Lux's Farewell

Chapter 347 [0343]

Chapter 347 [0343]
"You mean, because there was a dispute between the Noxians and the followers of the giant gods on Uzeris, so the trading of strategic materials is temporarily banned here." Lux blinked twice, and said with some surprise , "At that time, how much will the tax be lost, and the order of the giant god believers will make up for the governor?"

"That's it!" The boss of the livestock shop seemed quite dissatisfied with those colleagues who had converted to the belief of giant gods. Seeing that Lacus understood what he meant, he nodded with a smile, "In addition to the exemption money and regular money, those guys have Get some blood!"

"Exemption money and regular money... According to what you mean, these giant god believers have additional taxes?" Lux was quite surprised, "If you have to pay extra money, is there anyone willing to believe in giant gods?"

"Don't think they want to pay, but the money is not in vain at all!" The boss licked his lips enviously when he heard this, and curled his lips with a little disdain, "The money for exempting them from military service , corvee service, the regular money is regarded as the funds for mutual aid activities of each family, with these two amounts of money, plus going to listen to the lectures when you have nothing to do, a group of foreign bastards will be hooked up, a group of bastards... ..."

It seems to be gloating, and it seems to be a long-standing grievance. Anyway, the owner of the livestock business who has no business now has nothing to do, so he simply chatted with Lacus at the door.

Through his narration, Lux had a new understanding of the "not pious, but absolutely true" giant god belief of the Shurima people, and even Kalya was stunned by it.

This "giant belief" is completely different from the kind of giant god belief that Kalya recognizes.

You know, during the period of the Shurima Empire, generally those who believed in the giant gods were dignitaries who were not qualified to ascend—belief in the giant gods can really prolong life, and the ascension ceremony is related to the giant gods, so even if Seta Ka and Karya both felt headaches about the giant god belief, but they still couldn't ban it.

Since the Ascension Ceremony borrowed the power of the Titan, after the rise of the empire, it will be difficult to kick it away. For the Shurima Empire, this is the price.

But now, the former Yan Wang Xietang flew into the homes of ordinary people.

After the collapse of the empire and the War of the Darkborn, the governors of various places who were once the main force of the belief in giant gods began to raise the banner of orthodox Shurima one by one for their own rule; But he took the initiative to put on the cloak of giant god belief on the mutual aid organizations of the people...

When he heard that Western Shurima was full of believers who converted to the giant gods, Karya thought that the power of the giant gods had made a comeback, but following the boss's story, he finally discovered with astonishment that these "giant beliefs" and what he knew The formal "Giant God belief" of the Eight Classics is not the same thing at all.

For these believers, the teachings are actually not important, what is the difference between protoss and giant gods, and whether they are gods or celestial beings is not important.

Most of the cults that believe in giant gods are essentially just worshiping some great forces in nature.

They worshiped the sun, the moon, and the stars...then metaphysically and naturally summed up some similar beautiful qualities, forming the giant god belief that is blooming everywhere today.

Unlike the people of Rakkor who lived on Mount Targon and would really throw their heads and blood for the prestige of the gods, these followers of the Targon Cult in Shurima have little to do with the real Titan Protoss. The Cult is important to them , more like a spiritual destination, and a grassroots self-governing organization.

If you have to use a more precise term, then maybe they should be called "Earth Giant God Faith" to be more reliable.

The giant god or something is just a pretext—the most important thing is to use the pretext of the giant god to organize everyone together.

For these believers who converted to the "earth giant god belief", the giant god is the heavenly father and brother in Hong Xiuquan's mouth-it's just that these believers did not rebel under this banner, but formed a gang-like grassroots under this name Mutual aid associations to fight against the authority of "Shurima orthodoxy" in the hands of city lords or governors.

After figuring this out, let alone Lacus, even Kalya was dumbfounded.

He really never dreamed that after the collapse of the Shurima Empire, the giant god belief would have such a "down-to-earth" development.

