Lux's Farewell

Chapter 344 [0340]

Chapter 344 [0340]
Lux firmly grasped her saber.

At this moment, she could clearly feel Kalya's emotional agitation. Although she roughly understood Horock's words just now, she still couldn't guarantee whether Kalya would suddenly explode and kill these two friends who disturbed him. RIP guy.

"Ask them what's going on." After a long time, Kalya seemed to calm down a little, "Tell them, don't try to lie."

Lacus breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly started asking Ezreal.

Then, before Xiao Huangmao could tell what had happened, the pursuers came.

Sivir and Elise, riding camels, brought a group of mercenaries and galloped all the way. After seeing Kassadin and the little yellow hair stopped, they spread out to the two wings, forming an outflanking formation, and sent Lacus , Yinuo connected with the target and surrounded them together.

"It was they who opened the tomb!" The little yellow-haired man who was almost strangled to death by Sefika just now stretched out his two hands, pointing at Sivir and Elise respectively, "They are tomb robbers. To take away the treasure inside, I was forced to carry out protective collection and placement!"

If it was normal, Kalya would definitely dismiss this kind of excuse, but considering that the little yellow hair has indeed been carrying Horock's last remaining body of ascension, and it seems that he has been chased all the way...

Ezreal is indeed an asshole.

But now it seems that at least he is not such a jerk.

Kalya's emotions gradually stabilized here, but on the other side, after seeing Elise, Lux could no longer contain the anger in her heart.

Although it had been more than three years, seeing Elise's face again, she still couldn't forget the alley in the suburbs of Zaun.

From dilapidated but bustling to silent and cold, Lux will never forget the instigator of that brutal massacre!
So, before Sivir could speak, she drew her sword on the spot, spread a pair of light-forged wings, and rushed straight at Elise!

After being stunned for a moment, Elise obviously quickly recognized the guy who directly caused her status in the black rose to plummet.

With a sneer, Elise waved her right hand directly, and several spiders had already rushed towards the wind.

Unfortunately, before the spiders could make a move, an ice wall rose up without warning—behind Lux, Ino put his hands on the ground, preventing Elise from counterattacking.

The counterattacking spider slammed into the ice wall, and Elise could only throw out a few sticky spider webs in an emergency, trying to stop Lacus.

Lux just waved the broken sword lightly, and the shadow spider web was easily cut into two pieces. She continued to go forward with her sword straight, pointing at Elise, vowing to cut Elise in two pieces with one sword. !
At the very moment, a cross blade whirled and flew from the side, precisely hitting Lux's blade, and then whirled and flew back to the master's hand.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Elise rolled over the camel's back in embarrassment, gritted her teeth and summoned a few big spiders to stop in front of her—judging from her pale face, these spiders that didn't grow up by eating flesh and blood seemed to consume a lot of energy. Gave her a lot of strength.

Lax, who was stopped, wanted to raise his sword to fight again, but after the blades intersected, he was surprised to find that the broken blade in his hand was visibly shortened by the naked eye.

Not only that, even the light element enchantment effect on the blade of her saber was completely destroyed after this blow.

Realizing this, Lux finally stopped cautiously, turned her head to look at Sivir who had retrieved the cross blade, her expression was obviously serious.

If you read it right... that gorgeously shaped cross blade is not only made of terrifyingly strong material, but also has the effect of breaking magic. Facing such a weapon, Lux must be careful and careful!
Sensing that Lux's broken blade was broken again, although he didn't know her identity, Kassadin decisively urged the power of the gauntlet to come to Lux, then reversed the blade of the underworld, and handed the hilt to Lux. Gave it to Lux.

"Use this, little girl."

Lacus was about to refuse, but Kalya suddenly said, "Here, you go and deal with Elise—the little bastard who uses Chalikar is handed over to me!" that the cross blade?
Kalya is familiar with that weapon?

