the surface of the mecha with a temperature higher than the skin temperature for a long time, causing low-temperature burns...

However, no matter how embarrassed the two of them were, after Kassadin actively overloaded the power system, they finally gradually stabilized the distance from Sivir.

"What the hell!" The little yellow-haired boy who changed his position and let himself be scalded evenly looked at the camels chasing after him, and said fiercely, "Why do they have so many camels?!"

"They're rich!" Kassadin snorted, "Okay, don't complain, is your hex crystal ready?"

"Ready—is it going to be changed now?"

"Change!" Kassadin nodded, "In this device, the Hex crystal has the highest temperature. If it continues to operate like this, my crystal may overheat and reduce frequency. Put on your gloves and quickly replace them. Your piece!"

"You haven't told me how to change it yet!"

"There is an opening in the waist, which is a card slot type, and the crystal is inside. I slow down a little, switch to the normal boost mode, and use the backup energy to act. You should quickly replace the main energy!"


Hearing this, the little yellow hair pulled himself together and found the energy card slot that Kassadin said. After opening it, he finally saw the already somewhat cloudy Hex crystal.

The gloved little yellow-haired hand was quite steady, and when Kassadin was running at full speed, he quickly completed this energy replacement.

After changing the energy source, Kassadin switched back to the main energy source, and was very pleasantly surprised to find that the crystal provided by the little yellow hair seemed to be much more pure than the one he used before. The motivation seems to be more surging!

Then, when he tried to overload for the second time and directly accelerated to throw off the pursuers behind him, the little yellow hair couldn't stand it any longer.

"Hot, hot!" Ezreal, who was being held by Kassadin, wailed in pain, "It's getting hotter... what's going on?"

"The heat dissipation pressure caused by the secondary overload has increased." Kassadin reluctantly turned off the secondary overload state, "Okay, it seems that we can't get rid of those guys... Now we can only hope that the possible large It's foggy."

"There must be!" After the temperature of the mecha shell dropped, Xiao Huangmao changed the place where he was scalded again, "I am always lucky!"


Ezreal is confident in his luck.

But unfortunately, this self-confidence seemed a bit blind - when they finally arrived at the oasis, not only was there no fog, but the sky was clear and clear.

The sky was bright blue, and the oasis at the foot of the mountain was even more green, but neither Kassadin nor Ezreal felt happy at this time.

The energy of the Hex crystals in their hands was almost exhausted, but due to heat dissipation constraints, the two of them could not get rid of the pursuers after all, and the abnormal fog that Kassadin was expecting did not appear...

It's over, it's over.

"Give me a gold hex." After entering the oasis, Kassadin hesitated for a moment, and said to Ezreal, "One is enough."


Although he didn't know what kind of wind this uncle suddenly had, Xiao Huang Mao still gave him a gold hex.

"After taking your money, I will be your guide." Kassadin said quickly as he continued to move forward, "Be patient, I'm going to be overloaded for the second time. Taking this opportunity, let me tell you about this The operation method of the inter-mech - it is fine according to the Piltover standard, but the following points need to be paid attention to..."

"what are you doing?!"

"Turn on the second overload, those guys can't catch up with you even if they are riding a camel, the second overload is a bit hot, the mech may be scrapped, whether you can run out depends on your luck..."

"You are my guide, how can I go out by myself without you?!"

"Wealth is something outside the body. There is an oasis two hundred miles south of here, just at the foot of the mountain. You can go there to replenish enough food and drinking water. The bittersweet by the water there is disgusting, but it won't kill you. At most it will make your stomach swell..."

"Don't arrange the funeral here by yourself!"

"If you want to arrange the funeral, if you have a chance, help me clean up the void—if my daughter is still alive, she should be about as big as you?"

"Stop talking, there is someone in front, I saw Scarash!"

"Maybe it's a mirage... Wait, it's really Scarash?!" Kassadin's voice distorted for the first time due to surprise, "What a bright light!"


Just after a round of intensive review of theoretical knowledge, Lux is dizzy at this time, and Ino is blind-eyed.

After finally getting through until it was light, the two poor children who had finally finished their classes finally pulled themselves out of their sleeping bags, got up and began to pack their bags, preparing for today's itinerary.

According to Karya, at noon today, at most, they will be able to see the resting place of Horok.

However, when Ino tried to wake up the sleepy Scarash by scratching his chin, Lux suddenly noticed two figures appearing on the edge of the northern oasis.

Suspecting that she was wrong, Lux raised her hand, summoned a beam of light, and shone in the direction of the two figures.