However, after a moment of bewilderment, Kalya quickly realized the seriousness of the problem.

According to the boss, these "earth giant believers" not only have their own organizations, but also establish their own religious schools, their own religious charitable halls, and religious symbols. From the perspective of "expansion of power", they have done a pretty good job!

If this is the case... even if these sects have nothing to do with the real giant gods, if one day the giant god protoss really came to these sects, wouldn't these sects instantly become part of the real giant god sect?

Realizing this, Kalya was anxious at the time. Although he was not at all interested in the orthodox Shurimaism that the city lords and governors of various cities hypocritically insisted on, no matter how you look at it, it is this kind of Shurimaism that is rooted in the grassroots and full of vitality. The earth giant belief is more threatening.

Once they transform collectively, I am afraid that the giant gods will really build a heaven on earth that they are looking forward to but has never appeared under the resistance of Kalya and Setaka!

This is not a good thing-look at the Rakkor people, they are the best role models, dedicating everything to the giant gods, the Rakkor people are simply the most standard belief leeks, and they have been fighting with " "God's Enemy", even occupying the most favorable natural conditions in Shurima, life has always been bitter.

Don't look at Kalya's superficial appearance of "it's all the past", but he will also feel worried when it comes to the future of Shurima.

So, after Lux finished chatting with the boss, Karada immediately urged her to go to the community of the belief in giant gods and learn about the situation there.

"Would that help with climbing Targon too?"

"It may not be helpful for climbing Mount Targon, but at least it will help you understand Targon."

"But you said that their beliefs have nothing to do with giant gods?"

"If they merge, it will be really troublesome!"


Under Kalya's urging, Lacus and Ino took Scarash by the hand, bid farewell to the toothache boss, and rushed to the nearby community that believed in the earth giant without stopping.

Unlike what Kalya had expected, which was full of resplendent and resplendent religious buildings, this area looked extraordinarily ordinary.

In the huge community, except for a "chapel" in the center that looks more like a lecture hall, the rest of the community looks like an ordinary residential area—and it is a residential area with the characteristics of the Shurima Empire!

When Lacus and Ino arrived here, it happened to be the end of school time. Many children cheered and rushed out of the school, chasing each other to the house. Carrying a small wooden box with him.

A child seemed to be walking too fast, and accidentally fell to the ground. The box in his hand was thrown open, and various gadgets and books inside were scattered on the ground.

Lux and Ino carefully approached it, and were surprised to find that, judging from the various items in this small box, it seemed that the main content of these children's learning in religious schools was accounting, handicrafts, reading and geography!

Except for a booklet of "Praise the Sun", in the small wooden box carried by the child, there does not seem to be any content related to the belief of giant gods-and according to Kalya's understanding of the Sun Protoss, if according to Sun Cult The request of the regiment, even this pamphlet "Praise the Sun", is definitely a heretical content.

Now Karya is really interested.

"Do you remember what the boss said just now?" He urged Lux, "He said that these earth giant beliefs are very happy to preach—maybe we can go to their chapel?"

"But when we just passed by, it seemed to be locked." Lux was stunned for a moment, "And, what about this Scarash?"

"Then find a cattle shop that believes in the earth giant gods, and then talk to them." Carya chuckled, "I am very interested in this wonderful 'giant god order' now, and I have noticed something in them. Subtly familiar."


"Yes, but the specific situation will only be known after reading it."

"Well, since you said so, then Ino and I will take this opportunity to rest."

In this way, Lacus and Ino turned back to the livestock market, and then chose another livestock store with the sun emblem hanging on the door.

Coincidentally, the kid in this family was the same bastard who fell on the ground after school. Just when Lacus asked if there was any camel for sale, the kid rushed back dirty, Running and waving a test paper.

"I passed the spellcasting test! I passed the spellcasting test!"

The owner of the livestock store strode out happily. After noticing that there were customers, he touched his son's head, turned around and called his wife, and finally looked at Lacus.

"Miss, are you here to buy cattle or sell cattle?"

