Lux's Farewell

346 Step-by-step exercise

346 Step-by-step exercise

"It's all old things." In the silence of Lacus and Ino, Kalya said in a calm and breezy tone, "Who hasn't been young, hasn't had a period of passionate burning— —”

"But you never told me that the Prince Regent is actually the Prince Regent." Lux covered her forehead helplessly, "No wonder the Golden Feather of the Regent King is so effective..."

Only then did she realize that she and Ino had been unknowingly wrapped up in the cocoon of information provided by Kalya—the fact that the regent is the regent prince is actually in the history of Shurima Not really a secret.

Setaka, as "the orthodox leader of Shurima", people related to her have always been the focus of archaeological research.

Therefore, although the people of Shurima may not know that the Prince Regent is the Shurima Death God and the principal of Shurima University, they are very clear that the Empress Dowager and the Prince Regent are the source of the Shurima royal family's blood, which is the source of power and strength. representative of wisdom.

And because of Kalya's "Shurima Master", Lax and Ino have never taken the initiative to look up information about Shurima, and they can ask Kalya if they have anything. Now, they didn't realize at all that their teacher was the husband of the empress who ascended to the military rank, the only prince of Shurima!

Just as Lacus sighed, can the King Regent's Golden Feather not work well?

"The Shurima Empire is finished, and there is actually not much difference between the regent and the regent prince." Kalya put on a look that these are all details, "In comparison, among the many identities , I still prefer the identity of the principal of Shurima University——Okay, okay, don’t worry about these things, pack up your things quickly, we still have to go on.”

"But, what about that girl?" Lux pointed to Sivir who came back to his senses and was helping his mercenaries, "She is your bloodline descendant..."

"If you're talking about blood, do you still remember the Kodola who was finally sentenced to hang in Miril City?" After Lux and Ino nodded at the same time, Kalya finally laughed, "The relationship between him and you is far away. It is much closer than her and me... Speaking of blood, you may think of your father, mother, and elder brother, but in fact, for the immortal, it is a completely different concept."


Both Lacus and Ino were silent. Although Kalya's tone seemed to be understated, the loneliness in it was beyond words.

"For ordinary people, the bloodline is the most important bond." Carlya paused, and continued to explain reluctantly, "But for me, the bloodline connection is not even as stable and reliable as the one passed down from teacher to student... This is a It's quite a complicated topic, especially about the changes in social relations brought about by the immortals. Only after you have climbed Mount Targon will you have a similar understanding to me-well, this topic is over, it's time to start .”

Although Lacus and Ino still have many questions, it is clear that Karya is no longer willing to talk to them.

According to the usual experience, in this case, if you insist on breaking the casserole and asking Karya to the end, you will only get a sentence of "now is not the time" in the end, and then double the practice after class that day.

In desperation, Lacus and Ino could only look at each other, shook their heads tacitly, and then began to pack their bags.


When the sun was high and the temperature in the desert began to rise rapidly, the three groups in the oasis finally parted ways in silence.

Although he lost his camel, the witty Kassadin took out homemade radish camel snacks and successfully seduced the camel that Elise was riding before.

He finally managed to tame the camel after digging a simple aqueduct, taking it for a swig of salt water from the Oasis Lagoon, and taking the opportunity to give the camel a full massage.

With the camel as a pack animal, he can finally take off the heavy mech, put it away and put it on the back of the camel together with the luggage.

After doing all this, he finally called Xiao Huangmao. After confirming the direction, the two said goodbye to Lacus and Ino, turned to the northwest, and began to move towards the direction of Nashi Lamei.

It was also when they set off that Lacus and Ino also set off at the same time.

Because Lacus and Ino needed to carry Chalikar on their backs and walk on foot in shifts, Scarash's load was significantly reduced.

Coupled with the fact that he was full of food and drink in the oasis just now, the state of this Skalash is obviously much better, and his walking steps are much lighter, so that the person riding on Skalash’s back needs to Give it a speed limit by tugging on the reins now and then.

It is foreseeable that the journey from here to Bumang, Lux and Ino will be quite difficult.

As for Sivir... It took her a long time to recover after experiencing a tragic blow, and she began to gather the team.