Although there was some doubts in her heart, Lacus nodded, and took the blade of the underworld from Kassadin——and behind her, Sefika, who was controlled by Kalya, stepped forward, from Lacus's She took the broken blade of her saber in her hand.


Holding the blade of the underworld in her hand, Lux clearly felt the astonishing energy in this dagger for the first time.

As she poured her magic power into it, a light purple sword glow clearly appeared on the edge of the dagger.

The next moment, with a thought in Lax's mind, her figure appeared beside Elise very abruptly.

This sudden space movement not only stunned Elise, but even Lux herself never expected it—although Kalya also briefly touched on space magic in the extended course, the content Kalya talked about was very complicated, even Just the transmission of objects also requires a lot of complicated preparations.

But now, without knowing what happened, let alone a clear process of casting the spell, Lux has crossed the limitation of space and rushed a distance of more than ten yards in an instant!
This is really too weird!

In the flash teleport just now, Lux clearly felt that a lot of her magic power had been consumed, and she also experienced a process similar to elementalization.
But that process was too fast, she only had a faint feeling, and she had already completed this teleportation.

From Elise's point of view, what she saw was Lux suddenly disappearing in the light, and then suddenly reappearing in the light, as if two consecutive bursts of substantive strong light almost killed the guarding her The poisonous spider!

Therefore, almost at the moment when Lux appeared, she gave the command to self-destruct without hesitation. Beside Lax, a poisonous spider exploded with a bang, and the poisonous body fluids splashed everywhere and landed on the sand. There was a hissing corrosion on the ground.

Elise's reflexes were quick, but Lux's was even faster.

Holding the blade of the underworld, Lux disappeared into the burst of bright light once again with just a thought—however, her judgment on the landing point was still very lacking, this time she suddenly teleported backwards For more than twenty yards, I nearly plunged into the saltwater lake at the center of this oasis.

However, although she was extremely embarrassed, the corner of Lux's mouth showed a smile of winning.

That's right, this short sword is not very easy to control.

But with it in hand, that Spider-Woman is dead!

As long as she pokes her spiders one by one, it's only a matter of time before she is defeated!

Lacus had the upper hand here.

On Karya's side, Sivir also encountered the most severe challenge since he got Chalikar.

The guy (Sefika) who summoned a rock golem with a broken sword without saying a word, and sat on his head to command, seemed to know Charika very well.

Although the body of the puppet is huge, Sivir failed to hit the important position when throwing Charikal several times - the huge rock golem easily avoided the Charika with unreasonable agility and flexibility Er's attack caused every strange arc of the indestructible cross blade to fall into the empty space.

How can this be?

You know, even if Sivir and Charikar can almost be described as "heart-to-heart", every time after throwing the cross blade, Sivir himself cannot fully confirm its flight trajectory.

However, the rock puppet on the opposite side can put on a strange posture every time, avoiding Chalikar's attack, even if it is really scratched, it is just a skin trauma, just let a piece of gravel fill the gap The restored kind...

Although the other side didn't even launch a fruitful counterattack, Sivir's heart is getting colder and colder——no, this is no longer the point of understanding Chalikar, this is clearly knowing Chalikar better than himself !
Seeing that the situation was not quite right, Sivir had no choice but to maintain his offensive while wagging his tongue and began to taunt.

From Sefika's sluggish appearance to the stupid shape of this rock puppet; from the opponent's lack of a perfect counterattack opportunity to the nosy words of heartbreak, Sivir spoke extremely fast, and said everything that could be ridiculed over again.

Sivir's tongue is quite sharp. Although she doesn't know her opponent at all, she still talks non-stop, hoping to make the opponent's mood fluctuate and reveal some flaws.

But unfortunately, no matter what Sivir said, the other party didn't have any flaws.

Under Karya's personal control, Sefika and the rock golem were extremely stable, while dodging the attack from Chalikar, while approaching Sivir step by step.

