Lux's Farewell

Chapter 345 [0341] Blood of the same origin

Chapter 345 [0341] Blood of the same origin
After Sivir was deprived of the blood gift and Charikar, on the other side of the battlefield, the contest between Lux and Elise also came to an end.

Although Lux, who is holding the blade of the underworld, has already gained the upper hand and is even faintly invincible, but Ino still decisively helps and does not give Elise any room to escape—in a place where Elise does not care about the cost and frequently When blocking Lux with the self-destructing spider, Ino created eight crystal clear ice walls.

Then, eight ice walls surrounded her from eight directions, tightly closed together, and quickly capped, forming a cold cage that completely enveloped Elise.

Elise couldn't get out, but Lux, who held the blade of the underworld, could enter it without warning and launch a surprise attack.

And with every appearance of Lux, countless identical Lux will appear in every ice wall. Even though Elise knows that those are just illusions, she still has some scruples.

Originally, it was inferior in strength, plus not feeding enough spiders in advance, and now Lux has a helper...

Elise has more and more wounds.

Lux, who is sure of winning, is concerned about the opponent's poison, even though the anger in her heart is already burning, but the rhythm of the battle is still unhurried, not seeking a one-shot kill, but seeking to be safe.

In this case, there is no chance for Elise to fight back or even die together.

As the blade of the underworld trembled again and again, there were more and more wounds on Elise's body. Even if she transformed herself into a spider form with rough skin and thick flesh, she still could only walk in embarrassment under the eight ice walls. Wriggling and struggling in the icy cage formed.

Elise's spidery compound eyes were reflected on each side of the mirror-smooth ice.

At this moment, in all the compound eyes, the cruelty and cunning have faded away, and what remains is only endless despair.

She once taunted Lux ​​viciously, mocking her for not being able to protect those Zaun people who were eaten by spiders, hoping to arouse Lux's anger, let her show her flaws, and seek a chance of life.

But she never expected that although she successfully angered Lacus, under the rage, Lacus would only become calmer and more cautious!
At this moment, even though Elise's eight spider leg joints have been broken, and her spider-shaped body can only roll in the gravel, Lux is still unwilling to approach her.

"Coward!" Elise's mouthparts trembled, "The way you cringe makes me sick—"

"How could I lose in the hands of trash like you!"

"Come on, give me a good time!"

"Or, are you going to take me back to Zaun according to the ridiculous law?"

"Hahaha, I heard that you gave the war criminal named Singed to the weak Ionians—"

"Why, do you want to do it again now?"

"Then come!"

However, even so, Lux still did not approach rashly. She stood still outside the ice cage, took a deep breath, and then held the hilt of the Blade of the Underworld with both hands.

Surging magic power was poured into this sharp blade, and above the edge of the sword, the glow of the light-forged sword suddenly soared!

Nodding to Ino, Ino raised his hands, and the ice prison opened a gap.

"Three years ago, in a dark alley on the outskirts of Zaun, you indulged spiders and killed 76 innocent people." Lux's voice was as cold as Ino's ice, "Since then, you have not It needs to be judged, and anyone who sees it can be killed."

"You—I'm not judged!"

"Death is the best judgment for you!"

The next moment, in Elise's desperate goal, a light-forged greatsword was raised high in Lux's hand, and cut in from the gap in the icy cage.

Elise still wanted to struggle, but even if her seriously injured body squirmed, she couldn't avoid this brilliant sword!
Under the desperate gaze of the compound eyes, the lightsaber fell like a guillotine.


In the ice cage, the poisonous liquid splashed out, corroding the mirror-like ice into pits—even at the last moment, Elise still had the intention of dragging someone to hell.

However, with Lux and Ino teaming up, her vicious thoughts had no chance of succeeding at all. The lightsaber ended all her sins. It's just sand.

When everything subsided, Ino finally dispersed the ice cage. Lux glanced at the mess inside, then turned around and took out the fire starter from Scarash's bag.