Although the mercenaries who were thrown out by the rock puppets were in terrible condition and extremely embarrassed, most of them were not in danger of life. Sivir dug them out of the sand and stationed them there temporarily.

During this period, Sivir also thought about whether to talk to the person who took away the gift of her blood, but this stubborn girl finally chose to grit her teeth and regroup the team.

Although the loss of Chalikar made her feel extremely painful, it was not enough to make her take the initiative to beg for mercy - the old lady is the top mercenary in Nashilami, even if there is no Chalikar, she is still a big boss !
Sivir made up his mind, in this oasis, when he and the mercenaries had almost recovered their physical strength, and at dusk, he would lead the team back.

A single failure can't explain anything. What kind of hardships and failures has Sivir not experienced along the way?

Compared to when his parents died when he was a child, he could only survive by picking up rotten vegetables in the market; compared to being betrayed by others and almost dying of thirst in the desert before; Dominion, almost dying under the knife... What is this kind of innocuous failure?
Sivir is no sweetheart in the greenhouse!


From the unnamed oasis to Bumang, due to the need to slow down and walk, the original three-day itinerary was abruptly extended to five days.

When Lux and Ino finally saw the fence outside Bumang Town, they were about to cry with joy.

Unlike riding on Skalash's back and slowly moving forward, the difficulty of trekking in the yellow sand of the desert has increased significantly.

For the two of them, traveling on Skalash's back was just tough, but following Skalash... that could only be described as painful.

Although they all wear high-waisted boots with straps at the mouth of the boots, the gravel will not fall into the boots, but after walking all day, the feet will be sore and sore.

Even if because of Yinuo, the two of them are not short of water, and can even soak their feet in hot water every night to relieve fatigue, but the four slippery little feet of the two of them, which used to be born white, are now gone. Thick calluses.

As Transcendents, Lacus and Ino are obviously superior to ordinary people in terms of energy and physique, but because Carya still insists on insisting on attending classes at night, Lacus and Ino can only take shifts during the daytime to rest. Completely offset the superiority of the extraordinary!

Therefore, when they arrived at Bu Mang, their state could no longer be described simply as "wretched"—different from the previous understatement all the way, at this moment, the state of Lacus and Ino was finally really close A desert traveler who travels through the desert all year round.

"Finally found a place where there are people." Lux, who paid the entrance fee and entered Bomang, let out a long sigh, "I'll find a craftsman right away and build me a sand sledge—finally no more Carrying the heavy Chalikar!"

"You have a good idea." Kalya heard the words and couldn't help laughing, "But I want to remind you that even if you build a sand sledge, you don't need to carry Chalikar on your back. From here to the foot of Mount Targon , you and Ino still need to take turns walking."

"Why?" Lux asked incredulously, "From here on, can't you ride Scarash?"

"To be honest, I suggest you sell this Scarash." Carya's next words left Lacus stunned, "During the rest of the trip, according to my plan, you have four hours to rest every day , that is, the four hours at noon, the rest of the time is for classes in the evening and traveling during the day—Scarash is not easy to accommodate, and changing two camels will save a lot of time.”

"This!" Lux and Ino's eyes widened at the same time, "How is this possible?"

"Unlike the people of Rakkor, you have to climb Mount Targon as soon as possible." Kalya said in a serious tone, "The sooner the better, the faster the safer, so it is best to travel day and night."

"So this trip to the desert is not only sharpening our will, but also adapting us to a state similar to climbing?" Lux blinked and said suddenly, "From going out at night to traveling day and night, from riding on Scarash got on his back and led the camel and walked by himself..."

"Ruzi can be taught."

"Does that mean that we don't even need camels when we get to places like Kalamanda?" Lux narrowed his eyes and looked at the hilt of his sword. Advance with one pair of legs?!"

"Not exactly." Lux's recent sharpness has caused Kalya a bit of a headache (although strictly speaking, Kalya has no head now), "Even at the foot of Mount Targon, you can keep a camel , in order to shelter from the wind and sand while resting, and to help carry Sefika.”