During the period, a few loyal mercenaries wanted to come to help, but the rock puppet only needed to shake its arms, and it could fly out with people and camels.

These mercenaries also lost their minds, and they pulled out their scimitars and wanted to fight the rock puppets!
As a result... it can only bear the crushing damage caused by the huge tonnage gap!
The distance between the rock golem and Sivir gradually narrowed, and despair finally knocked on the door of Sivir's heart.

Chalikar is extremely sharp and invincible.

But for the first time, Sivir felt that she couldn't use this weapon at all—in front of the rock puppet that was approaching every step of the way, she seemed to be a helpless child who could only run away in embarrassment, no matter what method she used to fight back. , What kind of words are used to ridicule, this huge puppet still does not change its pace, and still presses up step by step.

Finally, when the distance between the two parties was within three yards, the huge puppet finally stretched out its arms.

As a response, Sivir did not throw Chalikar again this time, but held it in his hand and spun it rapidly, trying to cut the fist that hit him.

However, what Sivir never expected was that this hand did not choose to grab or smash, but stopped in front of her, separated five fingers, and transformed into a fist.

The five "fingers" made of stones were greatly separated, and the palm of the rock puppet was exposed in front of Sivir——Sivir subconsciously looked over, but found that in the palm made of finely crushed granite, countless The cracks in the rocks are patched together to form a series of extremely complicated lines.

When Sivir's eyes fell on these lines, a blood-red light flashed between the lines.

The next moment, the blood-red light turned into countless red silk threads, connecting between the palms of Sivir and the rock puppet as if they were strings manipulating a puppet.

Stone fist clenched.

An indescribable weakness and exhaustion surged from the bottom of Sivir's heart.

Sensing something was wrong, Sivir wanted to throw Chalikar and cut these magical threads just like the countless magics she had destroyed.

But this time, the Crusader didn't take her orders anymore.

No matter how hard Sivir swung it, Chalikar stopped turning as if he was "dead".

What's worse, as the weakness gradually deepened, Xivir couldn't even hold Chalikar with both hands. Chalikar, which was once as light as a feather, was now as heavy as Mount Tai, which directly made Xivir Weier fell to the ground in a panic!
The bloody thread connecting Sivir became more and more clear.

At the same time, a voice with a complex tone appeared from the bottom of her heart.

"I have accepted the gift of the bloodline, but have not assumed the responsibility for it, then I will take back this gift."

"What gift?!" Sivir fell into the sand in a state of embarrassment, but was still full of dissatisfaction, "My mother has come to this day, all relying on herself!"

"You can't get Chalikar's approval by yourself." The voice sighed and continued, "I sealed your blood gift, but you can't even get Chalikar."

"Fart! It's obvious that my old lady is too tired after running around all night——"

"Then pick up this stone and try." The rock golem bent down as if looking at a child, and casually pulled out a stone the size of a millstone from under the sand, and threw it in front of Sivir, "Look at you Is it really weak?"

Putting down Chalikar angrily, Sivir came to the stone, stooped, hugged the stone with both hands, and then... picked it up very smoothly.

After putting down the stone, Sivir's eyes widened in disbelief.

After a while, she turned around and grabbed Chali Kaer again—this cross blade was still heavier than Mount Tai.

Not only that, this time Sivir also clearly found that when he came into contact with Chalikar, he obviously felt that it seemed to suck his strength...

"Okay, you can go." The rock golem gently picked up Chalikar, and then waved his hand towards Sivir, "From now on, everything you do is really based on Myself has nothing to do with the gift of blood."


Sivir stared blankly at the rock puppet who turned away without hesitation, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

 Carya's Little Classroom Charikaer User Guide:
  There are three kinds of people who can use Chali Kaer normally:

  First, the descendants of Setaka.

  Second, Ascenders and Darkborn.

  Third, those who know enough about this weapon and whose own strength is extraordinary.

  PS. It is still a big chapter, and there is another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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