"I want to buy two camels."

"It's just a coincidence that our reckless camel business has been closed recently."

"The market is closed?" Lux blinked her eyes, put on a confused look, and asked knowingly, "What's going on?"

"The despicable Noxians want us to fight for their ambitions." Hearing this, the boss showed a mixed expression of dissatisfaction and disdain, "We all paid the exemption money, and they still want us It is wishful thinking to send them to the battlefield to fight for their ambitions."

"But... there are no Noxians here!"

"It's the Noxus of Uzeris." The boss shook his head, "We are expressing solidarity with our compatriots."

"So, Bu Mang, thousands of miles away, stopped the camel market?"

"That's right!" The boss put on a proud look, "The Pope said, this involves the issue that our future exemption money will not be counted, we must let those bastards realize the unity of our church! "

"Exemption money?"

"You don't even know about the exemption money?" Seeing Lux's curious expression, the other party became interested in an instant, "This is the characteristic of our Sun God Sect. As long as the Pope and the Governor Witness me, if you pay enough exemption money, you don’t have to do military service for the city lord and governor!”

"Then there is no need to go to war?!" Lux showed a surprise look at the right time, "Can it still be like this?"

"Of course!" Satisfied with Lax's performance, the boss also opened up the chatter box. While he began to talk about his understanding of his own Sun God Sect, he also dug out a simple printed booklet from under the counter. Booklet, and stuffed it to Lacus, "Praise the sun, as long as you join our Sun God Sect, you will have something to depend on and support you when you are old..."

"Few things to rely on?"

"Just in a while, I'm going to school to enroll that bastard in my family for a mage training class!" The boss tried hard to suppress the excitement on his face, but still accidentally exposed eight teeth, "You can go and see with me, Sun God In the school where I teach, all the teachers are seniors with high morals, and our community does not have those gangsters who commit crimes outside..."

"The old man has something to support?"

"The church's nursing home!" When it came to this topic, the boss finally calmed down, "Although it can't compare with his own children, but with the help of fireworkers, at least he won't die on the bedside without anyone knowing, and there are too many elderly people. Can relieve boredom..."

"Hey, are you a cult that believes in giant gods?" Lux nodded and asked, "I've seen Rakkor people before, but you seem to be completely different from them?"

"We are not Rakkor people!" Hearing this, the boss frowned and showed a look of disgust, "Rakkor people are God's servants, we are different, we are God's chosen people - they serve God Yes, but God is for us!"

God is for us!

After hearing these words, Lux barely maintained her curiosity on the surface, but in fact her whole body was completely numb.

You must know that although Demacia is a royal country, with the existence of the Illuminati, even the king, it is impossible to say "God is for us" carelessly.

Such a man of virtue and prestige as Jiawen III, dared to say this sentence in public one day, and the next day the Illuminati would directly raise troops and establish another emperor.

But in Bumang, in a family that believes in the "Sun God Religion", the male host actually directly stated that "Gods serve us", and his words were full of enthusiasm for the extremely devout believers of the Rakkor people. disdain...

This is simply unimaginable.

Lux was dumbfounded, and so was Ino.

But at the same time, Kalya couldn't bear it any longer and laughed out loud.

"Quickly, Lacus, ask him, who is the first Pope of the Sun God Sect." Kalya laughed out of breath, and urged, "Is it Valieva!"

Lux, who was in a dazed state, subconsciously asked this question.

"Huh?" Hearing Lacus' question, the boss raised his brows strangely, "How do you know the name of our first pope?"

 Carya's Little Classroom: Butterfly Wings:

  Although the Shurima Empire that Kalya once worked so hard to build was eventually submerged in the dust, it does not mean that he did all his efforts in vain—in fact, because of Kalya, the current Shurima In fact, it is quite a "surprising" country.

  PS. The amount of information in the chapters these days is a bit large, and the writing is relatively slow. I only have this chapter today. I am very sorry...

(End of this chapter)

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