Throwing a burning firewood, Lux successfully ignited the spider threads scattered nearby. As the flame rose, a smell of burnt feathers spread.

After a while, the flames went out, and the rock puppet that got Chalikar bent down and quickly dug a hole, then swept the mess into the hole and filled it with sand.

After finishing everything, Lux finally let out a long breath.

Beside her, Sefika, who had buried everything, jumped off the rock golem, allowing the rock golem's huge body to collapse on its own, scattering rubble all over the ground, and finally handed the sword back to Lux's hand.

Along with the saber, there was also the cross blade that Sivir got from him.


"I don't know how to use the cross blade." Holding the hilt of the saber again, Lacus finally relaxed completely. While holding the heavy Chalikar with one hand, she looked up and down, and said something strange asked, "How did you bring it, where is the man?"

"Unworthy descendants, let her fend for herself." Kalya snorted, her tone seemed a bit complicated, "It's good that you can pick up Chalikar--you don't need to know how to use it, as long as you hold it, it is quite important symbol."

"Important symbol?" Lux was stunned for a moment, "Wait, you said it was Chalikar? The weapon of Setaka, the empress of ascension to martial arts?"

"That's right, it's Chalikar."

"That woman can use Chalikar normally... She is a descendant of Empress Wu, the royal family of Shurima?!" Lux widened her eyes in astonishment, "Didn't you say that only the royal blood can use it normally?"

"That's why I said that she is an unworthy descendant." Carya seemed not to want to say more on this topic, "I deprived her of her blood, and then let her go."


Feeling a little strange, Lux tried to turn the crossblade, but when she had this idea, the crossblade seemed to come alive, swallowing a lot of her magic power, making her go numb and almost grasping it. Can't live.

"You can't use it now." Kalya sighed, "Carry it on your back, and it will be your help when you climb Mount Targon."

"Then... what about Horok's relic?" Lux asked while finding a rope and carrying Chalikar on her back, "What about Ezreal and that Shuriman?"

"Let's go, go talk to them." Kalya seemed to have finally calmed down, "I respect Horok's opinion, but before that, they still need to investigate."


Amidst the anxiety of Ezreal and Kassadin, Lax, who was carrying Chalikar on her back, finally returned to them.

"Elise has already been punished." Lux held the blade of the underworld in her hand, and then looked at the two people in front of her. "As for you, I think maybe we can have a brief chat."

"I brought professional rubbing paper!" Xiao Huangmao took out a few crumpled gray-white papers that looked like rags from the gap in his backpack, "Just rubbing the lines on these things Print it out and take it home, and I can publish a paper that can cause a sensation..."

Ezreal's reaction made Lux very satisfied, so she nodded slightly, and turned to look at Kassadin who had been silent all this time.

"I..." Kassadin hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed helplessly, "I hope to get this sword."

"Why?" Lux repeated Kalya's question, "For money? Or for power?"

"I can understand some ancient Shurima language." Kassadin did not answer directly at the first time, "Although the behavior of Izreal and I is not very polite, it seems that the owner of this sword is still willing to use it as a A reward, given to us."

"But as a friend of the master, I also have reason to investigate to see if you are qualified to bear this kindness." Lacus imitated Kalya's tone and continued to ask, "Tell me, why do you want this weapon? ——If it’s for money, I can discount it for you on the spot.”

"I don't want money." Kassadin shook his head, "I want power, the power to take revenge."

The little yellow hair who was preparing to mix the ink and print the lines widened his eyes in astonishment: "Mr. Kassadin, you and I didn't say that, you didn't say that you were thinking about these cultural relics!"

Unfortunately, neither Lux nor Kassadin paid him any attention.

"Who is your enemy?" Lux hugged his shoulders and said, "As a reward, maybe I can help you complete your revenge."

"My enemy is...the void." After seeing the possibility of revenge, Kassadin hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to tell everything, "The void and its followers destroyed everything about me, my family , My relatives are swallowed by the void, I want this sword, it will allow me to launch a husband and a father's revenge in the desperate situation of Icacia."