Hearing Kalya's weak explanation, both Lacus and Ino couldn't help but rolled their eyes at the same time - sure enough, he planned it out, from the relatively easy at the beginning to the extremely difficult at the end, the journey along the way The increase in difficulty really highlights a step-by-step process!
But rolling their eyes, the two little girls still led Scarash obediently to the cattle market in the corner of Bumang.

However, what they never expected was that there were no camels for sale in Bu Mang's livestock market.

"Don't say that there is no recklessness." Facing the unbelievable Lacus and Ino, the owner of a large livestock shop showed a helpless expression on his face, "Now if you want to buy a camel, you can only go to Nashilami, or Zurita!"

"What happened?" Lux handed a small bag of change to the boss, "Why are the camels suddenly unavailable?"

"Because there is a war in the west." The owner of the livestock store shook his head, but did not take the bag of money. "There was a war on Uzeris, and I heard that the Noxians were going to recruit troops there, and I don't know how to return it." It's up to the Rakkor know the Rakkor people?"

"Yeah." Lux nodded, "Those fanatical believers."

"Yeah, how could the fanatical Rakkor fight for the secular kingdom?" The boss spread his hands, showing a helpless look, "I heard that Noxus has been denounced as [Enemy of the Sun] 】Yes."

"So you can't buy camels?" Lux still didn't understand, "What does this have to do with buying and selling camels?"

"The situation is tense." The boss spread his hands, "Everyone doesn't know whether this conflict will intensify or subside slowly, so the trading of strategic materials such as camels is restricted."

"But it's a thousand miles away from Uzeris, right?" Lux widened her eyes in astonishment, "And there are big cities such as Zurita and Nashiram in the middle...Why is this so?"

"Are you from the east?" The owner of the livestock shop didn't directly answer Lacus' question, but instead asked, "From the east of the Dasai Desert?"

"That's right." Although Lux didn't know why the other party asked this question, she nodded, "I'm from Belguen."

"Aha, no wonder." Hearing this, the boss nodded with satisfaction, "Although everyone is from Northern Shurima, the east and west are still different. Few of you believe in giant gods, right?"


"But it's different in the west." The boss chuckled, "That's me. If you change to a livestock store, they're probably going to preach to you by now..."

"Do people here believe in giant gods?" Lux asked curiously, "I just heard that the Rakkor people are fanatical believers."

"The Lakkol people are more fanatical, but apart from the Nashilami people, people from other places also believe a little bit." The boss pouted at another livestock store opposite, "Did you see that sign at their door, that It means that they are believers of Lie Yang."


"The Noxians have stabbed the scorpion's nest this time-except for the iron-headed children of Nasramme and Zurita, the governors of various places have turned a blind eye to the Rakkor people, allowing They use money as a substitute." The boss hugged his shoulders, with a smile like a happy man on his face, "Uzeris is in chaos, stop the trading of strategic materials at this time, when the incident is over, how much less tax will be paid, devout believers will Make up the full amount without any debts, tell me, is our Governor willing to stop the transaction directly?"

 Karya's Small Classroom Rakkor Under the Influence of the Colossus:

  Unlike the Shurima, the customs of the Rakkor are largely influenced by their beliefs.

  They are "God's chosen people", so they will not serve the governors and lords everywhere, but as compensation, they will pay an additional "exemption money".

  Moreover, whenever the order's affairs require the help of administrative forces, they will negotiate with the leaders of the order, ask for help from the administrative forces, and pay them.

  It seems that the Rakkor people need to bear a heavier burden than ordinary Shurima people, but similarly, within each religious order, there are also various unique mutual aid mechanisms that allow these Rakkor people and the giant gods of faith The Shurima people have advantages in other aspects-whether it is the standard society in the church (similar to a fund-raising bank), or religious schools, orphanages and old people's homes, which cannot be maintained by other Shurima cities.

  In a sense, the current Rakkor and the religious groups that believe in giant gods are in many ways closer to the organizations that filled the grassroots relations after the collapse of the Shurima Empire than purely religious organizations, and this trend The farther east you go, the more obvious it is.

  The Rakkor in the far west near Targon are extremely fanatical, but east of Uzeris, joining the cult is more of a grassroots mutual aid...

  PS. There is only such a big chapter today, so adjust the work and rest time a little.

(End of this chapter)

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