Then she was finally sure, there were indeed two people there!
And, one of them was wearing a distinctly Piltover-style mech!
Realizing this, Lux's eyes widened in surprise.

When Lax was surprised, the two rushed to her face like a breeze. After seeing Lax, one of them looked a little familiar, and danced excitedly, as if seeing a relative.

However, before Lux asked about the other party's identity, she suddenly heard Kalya's words.

"Ask them where they got their short swords and gauntlets."

Karya's tone was very calm, and he spoke every word very slowly.

But Lux, who had been with Kalya for a long time, could clearly sense the anger in his tone. This kind of real anger made Lax faintly palpitate.

She blinked and finally chose to repeat Karya's question.

Facing Lux's question, Kassadin narrowed his eyes slightly, but Ezreal next to him didn't intend to hide anything.

"It was found in a mausoleum...the tomb of the barren hill god, there is a stone box, I used the lock-opening spell you mentioned—"

Before Xiao Huangmao finished speaking, Lux's complexion changed drastically, and she stayed on Skalash's back all the time, Sefi rushed over like a stone sculpture, summoned a huge boulder and threw it at Xiao Huang hair.

Karya was furious.

But this time, Lux, who recognized Ezreal's identity, didn't have any intention of stopping it—although she still didn't know the whole story, she roughly guessed the reason for Kalya's rage.

This dog can't change the little yellow hair that eats shit, and I'm afraid it disturbed one of the people Karya cares about the most.

However... What everyone didn't expect was that when the boulder controlled by Sefika fell down, those inconspicuous "black stones" that had been wrapped in the little yellow hair seemed to come alive, accompanied by With a burst of deep laughter, he appeared in front of Ezreal.

The moment he heard this laughter, Sefika, who was controlled by Karya, stopped his movements abruptly.

"Did it scare you, Karya?" After the laughter stopped, the voice continued as if chatting with an acquaintance, "If I can scare you, then I should be considered successful, right?"


Everyone - including Karya and Sefika - was stunned.

"When you buried me, I didn't completely lose consciousness, but due to the erosion of the void, I could only move a few fingers."

"So, instead of letting you slowly waste time there and preside over the funeral after I die completely, it's better to let me be quiet for a while, and you continue to work with Xiaozhi and the others."

"Also, I remember [attend your own funeral once while you're alive, and then die peacefully in a corner where no one is around]. Is this your wish? I've done it for you!"

"The tomb you chose for me is very grand and grand, but I'm not as boring as you thought, so after you left, I changed myself to a slightly smaller place."

"If you see my dagger and my gauntlet, don't be surprised. That's my reward for the discoverer, a surprise for you. Didn't you say that I lack a sense of humor... so I The riddle left is to tell a joke that you haven’t told me—ahem, whoever gets my relic, hurry up and tell that joke now, or you will bear the consequences.”

"Hahahaha, how about it, [let everyone who sees his grave laugh out loud], this is also one of the things you told me to do after death, right? What a pity, I will do it for you too. It's done!"

"Well, I admit that I am a person with little creativity. I don't have as many ghost ideas as you, and I can't always be trusted by everyone like Setaka, but at least in terms of execution, I still have some advantages of……"

"Let me see, what else did you say when you were drinking too much—"

"By the way, you said that if you die first, [let me read your will seriously and add corny jokes to it]."

"So, I also completed this one for you. I read my own will solemnly. The contents of the will are all what you had hoped for."

"Look, since I have done everything you expected after death, is there no need for you to die, and you should work hard to live no matter what happens?"

 Karya's Little Classroom Horok's Last Hour:

  From being deeply infected by the void to being completely dead, Horok actually experienced a long time.

  After deceiving Karya, he moved himself out of the tomb that Karya had prepared for him that would never be disturbed by others, and came to the tomb that might be discovered outside, in the dark With the last effort, those statues were carved little by little.

  The reliefs and statues around the stone box are in one-to-one correspondence. Everyone on the reliefs is an image that has not yet ascended, and each statue corresponds to the most glorious posture in their life. Therefore, folklore Experts only know some sculptures of the image of ascended people, but they don't see the specific content of the reliefs.

  In the end, the void will not only erode the body, but also devour the memory. These black stones are the remaining ascension body after Hollock finally successfully resisted the devouring by the void. Ya see the will.

  At the last moment, Horok accomplished everything Kalya expected after death, and only hoped that the weakest guy could live a good life.

(End of this chapter)

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