Kassadin's words made Lacus think of Bakay. She could clearly see that Kassadin is not a powerful person. Under such circumstances, if he is allowed to use this blade of the underworld with space ability, the consequences may be Will be as miserable and hopeless as Sefika.

However, just when she was about to refuse, Karya gave an answer that surprised her.

"give him."

"Can he really master this power?" Lux hesitated, "If he can't master it, Bakai's tragedy will repeat itself!"

"His fate is already closely related to this weapon." Kalya said in a subtle tone, "From my understanding, if Horok knows, he will be very satisfied."

Lacus blinked, still hesitating in her heart, but out of trust in Kalya, she still handed over the dagger to Kassadin.

The little yellow-haired rubbing at the side came over directly when he saw this, and wanted to get a gauntlet to take back—however, this time Karya did not agree to his request.

"Based on his door-opening spell, I didn't kill him on the spot because of Horlock's face, and still want the gauntlet? Let him crawl!"


The sun jumped over the horizon.

In this small oasis, the temperature finally began to rise gradually.

After Ezreal rubbed the patterns on Chalikar, Blade of the Underworld and the two gauntlets, he grinned and reluctantly handed these things back to Lux.

Chalikar was carried on the back by Lacus again.

She also gave Kassadin the Blade of the Underworld again.

The remaining two gauntlets were each worn by Lux and Ino on their wrists.

Putting on Horlock's gauntlet, both Lux and Ino felt a little subtle in their hearts.

"Put it on." Sensing the cautious thoughts of the two little girls, Kalya said helplessly, "I'm not the kind of hypocritical person... and, according to the tradition of the Shurima tribe, after the death of the tribe, the It is a common thing for the relics left behind to continue fighting."

"Then shall we go to that col?"

"No, no, go directly to Bumang." Kalya paused, and his tone finally changed back to his previous mean look, "However, I want to tell you some unfortunate news."

"Unfortunate news?"

"From now on, I'm afraid you'll have to walk all the way, following Scarash on your legs."

"Why?" Lux asked incredulously, "Why should I walk with two legs if Scarash doesn't ride?"

"Because Scarash can't bear the weight of Chalikar." Karya laughed loudly, "You can carry Chalikar because you have already entered the ranks of extraordinary people, so as long as you don't want to use it This weapon can carry it on its back—but Skalash can't, for it, this small cross blade is heavier than Mount Tai!"

Hearing what Karya said, Lux was completely dumbfounded. She tried to climb the rope and ride on Skalash's back, but found helplessly that Skalash really couldn't carry her. As long as she climbed up, Scarash's body began to fall to the side...

Back on the ground, Lax realized the seriousness of the problem. She turned her head and looked at Sivir, who seemed to be still in a state of being hit, and still couldn't recover, and asked Karya doubtfully. : "Then why can she ride a camel with Chalikar?"

"Empress Wu's bloodline, there's nothing I can do about it."

"Yes, you deprived her of the power of her bloodline." Lux finally realized the key point that made her feel so awkward before, "Wait a minute, why do you have the ability to deprive her of the power of her bloodline? I think, you seem to have said The way to deprive bloodlines of magic power——Ino, do you remember?"

"Deprivation of the same blood." Ino, who was tortured enough by the theory class recently, gave the answer immediately, "Kalya can only deprive others of the same bloodline power as Kalya!"

"So, her blood also comes from..."

Finally realizing the crux of the problem, both Lacus and Ino froze in place as if petrified.

 Kalya's Little Classroom One of Shurima Emperor's titles:

  In Shurima, among the titles that praise the emperor, there is a very inconspicuous "combination of strength and wisdom".

  This line may seem like pure flattery, praising the strength and wisdom of the emperor, but in fact, it explains the original bloodline of the royal family of Shurima.

  Among them, power comes from Setaka, and wisdom... I can only say that everyone who understands understands.

(End of this chapter)

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